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Re: [BUG] `bindkey -M menuselect '^M' send-break` doesn't do what it says in the manual

On Thu, Aug 26, 2021 at 1:29 PM Oliver Kiddle <opk@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 16 Aug, Marlon Richert wrote:
> > According to `man 1 zshmodules`:
> >
> > >      send-break
> > >             leaves menu selection and restores the previous contents of  the
> > >             command line
> > However, while using send-break during menu selection does exit the
> > completion menu, it does _not_ restore the previous contents of the
> > command line and in fact leaves the current selection in place.
> In my testing, both with my setup and starting from zsh -f, it does
> behave as documented. Are you able to bisect your setup to find a cause
> or provide a list of commands to reproduce it starting from a blank
> setup?

I can reproduce my case with the current master branch in a clean environment:

% exec -c zsh -fc "TERM=$TERM PS1='%# ' exec Src/zsh -f"
% zmodload zsh/complist
% autoload compinit
% compinit
% bindkey -M menuselect '^M' send-break
% bindkey '^I' menu-select
% cd /<Tab><Enter>
% cd /bin/

After pressing Tab and then Enter, `cd /bin/` is left on the command
line, instead of `cd /`. The same happens if I press Tab and then

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