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[PATCH] _multi_parts doesn't always pass -f to compadd

I noticed this the other day and forgot about it until now. In some cases
(seemingly the most common ones?), _multi_parts doesn't pass -f to compadd,
which prevents colours/symbols from being applied to files. Just adding -f to
the list of options that are passed unconditionally seems to fix it? Possibly
some of the other options could be added too, but i didn't check


diff --git a/Completion/Base/Utility/_multi_parts b/Completion/Base/Utility/_multi_parts
index 00e3e26cc..8a77ff0f0 100644
--- a/Completion/Base/Utility/_multi_parts
+++ b/Completion/Base/Utility/_multi_parts
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ typeset -U tmp1 matches
 zparseopts -D -a sopts \
     'J+:=group' 'V+:=group' 'x+:=expl' 'X+:=expl' 'P:=opts' 'F:=opts' \
-    S: r: R: q 1 2 o+: n f 'M+:=matcher' 'i=imm'
+    S: r: R: q 1 2 o+: n 'f=opts' 'M+:=matcher' 'i=imm'
 sopts=( "$sopts[@]" "$opts[@]" )
 if (( $#matcher )); then

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