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Re: Hosting copies of the PGP public keys

> On 13 July 2020 at 19:14 Daniel Shahaf <d.s@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Phil points out that it would be useful for
> http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Arc/source.html to carry not only the `gpg
> --list-keys` output but also actual copies of the public keys, in
> a format that can be imported by OpenPGP tools (e.g., «gpg --import»),
> in order to let people retrieve keys without relying on the public
> keyservers.
> I propose that that the RMs add copies of their public keys to, say,
> keys/{pws,danielsh,dana}.asc in the zsh-web.git repository (using «gpg
> --armor --export $MyEmailAddress»), and then, as part of uploading
> a release, we also `cat keys/*.asc` into a zsh-keyring.asc and upload it
> to zsh.org.

Sounds a reasonable procedure to me.


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