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Re: I'd like to help maintain the Zsh Web Page

Austin Traver wrote on Sat, Mar 27, 2021 at 10:07:21 -0700:
> My name is Austin. I'm a graduate student in the United States,
> studying computer science. I have been Zsh for a few years now, and
> I've become quite passionate about it, sharing my knowledge so far
> <https://helpful.wiki/zsh> with others along the way.


> I'd like to help maintain the Zsh site, as I think reliable, usable
> documentation plays a vital role in understanding software. 


> Is there any job, big or small, that you could think of, for me?

How about extending the documentation of the 'functions' builtin for the
issues mentioned in workers/48147 and its thread?  In a nutshell, the
examples in zshbuiltins(1) under `functions -M` cause the function's
return code to be non-zero when the arithmetic expression evaluates to
zero, which is problematic under «set -e», moreover, simply adding
«return 0» at the end of the function would break it.

The manual's sources are in Doc/Zsh/*.yo in the main repository.  If
it's not clear how to edit and build them, then our developer
documentation may be in need of attention, too ☺

> P.S.: How many people are on the Zsh workers list?

About 300.



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