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[PATCH] ulimit option completions using ulimit -a output

2020-11-26 00:43:33 +0100, Oliver Kiddle:
> >   * 1. Add zsh_LIMIT_PRESENT(RLIMIT_XXX) in configure.ac.
> >   * 2. Add an entry for RLIMIT_XXX to known_resources[].
> >   *    Make sure the option letter (resinto_T.opt) is unique.
> > - * 3. Build zsh and run the test B12rlimit.ztst.
> > + * 3. Add entry in documentation for the limit and ulimit builtins
> > + * 4. Build zsh and run the test B12rlimit.ztst.
> 5. Update Completion/Zsh/Command/_ulimit
> Units were often fairly well documented there but are missing in a
> couple of cases so you may be able to add a couple.

The problem is that the list of ulimit options is system
dependent, so I propose the improvement below which uses the
output of ulimit -a to build the list of completions.

From: Stephane Chazelas <stephane@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2020 19:22:03 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] ulimit option completions using ulimit -a output

The list of options supported by ulimit is system dependent. Rather than
hardcoding the full list of options supported on any system in the
completer, we get the list of options from the output of "ulimit -a".

That means less descriptive descriptions but more relevant completions
to the user (and not having to update the completer every time a new
limit is added).
 Completion/Zsh/Command/_ulimit | 22 ++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Completion/Zsh/Command/_ulimit b/Completion/Zsh/Command/_ulimit
index 0526821dd..06bcfc34c 100644
--- a/Completion/Zsh/Command/_ulimit
+++ b/Completion/Zsh/Command/_ulimit
@@ -2,18 +2,16 @@
 [[ $PREFIX = u* ]] && compadd unlimited && return 0
+local -a opts
+setopt localoptions extendedglob
+  ${${${(fo)"$(ulimit -a)"}:#-N*}%%  *}
 _arguments -s \
   '-H[set hard limits]' \
   '-S[set soft and hard limits (with -H)]' \
-  '(-H -S -c -d -f -l -m -n -s -t *)-a[list all current resource limits]' \
-  '-c[core dump size limit]:max core dump size (512-byte blocks)' \
-  '-d[maximum size of data segment]:maximum size of data segment (K-bytes)' \
-  '-f[size of largest file allowed]:size of largest file allowed (512-byte blocks)' \
-  '-l[maximum size of locked in memory]:maximum size of locked in memory (K-bytes)' \
-  '-m[maximum size of physical memory]:maximum size of physical memory (K-bytes)' \
-  '-n[maximum no. of open file descriptors]:maximum no. of open file descriptors' \
-  '-s[stack size limit]:stack size limit (K-bytes)' \
-  '-t[maximum cpu time per process]:maximum cpu time per process (seconds)' \
-  '-u[processes available to the user]:processes' \
-  '-v[maximum size of virtual memory]:maximum size of virtual memory (K-bytes)' \
-  '*:size of largest file allowed'
+  '-N+[specify limit by number]:limit number' \
+  "(-N ${(M@j: :)opts#-?} *)-a[list all current resource limits]" \
+  ${opts/(#b)(-?): (*)/$match[1][$match[2]]:$match[2]} \
+  '*:file size (blocks)'

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