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Re: command -p should enable builtins not in path

Op 20-08-20 om 12:28 schreef Vincent Lefevre:
Though zsh isn't meant to conform to POSIX, it should follow its
requirements when they make sense.

Just to clarify, 'zsh --emulate sh' *is* meant to conform to POSIX, correct?

Setting the POSIX_BUILTINS option allows "cd" to be found, but with
the drawback that it will not disable builtins that are in $PATH.
So this option is a bad solution when using "zmodload zsh/files"
without -F, for instance.

Note: "command -p cd ..." is used by Intel's script to set up
environment variables for its compiler.

If it wasn't written for native zsh, it probably has other incompatibilities as well. Wouldn't 'sticky emulation' allow you to seamlessly mix that code with native zsh code?

- M.

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