I'm using zsh (fairly new to me) with
oh-my-zsh and now also with p10k customization, so that my prompt
actually covers two lines, whereas the first one is some meta info (cwd,
etc), and the second will be the (somewhat) decorated prompt.
Now, `add-zsh-hook precmd _my_precmd`, as well as `add-zsh-hook preexec _my_preexec` are being all invoked nicely.
for the very first prompt right after process spawn the preexec hook is
NOT being invoked on the upper line (first line of screen in a new
terminal, as with every other future prompt, but in the second line).
makes it sadly nondeterministic and sadly kinda useless in my use case
at least. I (with no knowledge of zsh) would say thats a bug, hence I'm
writing here with the hope of some help or a trigger for a bugfix.
Best regards,
Christian Parpart.
p.s.: I'm using Ubuntu 20.10 (if that matters)