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Re: [Bug] Unexpected process suspension

On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 12:03 AM Rudi C <rudiwillalwaysloveyou@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> mdoc-test () {
>     sleep 0 | sleep 0
>     cat}
> echo start |VISUAL=vim command vipe|mdoc-test
> # zsh: suspended (tty output)

Putting an interactive command in the middle of a pipeline is
generally not going to work.  Vim in particular is pretty aggressive
about trying to grab a terminal, which will result in processes
getting SIGTT* because they don't have foreground control of the
terminal they're trying to use.

Following Daniel's response I tried:

% </dev/null vim | { :|:; cat }
Vim: Warning: Output is not to a terminal
Vim: Warning: Input is not from a terminal

and although vim did open, upon exiting from it and returning to the
command line ZLE is very confused.  Even a hard reset of the terminal
emulator didn't fix it, the stty settings were hosed.

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