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BUG: "zle reset-prompt" prints "n" when called from a trap


    autoload -U compinit && compinit
    zstyle ':completion:*' menu select
    trap 'zle reset-prompt; return 130' INT

Now type:

    grep --<TAB><CTRL-C>

It looks as expected after <TAB>:

    adam% grep --
    zsh: do you wish to see all 132 possibilities (44 lines)?

But not as expected after the following <CTRL-C>:

    ndam% grep --
    adam% grep --

Note "ndam" on the first line. `zle reset-prompt` has unexpectedly
printed "n" at the first column followed by line feed.

Expected output:

    adam% grep --

This is the output I would get if I didn't trap SIGINT or didn't call
`zle reset-prompt` from the trap.

I haven't looked into why this is happening.


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