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Re: Rewrite of zsh-newuser-install

>>> Don't mess with Ctrl-U.
>> Why not? Control-U does backward-kill-line everywhere, except in Zsh.
> This is going to sound curmudgeonly (and it is), but the answer is
> because the standard tty driver (stty) doesn't have
> backward-kill-line.  ^U is "kill" not "kill to the left".
> WORDCHARS='' bothers me for the same reason, I want ^W to do the same
> thing whether I'm at the shell prompt or typing to a dumb stdin with
> no built-in smart editor.
> But, this is just my opinion, I have no pretense to veto power here.

The defaults of ^U and WORDCHARS are by far the most common complaints I’ve seen from new users. I feel very strongly we should change them.

> My most common usage is when I am unable to remember all the
> command-line options or subcommand phrases for commands such as "git".
> Thus, when I enter menu selection, it's rarely the case that once I
> have chosen something I want to immediately execute the command line;
> the majority of those options or phrases need more words to follow.

In which you can just type space or whatever else you would type when you wouldn’t be using menu selection. After all, the cursor is still on the command line and it will respond as such (with the exception of those key bindings that are overriding this in the menuselect keymap). But having said that, I’m fine with reverting this change.

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