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Weird behavior in interactive menu completion


I have a question about unusual menuselect behavior in interactive menu completion.

Steps to Reproduce:

zsh -f
zmodload zsh/complist
builtin zstyle ':completion:*' menu select=0 interactive

autoload -Uz compinit

% zs<tab;tab>;pwd

Move cursor to position.  Press tab 2x to get into interactive menu completion.  Then press any arrow key.


zsh;pwd after interactive menu completion selecting zsh


Characters to right of cursor are discarded such as ';' in this example.  Exact amount that are discarded seems to be length of first item in menuselect - prefix length.

For example, current line becomes zshpwd instead of zsh;pwd when selecting zsh in menucompletion.

This does not occur with regular (noninteractive) menu completion.



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