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Re: Unreadable directories aren't included in glob expansion

> 2020/02/27 22:00, Daniel Shahaf <d.s@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Jun. T wrote on Thu, 27 Feb 2020 00:51 +0900:
>> I think just skipping this test on Cygwin is enough for now.
> I assume some day we'll fix the C code to make the test pass on other
> platforms.  When that happens, should the test then continue be skipped
> on Cygwin?  If not, I suggest adding a comment reminding to remove the
> skip when the test starts to pass on other platforms.

Sorry, I was not following this thread; what kind of "fix" do you
have in mind?

Anyway, the only thing I know is
    both  access("d000/.", F_OK)  and  stat("d000/.", st)
succeed on Cygwin. If the revised C code depends on the failure of 
either of these calls then the test need be skipped on Cygwin,
I think.

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