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Re: [completion] GDB completion bug

Arusekk wrote on Sun, Nov 22, 2020 at 23:39:53 +0100:
> _pids:shift:13: shift count must be <= $#
> _pids:compadd:42: bad option: -m

I can reproduce this.

> I traced it down to most probably
> /usr/share/zsh/5.8/functions/Completion/Unix/_gdb calling _pids, but I do
> not know enough of zsh completion to investigate more.

fned it and add «typeset -p w >/dev/tty» right before the call and
you'll see that w=('' -h) at that point; then, the parameter expansion
in the call to _pids isn't quoted and expands to an empty string, hence
it's elided, causing the error.

Unsure of the fix.



> Glad to have found a bug in such reliable software!
> Arusekk

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