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Re: Rewrite of zsh-newuser-install

> 	zle -N zle-line-init .zshrc.app-mode; .zshrc.app-mode() { echoti smkx }
> 	if [[ -n "$terminfo[rmkx]" ]]; then
> 	  zle -N zle-line-finish .zshrc.raw-mode; .zshrc.raw-mode() { echoti rmkx }
> 	fi

Might I suggest:

	autoload add-zle-hook-widget
	add-zle-hook-widget zle-line-init .zshrc.app-mode; .zshrc.app-mode() { echoti smkx }
	if [[ -n "$terminfo[rmkx]" ]]; then
	  add-zle-hook-widget zle-line-finish .zshrc.raw-mode; .zshrc.raw-mode() { echoti rmkx }

Unless we expect users to migrate this config to older versions of Zsh.

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