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Re: [BUG?] $terminfo weirdness

Marlon Richert wrote on Tue, 11 May 2021 11:01 +00:00:
> % print -r -- ${(@kvq+)terminfo[(I)kLFT*]}
> kLFT $'\C-[[1;2D'
> % print -r -- ${(@kvq+)terminfo[(I)kLFT]}
> kLFT $'\C-[[1;2D'
> % print -r -- ${(@kvq+)terminfo[(I)kLFT5]}
> % print -r -- ${(@kvq+)terminfo[kLFT5]}
> $'\C-[[1;5D'
> %
> What's going on here?

That's an artifact of the fact that getting a single key from a special
hash is implemented separately to iterating the hash (getterminfo() v.
scanterminfo()).  With ${[(I)]}, scanterminfo() is used, and evidently
doesn't return "kLFT5"; without it, getterminfo() is used, and calls
tigetstr("kLFT5"), which returns the observed value.  (And by the way,
"kLFT6" and "kLFT7" work too and return \e[1;6D and \e[1;7D

I don't immediately see anything in the documentation of tigetstr() that
documents support for trailing counts in the actual argument.

Next time please spell out what was unexpected about the output.

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