A potential issue with this is that it introduces a difference for
other wrapper widgets that assume _main_complete is THE completion
entry point.
How about this? It introduces a generic-widgets style, a list of widget names that _main_complete hands off to _generic (which changes the context and hands them back).
diff --git a/Completion/Base/Core/_main_complete b/Completion/Base/Core/_main_complete
index 169ca1f40..62d94e3ae 100644
--- a/Completion/Base/Core/_main_complete
+++ b/Completion/Base/Core/_main_complete
@@ -10,6 +10,14 @@
# In case non-standard separators are in use.
local IFS=$' \t\n\0'
+# Test generic-widgets only in global context to avoid recursion
+if [[ "${curcontext:-:::}" == ::: ]] &&
+ zstyle -t ":completion:::::" generic-widgets "$WIDGET"
+ _generic "$@"
+ return
# If you want to complete only set or unset options for the unsetopt
# and setopt builtin, un-comment these lines: