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PATCH: update zfs completion

This brings the zfs completion up-to-date.

I've been using openzfs 2.1 on Linux, FreeBSD 13.0 and two year-old
Solaris 11 as my reference points.

We need to complete dataset properties for zpool so rather than retain
that duplication, I moved all of _zpool into _zfs. This also allows
_zfs_keysource_props (which was Solaris specific anyway) to be brought
into _zfs. I've reindented the function because very little is otherwise
unchanged anyway.

_zfs_dataset and _zfs_pool do need to be separated because they are
called from other functions. They should have been given plural names.
Any views on perhaps renaming them?

Otherwise, _zfs_dataset is fixed to work with the awk on Solaris, to
preserve descriptions and to handle the new bookmarks feature of

Many of the items marked with TODO in comments have been addressed but
some still remain. Completion of vdevs for, e.g zpool create is a lot
better but could be further improved as some combinations are not
possible. user/group quota is also much improved.


diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_zfs b/Completion/Unix/Command/_zfs
index 51da9170b..be4a64b33 100644
--- a/Completion/Unix/Command/_zfs
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_zfs
@@ -1,561 +1,1350 @@
-#compdef zfs
-# Synced with the S11U1 man page
+#compdef zfs zdb zpool
-_zfs() {
-	local context state line expl implementation
-	typeset -A opt_args
-	local -a subcmds rw_properties rw_propnames ro_properties create_properties
-	local -a share_nfs_ro_properties share_nfs_rw_properties
-	local -a share_smb_ro_properties share_smb_rw_properties
-	local -a share_ro_properties share_rw_properties
-	local -a difffields delegatable_perms
+local curcontext="$curcontext" implementation nm="$compstate[nmatches]"
+local -a state curstate line state_descr expl alts args
+typeset -A opt_args val_args
+local -a subcmds
+local -a share_nfs_ro_properties share_nfs_rw_properties
+local -a share_smb_ro_properties share_smb_rw_properties
+local -a share_ro_properties share_rw_properties
+local -a difffields delegatable_perms key_properties
+local -a ds_types sum_algorithms comp_algorithms dedup_algorithms
-	_pick_variant -r implementation -c 'zpool upgrade -v' openzfs='This system supports ZFS pool feature flags' solaris
+local -a ds_propnames ro_ds_props rw_ds_props ci_ds_props # dataset properties
+local -a po_propnames ro_po_props rw_po_props ci_po_props # pool properties
-	subcmds=(
-		"create" "destroy" "clone" "promote" "rename" "snapshot"
-		"rollback" "list" "set" "get" "inherit" "mount" "unmount"
-		"share" "unshare" "send" "receive" "allow" "unallow"
-		"upgrade" "userspace" "groupspace" "hold" "holds" "release"
-		"diff" "key" "help"
-	)
+_pick_variant -r implementation -c 'zpool upgrade -v' openzfs='This system supports ZFS pool feature flags' solaris
-  [[ $OSTYPE == freebsd<7->.* ]] && subcmds+=(jail unjail)
+ds_types=( filesystem snapshot volume all )
+sum_algorithms=( on off fletcher2 fletcher4 sha256 )
+comp_algorithms=( on off lzjb lz4 gzip gzip-{1..9} zle )
+dedup_algorithms=( on off verify sha256 sha256,verify )
-	share_nfs_ro_properties=(
-		"share.nfs.all"
-	)
+ro_po_props=( # readonly
+  'all[all properties]'
+  'allocated[space allocated]'
+  'capacity[space used (percentage)]'
+  'dedupratio[deduplication ratio]'
+  'free[space unallocated]'
+  'health[health status]'
+  'size[total size]'
+ci_po_props=( # only set at create or import
+  'altroot[alternate root directory]:path:_directories'
+  'guid[unique identifier]:identifier'
+  'readonly[whether the pool can be modified]:value:(on off)'
+  'autoexpand[automatic pool expansion]:value:(on off)'
+  'autoreplace[automatic device replacement]:value:(on off)'
+  'bootfs[default bootable dataset]:dataset:_zfs_dataset'
+  'cachefile[pool configuration cache file location]:value'
+  'dedupditto[threshold for number of copies]:value [0]'
+  'delegation[delegated administration]:value:(on off)'
+  'failmode[failure-mode behavior]:value:(wait continue panic)'
+  "listshares[show shares in 'zfs list']:value:(on off)"
+  "listsnaps[show snapshots in 'zfs list']:value:(on off)"
+  'version[pool version]:version'
-	share_nfs_rw_properties=(
-		"share.nfs:value:(on off)"
-		"share.nfs.aclok:value:(on off)"
-		"share.nfs.acflfab:value:(on off)"
-		"share.nfs.anon:uid:"
-		"share.nfs.charset.euc-cn:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.charset.euc-jpms:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.charset.euc-kr:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.charset.euc-tw:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.charset.iso8859-1:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.charset.iso8859-2:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.charset.iso8859-5:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.charset.iso8859-6:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.charset.iso8859-7:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.charset.iso8859-8:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.charset.iso8859-9:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.charset.iso8859-13:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.charset.iso8859-15:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.charset.koi8-r:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.index:file:_files"
-		"share.nfs.log:nfslog.conf tag:"
-		"share.nfs.nosub:value:(on off)"
-		"share.nfs.nosuid:value:(on off)"
-		"share.nfs.public:value:(on off)"
-		"share.nfs.sec:security-mode-list:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.default.none:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.default.ro:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.default.root:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.default.root_mapping:uid:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.default.rw:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.default.window:seconds"
-		"share.nfs.sec.dh.none:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.dh.ro:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.dh.root:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.dh.root_mapping:uid:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.dh.rw:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.dh.window:seconds"
-		"share.nfs.sec.krb5.none:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.krb5.ro:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.krb5.root:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.krb5.root_mapping:uid:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.krb5.rw:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.krb5.window:seconds"
-		"share.nfs.sec.krb5i.none:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.krb5i.ro:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.krb5i.root:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.krb5i.root_mapping:uid:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.krb5i.rw:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.krb5i.window:seconds"
-		"share.nfs.sec.krb5p.none:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.krb5p.ro:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.krb5p.root:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.krb5p.root_mapping:uid:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.krb5p.rw:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.krb5p.window:seconds"
-		"share.nfs.sec.none.none:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.none.ro:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.none.root:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.none.root_mapping:uid:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.none.rw:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.none.window:seconds"
-		"share.nfs.sec.sys.none:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.sys.ro:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.sys.root:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.sys.root_mapping:uid:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.sys.rw:access-list:"
-		"share.nfs.sec.sys.window:seconds"
-	)
+# TODO: userused@ and groupused@ could have more extensive handling
+  name type creation space used available referenced compressratio mounted
+  origin usedbychildren usedbydataset usedbyrefreservation usedbysnapshots
+  defer_destroy userused@ userrefs groupused@ keystatus
+  'casesensitivity:value:(sensitive insensitive mixed)'
+  'normalization:value:(none formC formD formKC formKD)'
+  'utf8only:value:(on off)'
+  'aclinherit:value:(discard noallow restricted passthrough passthrough-x)'
+  'atime:value:(on off)'
+  'canmount:value:(on off noauto)'
+  "checksum:value:($sum_algorithms)"
+  "compression:value:($comp_algorithms)"
+  'copies:value:(1 2 3)'
+  "dedup:value:($dedup_algorithms)"
+  'devices:value:(on off)'
+  'encryption:value:(off on aes128-ccm aes-192-ccm aes-256-ccm aes-128-gcm aes-192-gcm aes-256-gcm)'
+  'exec:value:(on off)'
+  'groupquota@'
+  'logbias:value:(latency throughput)'
+  "mountpoint: : _alternative \
+      'properties:property:(none legacy)' \
+      'paths:mountpoint:_directories -W / -P /'"
+  'multilevel:value:(on off)'
+  'nbmand:value:(on off)'
+  'primarycache:value:(all none metadata)'
+  'quota: :->quotas'
+  'readonly:value:(on off)'
+  'recordsize:value:(512 1K 2K 4K 8K 16K 32K 64K 128K 256K 512K 1M)'
+  'refquota: :->quotas'
+  "refreservation: : _alternative \
+      'sizes: :_numbers -M \"m:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}\" -u bytes size :B {k,M,G,T,P,E,Z}{,B}' \
+      'properties:property:(auto none)'"
+  'reservation: :->quotas'
+  'rstchown:value:(on off)'
+  'secondarycache:value:(all none metadata)'
+  'setuid:value:(on off)'
+  'shadow:value' # TODO: complete URI|none
+  'share:share properties'
+  'snapdir:value:(hidden visible)'
+  'sync:value:(standard always disabled)'
+  'userquota@'
+  'version:value'
+  'volsize:size:_numbers -M "m:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}" -u bytes size :B {k,M,G,T,P,E,Z}{,B}'
-	share_smb_ro_properties=(
-		"share.smb.all"
-	)
+case $service:$implementation in
+  *:openzfs)
+    ds_types+=( bookmark )
+    sum_algorithms+=( noparity sha512 skein edonr )
+    comp_algorithms+=( zstd zstd-{1..19} zstd-fast zstd-fast-{{1..9}{,0},100,500,1000} )
+    dedup_algorithms+=( {sha512,skein}{,\,verify} edonr,verify )
+    share_rw_properties=( sharesmb:option sharenfs:option )
+    ro_po_props+=(
+      'expandsize[uninitialized space within the pool]'
+      'fragmentation[amount of fragmentation in the pool]'
+      'freeing[amount of space remaining to be reclaimed]'
+      'used[amount of storage space used within the pool]'
+      'load_guid[unique identifier generated when pool is loaded]'
+    )
+    ci_po_props+=(
+      'ashift[pool sector size exponent]:exponent:((9\:512 10\:1024 11\:2048 12\:4096 13\:8192 14\:16384 15\:32768 16\:65536))'
+    )
+    rw_po_props+=(
+      'autotrim[periodically trim recently freed space]:value:(on off)'
+      'comment[text string that is available even if the pool becomes faulted]:value'
+      'multihost[perform pool activity check during import]:value:(on off)'
+    )
+    rw_ds_props+=(
+      'aclmode:value:(discard groupmask passthrough restricted)'
+      'acltype:value:(off noacl nfsv4 posix posixacl)'
+      'mlslabel:value:(none)' # TODO: list sensitivity labels
+      'redundant_metadata:value:(all most)'
+      'vscan:value:(on off)'
+      'xattr:value:(on off dir sa)'
+      "filesystem_limit: :{if [[ -prefix [0-9]## ]]; then _message -e 'number'; elif [[ -prefix n ]]; then compadd none; else _message -e limits 'number or none'; fi}"
+      "snapshot_limit: :{if [[ -prefix [0-9]## ]]; then _message -e 'number'; elif [[ -prefix n ]]; then compadd none; else _message -e limits 'number or none'; fi}"
+      'volmode:mode:((
+        default\:use\ system-wide\ tunable
+        full\:expose\ as\ block\ devices
+        geom\:expose\ as\ block\ devices
+        dev\:hide\ partitions
+        none\:not\ exposed\ outside\ zfs
+      ))'
+    )
+    ro_ds_props+=(
+      createtxg clones filesystem_count guid logicalreferenced logicalused
+      receive_resume_token refcompressratio snapshot_count volblocksize written
+    )
+    delegatable_perms=(
+      bookmark load-key change-key userobjquota userobjused groupobjquota
+      groupobjused projectused projectquota projectobjused projectobjquota
+    )
+  ;|
+  *:solaris)
+    ds_types+=( share )
+    sum_algorithms+=( sha256+mac )
+    share_nfs_ro_properties=( share.nfs.all )
+    share_nfs_rw_properties=(
+      'share.nfs:value:(on off)'
+      'share.nfs.aclok:value:(on off)'
+      'share.nfs.aclfab:value:(on off)'
+      'share.nfs.anon:uid'
+      'share.nfs.charset.'{cp932,euc-{cn,jpns,kr,tw},iso8859-{1,2,5,6,7,8,9,13,15},koi8-r,shift_jis}':access-list'
+      'share.nfs.index:file:_files'
+      'share.nfs.labeled:value:(on off)'
+      'share.nfs.noaclfab:value:(on off)'
+      'share.nfs.log:nfslog.conf tag'
+      'share.nfs.nosub:value:(on off)'
+      'share.nfs.nosuid:value:(on off)'
+      'share.nfs.public:value:(on off)'
+      'share.nfs.sec:security-mode-list'
+      'share.nfs.sec.'{default,dh,krb5{,i,p},none,sys}.{ro,root,rw}':access-list'
+      'share.nfs.sec.'{default,dh,krb5{,i,p},none,sys}.root_mapping':uid'
+      'share.nfs.sec.'{default,dh,krb5{,i,p},none,sys}.window':credential lifetime (seconds)'
+      'share.nfs.sec.sys.resvport:value:(on off)'
+    )
+    share_smb_ro_properties=( share.smb.all )
+    share_smb_rw_properties=(
+      'share.smb:value:(on off)'
+      'share.smb.abe'
+      'share.smb.ad-container'
+      'share.smb.catia:value:(on off)'
+      'share.smb.csc:value:(disabled manual auto vdo)'
+      'share.smb.dfsroot:value:(on off)'
+      'share.smb.encrypt:value:(on off)'
+      'share.smb.guestok:value:(on off)'
+      'share.smb.oplocks:value:(disabled enabled)'
+      'share.smb.cont_avail:value:(on off)'
+      'share.smb.'{none,ro,rw}':access-list'
+    )
+    share_ro_properties=(
+      share.all share.fs share.name share.point share.protocols share.state
+      $share_nfs_ro_properties $share_smb_ro_properties
+    )
+    share_rw_properties=(
+      'share.desc:description'
+      'share.auto:value:(on off)'
+      'share.autoname:value'
+      'share.nfs.cksum:value'
+      'share.path:path'
+      $share_nfs_rw_properties $share_smb_rw_properties
+    )
+    ro_po_props+=(
+      'lastscrub[start time of the last successful scrub]'
+    )
+    rw_po_props+=(
+      'clustered[pool is imported as a global pool in Oracle Solaris Cluster]:value:(on off)'
+      'scrubinternal[time interval between scheduled scrubs]:interval'
+    )
+    ro_ds_props+=( keychangedate rekeydate effective{read,write}limit )
+    rw_ds_props+=(
+      'aclmode:value:(discard mask passthrough)'
+      "defaultreadlimit: : _alternative \
+          'sizes: :_guard \[0-9\]\#\(\|\[BKMGTPEZ\]\) size\ \(bytes\ per\ second\)' \
+          'properties:property:(none)'"
+      "defaultwritelimit: : _alternative \
+          'sizes: :_guard \[0-9\]\#\(\|\[BKMGTPEZ\]\) size\ \(bytes\ per\ second\)' \
+          'properties:property:(none)'"
+      'defaultuserquota:->quotas'
+      'defaultgroupquota: :->quotas'
+      'keysource:value:->keysources'
+    )
+    ci_ds_props+=(
+      'volblocksize:value:compadd -o nosort 512 1K 2K 4K 8K 16K 32K 64K 128K 256K 512K 1M'
+    )
+    difffields=(
+      object parent size links linkschange name oldname user group
+      ctime mtime atime crtime mountpoint dataset_name
+    )
+    delegatable_perms=( key keychange )
+  ;|
+  zfs:openzfs)
+    subcmds+=(
+      bookmark change-key load-key program project projectspace redact
+      unload-key wait
+    )
+  ;|
+  zpool:openzfs)
+    subcmds+=(
+      checkpoint events labelclear initialize reopen resilver sync trim wait
+      version
+    )
+  ;|
+  zfs:solaris)
+    subcmds+=( key help )
+  ;|
+  zpool:solaris)
+    subcmds+=( help label monitor )
+  ;|
-	share_smb_rw_properties=(
-		"share.smb:value:(on off)"
-		"share.smb.ad-container"
-		"share.smb.abe"
-		"share.smb.csc:value:(disabled manual auto vdo)"
-		"share.smb.catia:value:(on off)"
-		"share.smb.dfsroot:value:(on off)"
-		"share.smb.guestok:value:(on off)"
-		"share.smb.ro:access-list:"
-		"share.smb.rw:access-list:"
-		"share.smb.none:access-list:"
-	)
+  zfs:*)
+    subcmds+=(
+      create destroy clone promote rename snapshot rollback list set get
+      inherit mount unmount share unshare send receive allow unallow upgrade
+      userspace groupspace hold holds release diff
+    )
+    [[ $OSTYPE = freebsd<7->.* ]] && subcmds+=( jail unjail )
+  ;;
+  zpool:*)
+    subcmds+=(
+      add attach clear create destroy detach export get history import iostat
+      list offline online reguid remove replace scrub set split status upgrade
+    )
+  ;;
-	share_ro_properties=(
-		"share.all"
-		"share.fs"
-		"share.name"
-		"share.point"
-		"share.protocols"
-		"share.state"
-		$share_nfs_ro_properties
-		$share_smb_ro_properties
-	)
+case $OSTYPE in
+  solaris*)
+    rw_ds_props+=( 'zoned:value:(on off)' )
+  ;;
+  freebsd*)
+    [[ $OSTYPE = freebsd<-12>.* ]] && subcmds+=( remap )
+    rw_ds_props+=( 'jailed:value:(on off)' )
+  ;;
+  linux-gnu)
+    rw_ds_props+=( 'relatime:value:(on off)' )
+    ci_ds_props+=(
+      {,fs,def,root}'context:SELinux context:_selinux_contexts'
+    )
+  ;;
-	share_rw_properties=(
-		"share.desc:description:"
-		"share.noauto:value:(on off)"
-		"share.path:path:"
-		$share_nfs_rw_properties
-		$share_smb_rw_properties
-	)
+  allow clone create destroy diff hold key keychange mount promote receive
+  release rename rollback send share snapshot groupquota groupused userprop
+  userused ${ci_ds_props%%:*}
-	# TODO: userused@ and groupused@ could have more extensive handling
-	ro_properties=(
-		"name" "type" "creation" "space" "used" "available" "referenced"
-		"compressratio" "mounted" "origin" "usedbychildren"
-		"usedbydataset" "usedbyrefreservation" "usedbysnapshots"
-		"defer_destroy" "userused@" "userrefs" "groupused@"
-		"keychangedate" "keystatus" "rekeydate"
-		$share_ro_properties
-	)
+  'keylocation:location [prompt]:_files -P file\:// -W /'
+  'keyformat:format:(raw hex passphrase)'
+  'pbkdf2iters:iterations [350000]'
-	# TODO: Be cleverer about what values can be set.  Is there any way to
-	# set the sorting for *size properties to false by default?
-	rw_properties=(
-		"aclinherit:value:(discard noallow restricted passthrough passthrough-x)"
-		"atime:value:(on off)"
-		"canmount:value:(on off noauto)"
-		"checksum:value:(on off fletcher2 fletcher4 sha256 sha256+mac)"
-		"compression:value:(on off lzjb lz4 gzip gzip-{1..9} zle)"
-		"copies:value:(1 2 3)"
-		"dedup:value:(on off verify sha256 sha256,verify)"
-		"devices:value:(on off)"
-		"encryption:value:(off on aes128-ccm aes-192-ccm aes-256-ccm aes-128-gcm aes-192-gcm aes-256-gcm)"
-		"exec:value:(on off)"
-		"groupquota@:value:" # TODO: complete group=size|none
-		"keysource:value:_zfs_keysource_props"
-		"logbias:value:(latency throughput)"
-		"mlslabel:value:(none)" # TODO: list sensitivity labels
-		"mountpoint:path, 'legacy', or 'none':{if [[ -prefix /* ]]; then _path_files -/; else _wanted mountpoints expl 'mountpoint (type \"/\" to start completing paths)' compadd legacy none; fi}"
-		"multilevel:value:(on off)"
-		"nbmand:value:(on off)"
-		"primarycache:value:(all none metadata)"
-		"quota: : _alternative \
-				'sizes: :_numbers -M "m\:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}" -u bytes size :B {k,M,G,T,P,E,Z}{,B}' \
-				'properties:property:(none)'"
-		"readonly:value:(on off)"
-		"recordsize:value:(512 1K 2K 4K 8K 16K 32K 64K 128K 256K 512K 1M)"
-		"refquota: : _alternative \
-				'sizes: :_numbers -M "m\:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}" -u bytes size :B {k,M,G,T,P,E,Z}{,B}' \
-				'properties:property:(none)'"
-		"refreservation: : _alternative \
-				'sizes: :_numbers -M "m\:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}" -u bytes size :B {k,M,G,T,P,E,Z}{,B}' \
-				'properties:property:(auto none)'"
-		"reservation: : _alternative \
-				'sizes: :_numbers -M "m\:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}" -u bytes size :B {k,M,G,T,P,E,Z}{,B}' \
-				'properties:property:(none)'"
-		"rstchown:value:(on off)"
-		"secondarycache:value:(all none metadata)"
-		"setuid:value:(on off)"
-		"shadow:value:" # TODO: complete URI|none
-		"share:share properties:"
-		"snapdir:value:(hidden visible)"
-		"sync:value:(standard always disabled)"
-		"userquota@:value:" # TODO: complete user=size|none
-		"version:value:(1 2 3 4 current)"
-		"volsize:value:" # <size>
-		"vscan:value:(on off)"
-		"xattr:value:(on off)"
-		"zoned:value:(on off)"
-		$share_rw_properties
-	)
+ro_ds_props+=( $share_ro_properties )
+rw_ds_props+=( $share_rw_properties )
+ci_ds_props+=( $rw_ds_props )
-		if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu" ]]; then
-			rw_properties+=("acltype:value:(off noacl posixacl)")
-		elif [[ "$implementation" == "solaris" ]]; then
-			rw_properties+=("aclmode:value:(discard mask passthrough)")
-		else
-			rw_properties+=("aclmode:value:(discard groupmask passthrough restricted)")
-		fi
+ds_propnames=( ${rw_ds_props%%:*} )
+po_propnames=( ${ro_po_props%%:*} ${ci_po_props%%:*} ${rw_po_props%%:*} )
-	create_properties=(
-		$rw_properties
-		"casesensitivity:value:(sensitive insensitive mixed)"
-		"normalization:value:(none formC formD formKC formKD)"
-		"utf8only:value:(on off)"
-		"volblocksize:value:(512 1K 2K 4K 8K 16K 32K 64K 128K 256K 512K 1M)"
-	)
+case $service in
+  zfs|zpool)
+    _arguments -C -A "-*" \
+      '-?[display usage information]' \
+      '*::command:->subcmd' && return 0
-	delegatable_perms=(
-		"allow" "clone" "create" "destroy" "diff" "hold" "key"
-		"keychange" "mount" "promote" "receive" "release" "rename"
-		"rollback" "send" "share" "snapshot"
-		"groupused" "userused" "userprop"
-		${create_properties%%:*}
-	)
+    if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then
+      _wanted commands expl "subcommand" compadd -a subcmds
+      return
+    fi
+    curcontext="${curcontext%:*}-$words[1]:"
+  ;;
+  zdb)
+    if [[ $implementation = openzfs ]]; then
+      args=(
+        '-mm[also display free space histogram associated with each metaslab]'
+        {-mmm,-MM}'[display more free space information]'
+        {-mmmm,-MMM}'[display every spacemap record]'
+        '-DD[display a histogram of deduplication statistics]'
+        '-DDD[display deduplication statistics independently for each table]'
+        '-DDDD[dump the contents of the deduplication tables describing duplicate blocks]'
+        '-DDDDD[also dump the contents of the deduplication tables describing unique blocks]'
+        '-E+[decode and display block from a given embedded block pointer]:word'
+        '(-l)-ll+[like -l but display L2ARC log blocks]:device:_files'
+        '(-l -ll)-lll+[like -l but display every configuration, unique or not]:device:_files'
+        "-q[don't print labels (with -l)]"
+        '-k[examine the checkpointed state of the pool]'
+        '-M[display the offset, spacemap, and free space of each metaslab]' \
+        '-O+[look up the specified path inside of the dataset]:dataset:_zfs_dataset:path:_files'
+        '-o+[set the given global libzpool variable]:variable'
+        '-r+[copy the specified path inside of the dataset to the specified destination]:dataset:_zfs_dataset:path:_files:destination:_files'
+        '-x+[copy all blocks accessed to files in the specified directory]:directory:_directories'
+        '-V[attempt verbatim import]'
+        '-Y[attempt all possible combinations when reconstructing indirect split blocks]'
+        '-y[perform validation for livelists that are being deleted]'
+      )
+    else
+      args=(
+        '-?[display usage information]'
+        '-M+[dump MOS contents]:contents: _values -s , raw_config all objset dir pool_props metaslab sync_bplist dtl config spares l2cache history errlog_scrub errlog_last bpmap-vdev bpmap_defer_obj dtl-scan ddt2'
+        '-r[dump datasets recursively]'
+        '-z[report zombies only]'
+        '-V[verify DDT xtree block data]'
+        "-a[don't import l2arc cache data]"
+        '-f[attempt to force import (with -e)]'
+        '-w+[specify directory to save shadow copy of all accessed disk locations]: :_directories'
+        '-x+[set kernel tunable]:tunable'
+        '-G[dump the contents of the zfs_dbgmsg buffer before exiting]'
+        '-I[limit the number of outstanding checksum I/Os to the specified value]'
+      )
+    fi
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \
+      '(-C)-b[display block statistics]' \
+      '(-C)*-c[verify checksum of metadata blocks]' \
+      '(-b -c -d)-C[display configuration information]' \
+      '(-C)*-d[display dataset information]' \
+      '-h[display pool history]' \
+      '-i[display intent log (ZIL) information]' \
+      '-l+[read the vdev labels from the specified device]:device:_files' \
+      '-m[display the offset, spacemap, and free space of each metaslab]' \
+      '-s[report statistics on zdb I/O]' \
+      '*-u[also display the uberblocks on the device (with -l)]' \
+      '*-v[enable verbose output]' \
+      '-D[display deduplication statistics]' \
+      '-S[simulate the effects of deduplication, displaying constructed DDT as with -DD]' \
+      '-L[disable leak detection and the loading of space maps]' \
+      '-R+[read and display a block from the specified device]:device' \
+      "-A[don't abort should any assertion fail]" \
+      "-AA[enable panic recovery]" \
+      '-F[try progressively older transactions until pool is readable]' \
+      '-U+[specify cache file to use]:cache file [/etc/zfs/zpool.cache]:_files' \
+      '-X[attempt "extreme" transaction rewind]' \
+      '-e[operate on an exported pool]' \
+      '-p[specify path under which to search for devices (with -e)]:path:_files' \
+      '-P[use exact (parsable) numeric output]' \
+      '-t+[specify the highest transaction to use when searching for uberblocks]:transaction' \
+      '1:pool:_zfs_pool'
+    return
+  ;;
-	rw_propnames=( ${rw_properties%%:*} )
+case $service:$words[1] in
+  zfs:create)
+    [[ $implementation = openzfs ]] && args=(
+      '-P[print machine-parsable verbose information about the created dataset]'
+      '-n[do a dry-run, no dataset will be created]'
+      '-v[print verbose information about the created dataset]'
+    )
+    _arguments -C -A "-*" -S $args \
+      '-p[create parent datasets]' \
+      '*-o+[set initial propertyvalue]:property:->create-properties' \
+      - set1 \
+      ':filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t fs -e "parent dataset"' \
+      - set2 \
+      '-s[create sparse volume]' \
+      '-b+[set volblocksize]: :_numbers -M "m\:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}" -u bytes blocksize \:B {k,M,G,T,P,E,Z}{,B}' \
+      '-V+[set size]: :_numbers -M "m\:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}" -u bytes size \:B {k,M,G,T,P,E,Z}{,B}' \
+      ':volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -e "parent dataset"'
+  ;;
-	difffields=(
-		object parent size links linkschange name oldname user group
-		ctime mtime atime crtime
-	)
+  zfs:destroy)
+    if [[ $implementation = openzfs ]]; then
+      args=(
+        '-n[do a dry-run, no data will be deleted]'
+        '-p[print machine-parsable verbose information about the deleted data]'
+        '-v[print verbose information about the deleted data]'
+      )
+    else
+      args=( '-s[destroy snapshots synchronously - only return when blocks freed]' )
+    fi
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \
+      '-r[recursively destroy all children]' \
+      '-R[recursively destroy all dependents]' \
+      '(-f)-d[delete or mark deferred]' \
+      '(-d)-f[force unmounts]' \
+      ':dataset:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol ${=${opt_args[(i)-f]:--t snap}:/-f/} ${=${opt_args[(i)-*]:--t bookmark}:/-?/}'
+  ;;
-	if [[ $service == "zfs" ]]; then
-		_arguments -C -A "-*" \
-			'-\?[Help]' \
-			'*::command:->subcmd' && return 0
+  zfs:snap(|shot))
+    _arguments -C -A "-*" -S \
+      '-r[recursively snapshot all descendant datasets]' \
+      '*-o+[set property]:property:->create-properties' \
+      ':filesystem/volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol -S@'
+  ;;
-		if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then
-			_wanted commands expl "zfs subcommand" compadd -a subcmds
-			return
-		fi
-		service="$words[1]"
-		curcontext="${curcontext%:*}=$service:"
-	fi
+  zfs:rollback)
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S \
+      '-r[recursively destroy more recent snapshots]' \
+      '-R[recursively destroy more recent snapshots and clones]' \
+      '-f[force unmounts]' \
+      ':snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap'
+  ;;
-	case $service in
-	("create")
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'-p[Create parent datasets]' \
-			'*-o[Set initial properties]:property:_values -s , "property" $create_properties' \
-			- set1 \
-			':filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t fs -e "parent dataset"' \
-			- set2 \
-			'-s[Create sparse volume]' \
-			'-b+[set volblocksize]: :_numbers -M "m\:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}" -u bytes blocksize :B {k,M,G,T,P,E,Z}{,B}' \
-			'-V+[set size]: :_numbers -M "m\:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}" -u bytes size :B {k,M,G,T,P,E,Z}{,B}' \
-			':volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -e "parent dataset"'
-		;;
+  zfs:clone)
+    [[ $implementation = solaris ]] && args+=(
+    '-K[create encryption key]'
+  )
+  _arguments -C -A "-*" -S $args \
+    '-p[create parent datasets]' \
+    '*-o+[set property]:property:->create-properties' \
+    ':snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap' \
+    ':filesystem/volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -e "parent dataset"'
+  ;;
-	("destroy")
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'-r[Recursively destroy all children]' \
-			'-R[Recursively destroy all dependents]' \
-			- set1 \
-			'-d[delete or mark deferred]' \
-			':snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap' \
-			- set2 \
-			'-f[Force unmounts]' \
-			':filesystem/volume/snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol'
-		;;
+  zfs:promote)
+    _arguments \
+      ':filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t clone' \
+  ;;
-	(snap(|shot))
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'-r[Recursively snapshot all descendant datasets]' \
-			'*-o[Set property]:property:_values -s , "property" $create_properties' \
-			':filesystem/volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol -S@'
-		;;
+  zfs:rename)
+    [[ $implementation = openzfs ]] && args=(
+      '(-r -u)-f[force unmount any filesystems]'
+      "(-r -f)-u[don't remount file systems during rename]"
+    )
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \
+      '(-r)-p[create parent datasets]' \
+      '(-p -u -f)-r[recursively rename snapshots of all descendent datasets]' \
+      ':dataset:_zfs_dataset -r1' \
+      ':dataset:_zfs_dataset -r2'
+  ;;
-	("rollback")
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'-r[Recursively destroy more recent snapshots]' \
-			'-R[Recursively destroy more recent snapshots and clones]' \
-			'-f[Force unmounts]' \
-			':snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap'
-		;;
+  zfs:bookmark)
+    _arguments \
+      ':snapshot or bookmark:_zfs_dataset -t snap -t bookmark' \
+      ':bookmark'
+  ;;
-	("clone")
-		# XXX needs to bail if there are no snapshots
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'-p[Create parent datasets]' \
-			'-K[Create encryption key]' \
-			'*-o[Set property]:property:_values -s , "property" $create_properties' \
-			':snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap' \
-			':filesystem/volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -e "parent dataset"'
-		;;
+  zfs:program)
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S \
+      '-j[display channel program output in JSON format]' \
+      '-n[execute a read-only channel program]' \
+      '-t+[limit the number of Lua instructions to execute]:instruction limit' \
+      '-m+[specify memory limit]:memory limit (bytes) [10MB]' \
+      ':pool:_zfs_pool' \
+      ':script:_files' \
+      '*: :_default'
+  ;;
-	("promote")
-		_arguments \
-			':filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t clone' \
-		;;
+  zfs:list)
+    if [[ $implementation = solaris ]]; then
+      args=( '-I+[specify dataset states to display instead of normal datasets]:dataset state:_sequence compadd - receiving resumable hidden all' )
+    else
+      args=( '-p[use exact (parsable) numeric output]' )
+    fi
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \
+      '(-d)-r[recursively display children]' \
+      '-H[suppress printing of headers]' \
+      '(-r)-d+[depth]:value' \
+      '-o+[specify properties to list]: :_values -s , "property" $ro_ds_props $ds_propnames' \
+      '*-s+[specify sort key (ascending)]: :_values "property" $ro_ds_props $ds_propnames' \
+      '*-S+[specify sort key (descending)]: :_values "property" $ro_ds_props $ds_propnames' \
+      '-t+[specify dataset types to list]: :_values -s , "dataset type" $ds_types' \
+      '*:filesystem/volume/snapshot/path:_zfs_dataset -p'
+  ;;
-	("rename")
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'(-r)-p[Create parent datasets]' \
-			'(-p)-r[Recursively rename snapshots of all descendent datasets]' \
-			':dataset:_zfs_dataset -r1' \
-			':dataset:_zfs_dataset -r2'
-		;;
+  zfs:set)
+    [[ $implementation = solaris ]] && args=(
+      '-r[recursively apply value]' \
+    )
+    _arguments -C -A "-*" -S $args \
+      ':property:->set-properties' \
+      '*:filesystem/volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol'
+  ;;
-	("list")
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'-r[Recursively display children]' \
-			'-H[Scripting mode]' \
-			'-d[Depth]:value:' \
-			'-o[Properties to list]:property:_values -s , "property" $ro_properties $rw_propnames' \
-			'*-s[Sort key (ascending)]:property:_values "property" $ro_properties $rw_propnames' \
-			'*-S[Sort key (descending)]:property:_values "property" $ro_properties $rw_propnames' \
-			'-t[Dataset types to list]:dataset type:_values -s , "dataset type" all filesystem snapshot volume' \
-			'*:filesystem/volume/snapshot/path:_zfs_dataset -p'
-		;;
+  zfs:get)
+    if [[ $implementation == openzfs ]]; then
+      args=( '-t+[specify dataset types to display]: :_values -s , "dataset type" $ds_types' )
+    else
+      args=( '-e[expand property sublists to any depth]' )
+    fi
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \
+      "(-d)-r[recursively display children's properties]" \
+      '(-r)-d+[depth]:value' \
+      '-H[suppress printing of headers]' \
+      '-p[use exact (parsable) numeric output]' \
+      '-s+[specify sources]: :_values -s , "source" local default inherited received temporary none' \
+      '-o+[specify fields]: :_values -s , "field" name property received value source' \
+      ':property:_values -s , "property" $ro_ds_props $ds_propnames all' \
+      '*:filesystem/volume/snapshot:_zfs_dataset'
+  ;;
-	("set")
-		_arguments \
-			'-r[Recursively apply value]' \
-			':property:_values -s , "property" $rw_properties' \
-			'*:filesystem/volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol'
-		;;
+  zfs:inherit)
+    _arguments -C -A "-*" -S \
+      '-r[recursively inherit property for all children]' \
+      '-S[revert to received property value]' \
+      ':property:_values "property" $ro_ds_props ${rw_ds_props%%:*}' \
+      '*:filesystem/volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol'
+  ;;
-	("get")
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			"-r[Recursively display children's properties]" \
-			'-d[Depth]:value:' \
-			'-H[Scripting mode]' \
-			'-p[Display numbers exactly]' \
-			'-s[Specify sources]:source:_values -s , "source" local default inherited temporary none' \
-			'-o[Specify fields]:field:_values -s , "field" name property value source' \
-			':property:_values -s , "property" $ro_properties $rw_propnames all' \
-			'*:filesystem/volume/snapshot:_zfs_dataset'
-		;;
+  zfs:remap)
+    _arguments \
+      ':filesystem or volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol'
+  ;;
-	("inherit")
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'-r[Recursively inherit property for all children]' \
-			'-S[Revert to received property value]' \
-			':property:_values -s , "property" $ro_properties $rw_properties' \
-			'*:filesystem/volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol'
-		;;
+  zfs:upgrade)
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S \
+      '(- :)-v[display supported ZFS versions]' \
+      '(-v :)-a[upgrade all filesystems on all pools]' \
+      '(-v)-r[upgrade descendent filesystems, too]' \
+      '(-v)-V+[upgrade to specified version]:version' \
+      '(-a -v):filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t fs'
+  ;;
-	("userspace"|"groupspace")
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'-n[Print numeric ID]' \
-			'-i[Translate SID to POSIX ID]' \
-			'-H[Tab-delimited output with no headers]' \
-			'-p[Parseable mode]' \
-			'-o[Properties to list]:property:_values -s , "property" type name used quota' \
-			'*-s[Sort key (ascending)]:property:_values "property" type name used quota' \
-			'*-S[Sort key (descending)]:property:_values "property" type name used quota' \
-			'-t[Types to list]:type:_values -s , "type" all posixuser smbuser posixgroup smbgroup' \
-			'*:filesystem/volume/snapshot:_zfs_dataset'
-		;;
+  zfs:(user|group)space)
+    args=(
+      '-n[print numeric ID]'
+      '-i[translate SID to POSIX ID]'
+    )
+  ;& # fall-through
+  zfs:projectspace)
+    [[ $implementation = solaris ]] && args+=(
+      '(- *)'{-h,--help}'[display usage information]'
+    )
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \
+      '-H[suppress printing of headers, tab-delimit columns]' \
+      '-p[use exact (parsable) numeric output]' \
+      '-o+[specify properties to list]:property:_values -s , "property" type name used quota' \
+      '*-s+[specify sort key (ascending)]: :_values "property" type name used quota' \
+      '*-S+[specify sort key (descending)]: :_values "property" type name used quota' \
+      '-t+[specify types to list]:type:_values -s , "type" all posixuser smbuser posixgroup smbgroup' \
+      '*:filesystem/volume/snapshot:_zfs_dataset'
+  ;;
-	("mount")
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'-o[Mount options]:mount options:_values -s , "option" {,no}{devices,exec,setuid} ro rw' \
-			'-O[Overlay mount]' \
-			'-v[Report mount progress]' \
-			- set1 \
-			':filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t fs' \
-			- set2 \
-			'-a[Mount all available ZFS filesystems]'
-		;;
+  zfs:project)
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S \
+      '(-r -C -k -p -s)-d[act on the directory project ID and inherit flag, not its children]' \
+      '(-d)-r[act on subdirectories recursively]' \
+      '(-0 -c -d -s)-C[clear project inherit flag and/or ID on the file(s) or directories]' \
+      '(-0 -c -d -p -s)-k[keep the project ID unchanged]' \
+      '(-k -C -s)-c[check project ID and inherit flag on the file(s) or directories]' \
+      '(-k -C -s)-0[print file name with a trailing NUL instead of newline]' \
+      '(-k)-p+[specify project ID]:project ID' \
+      '(-0 -c -k -C)-s[set project inherit flag on the given file(s) or directories]' \
+      '*:file:_files'
+  ;;
-	("unmount")
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			- set1 \
-			'-f[Force unmount]' \
-			':filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t mtpt' \
-			- set2 \
-			'-a[Unmount all ZFS filesystems]'
-		;;
+  zfs:mount)
+    [[ $OSTYPE != freebsd* ]] && args=( '-O[overlay mount]' )
+    [[ $implementation = openzfs ]] && args+=(
+    '-l[load keys for encrypted filesystems as they are being mounted]'
+    )
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \
+      '-o+[specify temporary file system options]: :_values -s , "option" {,no}{atime,dev,exec,relatime,suid,xattr} ro rw' \
+      '-v[report mount progress]' \
+      '-f[force mount]' \
+      '(:)-a[mount all available ZFS filesystems]' \
+      '(-a):filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t fs'
+  ;;
-	("share")
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			- set1 \
-			'-a[Share all available ZFS filesystems]' \
-			- set2 \
-			'-r[Share filesystems recursively]' \
-			':filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t fs' \
-			- set3 \
-			'*-o[Create a share with these properties]:property:_values -w "share properties" $share_rw_properties' \
-			'-u[Create a share without sharing it]' \
-			':filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t fs' \
-			- set4 \
-			':filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t mtpt -t share'
-		;;
+  zfs:u(|n)mount)
+    [[ $implementation = openzfs ]] && args+=(
+      '-u[unload keys for any unmounted encryption roots]'
+    )
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \
+      '-f[force unmount]' \
+      '(:)-a[unmount all ZFS filesystems]' \
+      '(-a):dataset or mountpoint:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t mtpt'
+  ;;
-	("unshare")
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			- set1 \
-			'-a[Unshare all shared ZFS filesystems]' \
-			- set2 \
-			'-r[Unshare filesystems recursively]' \
-			':filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t fs' \
-			- set3 \
-			':filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t mtpt -t share'
-		;;
+  zfs:share)
+    [[ $implementation = solaris ]] && args=(
+      - set2 \
+      '-r[share filesystems recursively]' \
+      ':dataset:_zfs_dataset -t fs' \
+      - set3 \
+      '*-o+[create a share with specified properties]: :_values -w "share properties" $share_rw_properties' \
+      '-u[create a share without sharing it]' \
+      ':dataset:_zfs_dataset -t fs' \
+    )
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S \
+      - set1 \
+      '-a[share all available ZFS filesystems]' \
+      $args \
+      - set4 \
+      ':dataset or mountpoint:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t mtpt -t share'
+  ;;
-	("send")
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'-b' \
-			'-i[Generate an incremental stream]:snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap' \
-			'-D[Perform dedup processing]' \
-			'-p[Send properties]' \
-			'-v[Verbose]' \
-			- set1 \
-			'-I[Generate an incremental stream with intermediary snapshots]:snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap' \
-			'-R[Generate a replication stream package]' \
-			':snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap' \
-			- set2 \
-			'-c[Create a self-contained stream]' \
-			'-r[Generate a recursive stream package]' \
-			':snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap'
-		;;
+  zfs:unshare)
+    [[ $implementation = solaris ]] && args=(
+      - set2
+      '-r[unshare filesystems recursively]'
+      ':filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t fs'
+    )
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \
+      - set1 \
+      '-a[unshare all shared ZFS filesystems]' \
+      - set3 \
+      ':filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t mtpt -t share'
+  ;;
-	("receive")
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'-v[Verbose]' \
-			'-n[Do not receive the stream]' \
-			'-F[Force a rollback if necessary]' \
-			'-u[Filesystem is not mounted]' \
-			'-o[Include property change in the stream]::' \
-			'-x[Exclude property change from the stream]:property:' \
-			- set1 \
-			':filesystem/volume/snapshot:_zfs_dataset' \
-			- set2 \
-			'(-e)-d[Set path prefix from stream, excluding only pool name]' \
-			'(-d)-e[Set path prefix from stream, using last path element]' \
-			'-:filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t fs'
-		;;
+  zfs:send)
+    if [[ $implementation = openzfs ]]; then
+      args=(
+        '(-L --large-block)'{-L,--large-block}'[generate a stream which may contain blocks larger than 128KB]'
+        '(-P --parsable)'{-P,--parsable}'[print machine-parsable verbose information about the stream generated]'
+        '(-e --embed)'{-e,--embed}'[more compact stream for blocks stored with the embedded_data feature]'
+        '(-c --compressed)'{-c,--compressed}'[more compact stream for compressed blocks]'
+        '(-h --holds)'{-h,--holds}'[send snapshot holds]'
+        '-V[set the process title to a per-second report of how much data has been send]'
+        '-t[create a send stream that resumes an interrupted receive]:resume token'
+        '(-w --raw)'{-w,--raw}'[keep encrypted data exactly as it exists on disk]'
+        - redact
+        '(-h -V -t -w --raw)--redact[generate a redacted send stream]'
+        - saved
+        '(-S --saved)'{-S,--saved}'[generate stream from partially received dataset]'
+      )
+    else
+      args=(
+        '-w+[send compressed filesystem blocks as compressed in the stream]:compression:(compress none)'
+        '-m+[limit amount of memory used by deduplication processing]: :_numbers -u bytes "memory size" K M G'
+        '-s+[set stream options]:token:(streamsize check nocheck memsize)'
+        '-C[read a receive checkpoint from stdin]'
+        '-c[create a self-contained stream]'
+        '(-R)-r[generate a recursive stream package]'
+      )
+    fi
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S \
+      '-b[send only received property values]' \
+      '(-I)-i[generate an incremental stream]:snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap' \
+      '-D[perform dedup processing]' \
+      "-n[don't send the stream]" \
+      '-p[send properties]' \
+      '-v[verbose]' \
+      '(-i)-I[generate an incremental stream with intermediary snapshots]:snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap' \
+      '(-r)-R[generate a replication stream package]' \
+      ':snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap -t bookmark' \
+      $args
+  ;;
-	("allow")
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'(1 -g -e -c -s)-u[delegate to user]:user:_users' \
-			'(1 -u -e -c -s)-g[delegate to group]:group:_groups' \
-			'(1 -g -u -c -s)-e[delegate to everyone]' \
-			'(1 -u -g -e -l -d -s)-c[set permissions for newly-created descendant filesystems]' \
-			'(1 -u -g -e -l -d -c)-s[define or modify permission sets]:permission set' \
-			'(1 -c -s)-l[allow for named dataset]' \
-			'(1 -c -s)-d[allow for descendent datasets]' \
-			'1::filesystem/volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol' \
-			':permissions or sets:_values -s , "permission or set" $delegatable_perms' \
-			':filesystem/volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol' \
-		;;
+  zfs:redact)
+    _arguments \
+      ':snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap' \
+      ':bookmark:_zfs_dataset -t bookmark' \
+      ':redaction snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap'
+  ;;
-	("unallow")
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'-r[Recursive removal]' \
-			- set1 \
-			'-s[Remove permissions from or delete a permission set]:permission set:' \
-			':permissions or sets:_values -s , "permission or set" $delegatable_perms' \
-			':filesystem/volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol' \
-			- set2 \
-			'(-g)-u[User]:user:_users' \
-			'(-u)-g[Group]:group:_groups' \
-			'-l[Allow for named dataset]' \
-			'-d[Allow for descendent datasets]' \
-			':permissions or sets:_values -s , "permission or set" $delegatable_perms' \
-			':filesystem/volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol' \
-			- set3 \
-			'-e[Everyone]' \
-			'-l[Allow for named dataset]' \
-			'-d[Allow for descendent datasets]' \
-			':permissions or sets:_values -s , "permission or set" $delegatable_perms' \
-			':filesystem/volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol' \
-			- set4 \
-			'-c[Create-time permissions]' \
-			':permissions or sets:_values -s , "permission or set" $delegatable_perms' \
-			':filesystem/volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol'
-		;;
+  zfs:(receive|recv))
+    if [[ $implementation = openzfs ]]; then
+      args=(
+        '-h[skip the receive of holds]'
+        '-s[if the receive is interrupted, save the partially received state]'
+        '(- set2)-A[abort an interrupted zfs recv -s, deleting its saved partially received state]'
+      )
+      [[ $OSTYPE != linux* ]] && args+=(
+        '-M[force an unmount of the file system while receiving a snapshot]'
+      )
+    else
+      args=( '(-)-C[write a receive checkpoint to stdout]' )
+    fi
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \
+      '-v[verbose]' \
+      "-n[don't receive the stream]" \
+      '-F[force a rollback if necessary]' \
+      '-u[filesystem is not mounted]' \
+      '-o[include property change in the stream]:property' \
+      '-x[exclude property change from the stream]:property' \
+      - set1 \
+      ':filesystem/volume/snapshot:_zfs_dataset' \
+      - set2 \
+      '(-e)-d[set path prefix from stream, excluding only pool name]' \
+      '(-d)-e[set path prefix from stream, using last path element]' \
+      ':filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t fs'
+  ;;
-	("upgrade")
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			- set1 \
-			'-v[Verbose]' \
-			- set2 \
-			'-a[Upgrade all filesystems on all pools]' \
-			'-r[Upgrade descendent filesystems, too]' \
-			'-V[Upgrade to specified version]:version:(1 2)' \
-			- set3 \
-			'-r[Upgrade descendent filesystems, too]' \
-			'-V[Upgrade to specified version]:version:(1 2)' \
-			':filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t fs'
-		;;
+  zfs:allow)
+    _arguments -C -A "-*" -S \
+      '(-g -e -c -s)-u[delegate to user]' \
+      '(-u -e -c -s)-g[delegate to group]' \
+      '(1 -g -u -c -s)-e[delegate to everyone]' \
+      '(1 -u -g -e -l -d -s)-c[set permissions for newly-created descendant filesystems]' \
+      '(-u -g -e -l -d -c)-s[define or modify permission sets]:permission set' \
+      '(-c -s)-l[allow for named dataset]' \
+      '(-c -s)-d[allow for descendent datasets]' \
+      '1: :->first' \
+      ':permission list:_values -s , "permission or set" $delegatable_perms' \
+      ':filesystem/volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol'
-	("hold")
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'-r[Apply hold recursively]' \
-			':tag:' \
-			':snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap'
-		;;
+    if [[ -n $state ]]; then
+      case $opt_args[(I)-[ugs]] in
+        ^-[ug]) alts+=( 'permission-sets: :_guard "(|@*)" "permission set"' ) ;|
+        ^-[gs]) alts+=( 'users:user:_users' ) ;|
+        ^-[us]) alts+=( 'groups:group:_groups' ) ;|
+        '')
+          alts+=(
+            'all:everyone:(everyone)'
+            'filesystems:filesystem/volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol'
+          )
+        ;;
+      esac
+      _alternative $alts
+    fi
+  ;;
-	("holds")
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'-r[List holds recursively]' \
-			':snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap'
-		;;
+  zfs:unallow)
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S \
+      '-r[recursive removal]' \
+      '(-e -g -s -c)-u[user]' \
+      '(-e -u -s -c)-g[group]' \
+      '(1 -g -u -s -c)-e[everyone]' \
+      '(1 -u -g -e -s -l -d)-c[create-time permissions]' \
+      '(-e -u -g -c)-s[remove permissions from or delete a permission set]:permission set' \
+      '(-c -s)-l[allow for named dataset]' \
+      '(-c -s)-d[allow for descendent datasets]' \
+      '1: :->first' \
+      '::permissions or sets:_values -s , "permission or set" $delegatable_perms' \
+      ':filesystem/volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol'
-	("release")
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'-r[Release holds recursively]' \
-			':tag:' \
-			':snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap'
-		;;
+    if [[ -n $state ]]; then
+      case $opt_args[(I)-[ugs]] in
+        ^-[ug]) alts+=( 'permission-sets: :_guard "(|@*)" "permission set"' ) ;|
+        ^-[gs]) alts+=( 'users:user:_users' ) ;|
+        ^-[us]) alts+=( 'groups:group:_groups' ) ;|
+        '') alts+=( 'all:everyone:(everyone)' ) ;;
+      esac
+      _alternative $alts
+    fi
+  ;;
-	("diff")
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'-F[Add column for filetype character]' \
-			'-H[Parseable output]' \
-			'-e[Only show new and changed files]' \
-			'*-o[Show fields]:field:_values "field" $difffields' \
-			'-t[Add column for ctime]' \
-			- set1 \
-			':snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap' \
-			':snapshot or filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t snap -t fs' \
-			- set2 \
-			'-E[Show difference from empty]' \
-			':snapshot or filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t snap -t fs'
-		;;
+  zfs:hold)
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S \
+      '-r[apply hold recursively]' \
+      ':tag' \
+      ':snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap'
+  ;;
-	("key")
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			- set1 \
-			'-a[Apply to all datasets in all pools]' \
-			'(-u -K -f)-l[Load the encryption key]' \
-			'(-l -K)-u[Unload the encryption key]' \
-			'(-l -u -f)-K[Create a new data encryption key]' \
-			'(-l -K)-f[Unmount the dataset before unloading the encryption key]' \
-			'-r[Apply recursively]' \
-			':filesystem or volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol' \
-			- set2 \
-			'-c[Change the encryption key]' \
-			'-o[Change a property]:property:_zfs_keysource_props' \
-			':filesystem or volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol'
-		;;
+  zfs:holds)
+    [[ $implementation = openzfs ]] && args=(
+      '-H[suppress printing of headers, tab-delimit columns]'
+    )
+    [[ $OSTYPE = freebsd<-12>.* ]] && args+=(
+      # features were lost with the openzfs rebase
+      '-p[use exact (parsable) numeric output]'
+      '(-r)-d+[depth]:value'
+    )
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \
+      '(-d)-r[list holds recursively]' \
+      ':snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap'
+  ;;
-	("jail"|"unjail")
-		_arguments \
-			'1: : _jails' \
-			'2:filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t fs'
-		;;
+  zfs:release)
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S \
+      '-r[release holds recursively]' \
+      ':tag' \
+      ':snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap'
+  ;;
-	("help")
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			- set1 \
-			':command:($subcmds $delegatable_perms $ro_properties ${rw_properties%%:*} properties)' \
-			- set2 \
-			'-l[Display property information]' \
-			': :(properties)'
-		;;
+  zfs:diff)
+    [[ $implementation = solaris ]] && args=(
+      '(-E)-e[only show new and changed files, no deleted]'
+      '*-o+[show specified fields]:field:_values "field" $difffields'
+      '-q[silence warnings for missing snapshots on recursive datasets]'
+      '-N[enumerate new child datasets (with -r)]'
+      '(1 -e)-E[show difference from empty]'
+    )
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \
+      '-F[add column for filetype character, similar to ls(1)]' \
+      '-H[suppress printing of headers and arrows, tab-delimit columns]' \
+      '-t[add column for ctime]' \
+      '(-E)1:snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap' \
+      '2:snapshot or filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t snap -t fs'
+  ;;
-	(*)
-		_message "unknown zfs subcommand: $service"
-		;;
-	esac
+  zfs:wait)
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S \
+      '-t[specify background activity]:activity:(deleteq)' \
+      ':filesystem:_zfs_dataset'
+  ;;
-_zfs "$@"
+  zfs:key)
+    _arguments -C -A "-*" -S \
+      '-t+[only apply to given dataset type]: :_values -s , "dataset type" $ds_types' \
+      '(-u -c -K -f -o)-l[load the encryption key]' \
+      "(-u -c -K -f -o)-M[don't mount file systems after loading their keys]" \
+      "(-u -c -K -f -o)-S[don't share file systems after loading their keys]" \
+      '(-l -c -K -o -M -S)-u[unload the encryption key]' \
+      '(-l -c -K -o -M -S)-f[force unmount the dataset before unloading the encryption key]' \
+      '(-l -u -K -f -M -S)-c[change the encryption key]' \
+      '(-l -u -K -f -M -S)-o+[change a property]:property:->keysources' \
+      '(-l -c -u -f -o -M -S)-K[create a new data encryption key]' \
+      '(1 -r)-a[apply to all datasets in all pools]' \
+      '(-a)-r[apply recursively]' \
+      ':filesystem or volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol'
+  ;;
+  zfs:load-key)
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S \
+      "-L+[specify location of user's encryption key]:key location [prompt]:_files -P file\:// -W /" \
+      '(:)-a[load keys for all encryption roots in all imported pools]' \
+      '-n[do a dry-run, simply check that the provided key is correct]' \
+      '-r[load keys for datasets recursively]' \
+      '(-a):filesystem or volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol'
+  ;;
+  zfs:unload-key)
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S \
+      '(:)-a[unload keys for all encryption roots in all imported pools]' \
+      '-r[unload keys for datasets recursively]' \
+      '(-a):filesystem or volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol'
+  ;;
+  zfs:change-key)
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S \
+      '(-o)-i[make filesystem inherit key from its parent]' \
+      '-l[ensure key is loaded before attempting to change it]' \
+      '(-i)*-o+[change encryption key property]: :_values -s , "property" $key_properties' \
+      ':filesystem or volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol'
+  ;;
+  zfs:jail|zfs:unjail)
+    _arguments \
+      '1: : _jails' \
+      '2:filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t fs'
+  ;;
+  zfs:help)
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S \
+      - set1 \
+      ':command:($subcmds $delegatable_perms $ro_ds_props ${rw_ds_props%%:*} properties)' \
+      - set2 \
+      '(2)-l[display property information]' \
+      ':help topic:(property)' \
+      ':property:($delegatable_perms $ro_ds_props ${rw_ds_props%%:*})'
+  ;;
+  zpool:help)
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S \
+      - commands \
+      ':command:($subcmds)' \
+      - properties \
+      '(2)-l[display property information]' \
+      ':help topic:(property)' \
+      ':property:(${po_propnames%%\[*})'
+  ;;
+  zpool:add)
+    if [[ $implementation = openzfs ]]; then
+      args=(
+        '-g[display vdev, GUIDs instead of the normal device names]'
+        '-L[display real paths for vdevs resolving all symbolic links]'
+        '-o+[set given pool properties]: :_values -s , "property" "${(@M)ci_po_props\:#ashift*}"' \
+        '-P[display real paths for vdevs instead of only the last component of the path]'
+      )
+    elif [[ $implementation = solaris ]]; then
+      args=( '-l[display configuration in /dev/chassis location form]' )
+    fi
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \
+      '-f[force use of in-use devices]' \
+      '-n[display configuration without modifying pool]' \
+      ':pool:_zfs_pool' \
+      '*:virtual device:->virtual-devices'
+  ;;
+  zpool:attach)
+    if [[ $implementation = openzfs ]]; then
+      args=(
+        '-w[wait until new device has finished resilvering before returning]'
+        '-s[reconstruct sequentially to restore redundancy as quickly as possible]'
+        '-o+[set given pool properties]: :_values -s , "property" "${(@M)ci_po_props\:#ashift*}"'
+      )
+    fi
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \
+      '-f[force attach, even if in use]' \
+      ':pool:_zfs_pool' \
+      ':virtual device:->pool-devices' \
+      ':virtual device:->disk-devices'
+  ;;
+  zpool:checkpoint)
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S \
+      '(-d --discard)'{-d,--discard}'[discard an existing checkpoint from the pool]' \
+      '(-w --wait)'{-w,--wait}'[wait until the checkpoint has finished being discarded before returning]' \
+      ':pool:_zfs_pool'
+  ;;
+  zpool:clear)
+    [[ $implementation = solaris ]] && args=(
+      '-f[ignore fmadm acquit and fmadm repair failures]'
+    )
+    _arguments -C -A "-*" -S $args \
+      '-F[discard transactions to allow pool opening]' \
+      '-n[with -F, check if discarding transactions would work]' \
+      '-X[(undocumented) extreme rewind of transactions]' \
+      ':pool:_zfs_pool' \
+      '*:virtual device:->pool-devices'
+  ;;
+  zpool:create)
+    if [[ $implementation = openzfs ]]; then
+      args=(
+        "-d[don't enable any features on the new pool]"
+      )
+    else
+      args=(
+        '-B[create EFI boot partition on whole disks]'
+        '-l[display configuration in /dev/chassis location form]'
+        "-N[create pool but don't mount or share]"
+      )
+    fi
+    _arguments -C -A "-*" -S $args \
+      '-o+[set pool property at creation time]:property:->newpool-properties' \
+      '-O+[set dataset property at creation time]:property:->create-properties' \
+      '-f[force use of in-use devices]' \
+      '-n[display configuration without creating pool]' \
+      '-R+[use alternate root]:alternate root:_directories' \
+      '-m+[set mountpoint for root dataset]:mountpoint' \
+      '-t+[use a temporary pool name]:pool name' \
+      ':pool :_guard "^-*" "pool name"' \
+      '*: :->virtual-devices'
+  ;;
+  zpool:destroy)
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S \
+      '-f[force active datasets to be unmounted]' \
+      ':pool:_zfs_pool'
+  ;;
+  zpool:detach)
+    _arguments -C \
+      ':pool:_zfs_pool' \
+      ':virtual device:->pool-devices'
+  ;;
+  zpool:events)
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S \
+      '(- 1)-c[clear all previous events]' \
+      '-f[follow mode - continue running, showing new events]' \
+      '-H[suppress headers and tab-delimit fields]' \
+      '-v[print the entire payload for each event]' \
+      '(-c)1:pool:_zfs_pool'
+  ;;
+  zpool:export)
+    [[ $implementation = openzfs ]] && args=( '(*)-a[export all pools]' )
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \
+      '-f[forcefully unmount all datasets]' \
+      '*:pool:_zfs_pool'
+  ;;
+  zpool:get)
+    [[ $implementation = solaris ]] && args=(
+      '-s+[specify sources to display]: :_values -s "source" local default none'
+    )
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \
+      '-H[suppress headers and tab-delimit fields]' \
+      '-p[display numbers in parseable (exact) values]' \
+      '-o+[specify fields to display]: : _values -s , field name property value source' \
+      ':property:_values -s , "property" $po_propnames' \
+      '*:pool:_zfs_pool'
+  ;;
+  zpool:history)
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S \
+      '-i[display internal events]' \
+      '-l[long format]' \
+      '*:pool:_zfs_pool'
+  ;;
+  zpool:import)
+    # TODO: -o should complete mount options, too
+    if [[ $implementation = openzfs ]]; then
+      args=(
+        '-t[new pool name is temporary]'
+        '-l[request encryption keys for all encrypted datasets]'
+        '--rewind-to-checkpoint[rewind pool to the checkpointed state]'
+        '-s[scan using the default search path]'
+        '(-F -X)-T[specify the txg to use for rollback]'
+      )
+    else
+      args=(
+        '(-a)-t+[use a temporary pool name]:pool name'
+        '-l[display configuration in /dev/chassis location form]'
+      )
+    fi
+    _arguments -C -A "-*" -S $args \
+      '(1 2 -t)-a[search for and import all pools found]' \
+      '-D[destroyed pools only]' \
+      '(-d)*-c+[use cache file]:cache file:_files' \
+      '(-c -D)*-d+[search for devices or files in directory]:directory:_files -/' \
+      '-F[recovery mode: discard transactions if required]' \
+      '-X[(undocumented) extreme rewind of transactions]' \
+      '!-V' \
+      '-f[force import]' \
+      '-m[ignore missing log devices]' \
+      '-N[import pool without mounting any filesystems]' \
+      "-n[with -F; don't perform input]" \
+      '-R+[specify alternate root]:alternate root:_files -/' \
+      '-o+[set pool or dataset property]:property:->import-properties' \
+      '1:pool name or id:_zfs_pool' \
+      '2::new pool name'
+  ;;
+  zpool:initialize)
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S \
+      '(-s --suspend -c --cancel)'{-c,--cancel}'[cancel initializing on specified devices]' \
+      '(-s --suspend -c --cancel)'{-s,--suspend}'[suspend initializing on specified devices]' \
+      '(-w --wait)'{-w,--wait}'[wait until devices have finished initializing before returning]' \
+      ':pool:_zfs_pool' \
+      '*:device:pool-devices'
+  ;;
+  zpool:iostat)
+    if [[ $implementation = openzfs ]]; then
+      args=(
+        '-c[run scripts on each vdev]:script:_files -W "($ZPOOL_SCRIPTS_PATH /etc/zfs/zpool.d ~/.zpool.d)"'
+        '-g[display vdev GUIDs instead of normal device names]'
+        '-H[suppress headers and tab-delimit fields]'
+        '-L[display real paths for vdevs resolving all symbolic links]'
+        '-n[print headers only once]'
+        '-p[display numbers in parsable (exact) values and times in nanoseconds]'
+        '-P[display full paths for vdevs instead of only the last component of the path]'
+        "-r[print request size histograms for the leaf vdev's IO]"
+        '-y[omit statistics since boot]'
+        '-w[display latency histograms]'
+        '-l[include average latency statistics]'
+        '-q[include active queue statistics]'
+      )
+    else
+      args=( '-l[display configuration in /dev/chassis location form]' )
+    fi
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \
+      '-T+[display a timestamp]:format:((d\:standard u\:internal))' \
+      '-v[verbose statistics]' \
+      '*::pool:_zfs_pool' \
+      '::interval' \
+      '::count'
+  ;;
+  zpool:label)
+    _arguments -C -A "-*" -S \
+      '(-c)*-d+[specify path in which to search for devices or files]:path:_directories' \
+      '(-d)-c+[read configuration from specified cache file]:cache file:_files' \
+      '(-R)-C[clear ZFS metadata on an inactive pool or device]' \
+      '(-C)-R[recover ZFS metadata for a pool]' \
+      '1::pool:_zfs_pool' \
+      '2:device:->pool-devices'
+  ;;
+  zpool:labelclear)
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S \
+      '-f[treat exported or foreign devices as inactive]' \
+      '*:virtual device:_files'
+  ;;
+  zpool:list)
+    [[ $implementation = openzfs ]] && args=(
+      '-g[display vdev GUIDs instead of normal device names]'
+      '-L[display real paths for vdevs resolving all symbolic links]'
+      '-p[display numbers in parsable (exact) values]'
+      '-P[display full paths for vdevs instead of only the last component of the path]'
+      '-v[report usage statistics for individual vdevs within the pool]'
+    )
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \
+      '-H[suppress headers and tab-delimit fields]' \
+      '-T+[display a timestamp]:format:((d\:standard u\:internal))' \
+      '-o+[specify fields to list]: :_values -s , "field" $po_propnames' \
+      '::pool:_zfs_pool'
+  ;;
+  zpool:monitor)
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S \
+      '-t+[specify provider]:provider:(send receive scrub resilver ddtmigrate destroy)' \
+      '-o+[specify fields]: :_values -s , field done other pctdone pool provider speed starttime tag timeleft timestmp total' \
+      '-T+[display a timestamp]:format:((d\:standard u\:internal))' \
+      '-p[use machine-parseable output format]' \
+      '1:pool:_zfs_pool' \
+      '2:interval' \
+      '3:count'
+  ;;
+  zpool:offline)
+    [[ $implementation = openzfs ]] && args=(
+      '-f[force disk into faulted state]'
+    )
+    _arguments -C -A "-*" -S $args \
+      '-t[offline until next reboot]' \
+      ':pool:_zfs_pool' \
+      '*:virtual device:->pool-devices'
+  ;;
+  zpool:online)
+    _arguments -C -A "-*" -S \
+      '-e[expand device to use all available space]' \
+      ':pool:_zfs_pool' \
+      '*:virtual device:->pool-devices'
+  ;;
+  zpool:reopen)
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S \
+      "-n[don't restart an in-progress scrub operation]" \
+      '1:pool:_zfs_pool'
+  ;;
+  zpool:reguid)
+    _zfs_pool
+  ;;
+  zpool:remove)
+    [[ $implementation = openzfs ]] && args=(
+      '(-s)-w[wait until removal has completed before returning]'
+    )
+    _arguments -C -A "-*" -S $args \
+      "(-s)-n[don't perform the removal, display mapping table memory use]" \
+      '(-s)-p[with -n, display numbers in parseable (exact) values]' \
+      '(- *)-s[stop and cancel an in-progress removal]' \
+      '1:pool:_zfs_pool' \
+      '*:device:->pool-devices'
+  ;;
+  zpool:replace)
+    [[ $implementation = openzfs ]] && args=(
+      '-w[wait until replacement has completed before returning]'
+      '-s[reconstruct sequentially to restore redundancy as quickly as possible]'
+      '-o+[set given pool properties]: :_values -s , "property" "${(@M)ci_po_props\:#ashift*}"'
+    )
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \
+      '-f[force attach, even if in use]' \
+      ':pool:_zfs_pool' \
+      ':virtual device:_files' \
+      '::virtual device:_files'
+  ;;
+  zpool:(resilver|sync))
+    _arguments \
+      '*:pool:_zfs_pool'
+  ;;
+  zpool:scrub)
+    [[ $implementation = openzfs ]] && args=(
+      '(-s)-p[pause scrubbing]'
+      '-w[wait until scrub has completed before returning]'
+    )
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \
+      '(-p)-s[stop scrubbing]' \
+      '*:pool:_zfs_pool'
+  ;;
+  zpool:set)
+    _arguments -C -A "-*" -S \
+      ':property:->set-pool-properties' \
+      '*:pool:_zfs_pool'
+  ;;
+  zpool:split)
+    if [[ $implementation = solaris ]]; then
+      args=( '-l[display configuration in /dev/chassis location form]' )
+    else
+      args=(
+        '-g[display vdev GUIDs instead of normal device names]'
+        '-L[display real paths for vdevs resolving all symbolic links]'
+        '-l[request encryption keys for encrypted datasets]'
+        '-P[display full paths for vdevs instead of only the last component of the path]'
+      )
+    fi
+    _arguments -C -A "-*" -S $args \
+      '-R+[specify alternate root]:alternate root:_files -/' \
+      '-n[display configuration without splitting]' \
+      '-o+[set pool or dataset property]:property:->import-properties' \
+      ':pool name or id:_zfs_pool' \
+      ':new pool name' \
+      '*:virtual device:->pool-devices'
+  ;;
+  zpool:status)
+    if [[ $implementation = openzfs ]]; then
+      args=(
+        '-D[display a histogram of deduplication statistics]'
+        '-c[run scripts on each vdev]:script:_files -W "($ZPOOL_SCRIPTS_PATH /etc/zfs/zpool.d ~/.zpool.d)"'
+        '-i[display vdev initialization status]'
+        '-g[display vdev GUIDs instead of the normal device names]'
+        '-L[display real paths for vdevs resolving all symbolic links]'
+        '-p[display numbers in parsable (exact) values and times in nanoseconds]'
+        '-P[display full paths for vdevs instead of only the last component of the path]'
+        '-s[display the number of leaf VDEV slow IOs]'
+        '-t[display vdev TRIM status]'
+      )
+    else
+      args=( '-l[display configuration in /dev/chassis location form]' )
+    fi
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S $args\
+      '-v[verbose information]' \
+      '-x[show only unhealthy pools]' \
+      '-T+[display a timestamp]:format:((d\:standard u\:internal))' \
+      '*::pool:_zfs_pool' \
+      ':: :_guard "[0-9]#" interval' \
+      ':: :_guard "[0-9]#" count'
+  ;;
+  zpool:trim)
+    _arguments -C -A "-*" -S \
+      '(-d --secure)'{-d,--secure}'[initiate a secure TRIM]' \
+      '(-r --rate)'{-r,--rate}'[set rate at which the TRIM operation progresses]:rate (bytes per second)' \
+      '(-c --cancel)'{-c,--cancel}'[cancel trimming]' \
+      '(-s --suspend)'{-s,--suspend}'[suspend trimming]' \
+      '(-w --wait)'{-w,--wait}'[wait until devices are done being trimmed]' \
+      '1:pool:_zfs_pool' \
+      '*:device:->pool-devices'
+  ;;
+  zpool:upgrade)
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S \
+      '(- *)-v[display ZFS versions and descriptions]'
+      "(-v)-V+[upgrade to given version]:version" \
+      '(-v *)-a[upgrade all pools]' \
+      '(-a -v)*:pool:_zfs_pool'
+  ;;
+  zpool:wait)
+    _arguments -A "-*" -S \
+      '-H[suppress printing of headers, tab-delimit columns]' \
+      '-P[use exact (parsable) numeric output]' \
+      '-t+[specify background activity]: : _values -s , activity discard free initialize replace remove resilver scrub trim' \
+      '-T+[display a timestamp]:format:((d\:standard u\:internal))' \
+      ':pool:_zfs_pool' \
+      ':interval'
+  ;;
+  *)
+    _default
+  ;;
+while (( $#state )); do
+  curstate=$state
+  state=()
+  case $curstate in
+    virtual-devices)
+      local -a vdevtypes
+      vdevtypes=( mirror raidz{,1,2,3} spare log cache )
+      if [[ $implementation = openzfs ]]; then
+        vdevtypes+=( draid{,1,2,3} dedup special )
+      else
+        vdevtypes+=( meta )
+      fi
+      # cache can't be a mirror
+      [[ $words[CURRENT-1] != cache ]] && alts=(
+        'vdev-types:vdev type:compadd -a vdevtypes'
+      )
+      [[ -prefix / ]] || alts+=(
+        'disk-vdevs:disk vdev:_files -g "*(-%)" -W /dev'
+      )
+      _alternative $alts 'file-vdevs:file vdev:_files -W / -P /'
+    ;;
+    pool-devices)
+      local -a devices
+      devices=( ${${${(M)${(f)"$(_call_program devices zpool status $line[1])"}:#$'\t' *}##[[:blank:]]#}%%[[:blank:]]*} )
+      if (( $#devices )); then
+        _description devices expl "$state_descr"
+        compadd "$expl[@]" -a devices
+        break
+      fi
+    ;& # fall-through if we found none
+    disk-devices)
+      [[ -prefix / ]] || alts=(
+        'disk-vdevs:disk vdev:_files -g "*(-%)" -W /dev'
+      )
+      _alternative $alts 'file-vdevs:file vdev:_files -W / -P /'
+    ;;
+    keysources)
+      local -a suf
+      compset -S ",*" || suf=(-S ,)
+      if compset -P 1 "*,"; then
+        _alternative \
+          'zfs-keylocator-prompt:"prompt" locator:(prompt)' \
+          'zfs-keylocator-file:file locator:_files' \
+          'zfs-keylocator-pkcs11: : _message -e zfs-keylocator-pkcs11 "PKCS#11 locator"' \
+          'zfs-keylocator-https: : _message -e zfs-keylocator-https "HTTPS URL locator"'
+      else
+        _description keysource-formats expl "keysource format"
+        compadd $suf -q "$expl[@]" "$@" raw hex passphrase
+      fi
+    ;;
+    quotas)
+      _alternative \
+        'sizes: :_numbers -M "m:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}" -u bytes size :B {k,M,G,T,P,E,Z}{,B}' \
+        'properties:property:(none)'
+    ;;
+    import-properties) args=( $ci_ds_props $rw_ds_props $ci_po_props ) ;|
+    create-properties) args=( $ci_ds_props ) ;|
+    set-properties) args=( $rw_ds_props ) ;|
+    newpool-properties) args=( $rw_po_props $ci_po_props ) ;|
+    set-pool-properties) args=( $rw_po_props ) ;|
+    *-properties)
+      if compset -P 1 '(#m)*@'; then
+        if compset -P 1 '*='; then
+          case $MATCH in
+            *quota@) _alternative \
+              'sizes: :_numbers -M "m\:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}" -u bytes size \:B {k,M,G,T,P,E,Z}{,B}' \
+              'properties:property:(none)'
+            ;;
+          esac
+        else
+          case $MATCH in
+            user*@) _users -S = ;;
+            group*@) _groups -S = ;;
+            project*@) _message -e projects project ;;
+          esac
+        fi
+      else
+        _wanted values expl "$state_descr" compadd -S@ ${${(M)args:#*@}%@}
+        _values -C "$state_descr" ${args:#*@}
+      fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+[[ nm -ne "$compstate[nmatches]" ]]
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_zpool b/Completion/Unix/Command/_zpool
deleted file mode 100644
index d9c2caa52..000000000
--- a/Completion/Unix/Command/_zpool
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-#compdef zpool
-# Synced with the S11U1 man page
-_zpool() {
-	local context state line expl implementation
-	local -a subcmds fields ro_props rw_props versions create_properties_dataset
-	_pick_variant -r implementation -c 'zpool upgrade -v' openzfs='This system supports ZFS pool feature flags' solaris
-	subcmds=(
-		create destroy add remove list iostat status online
-		offline clear attach detach replace scrub import export
-		upgrade history get set split help
-	)
-	if [[ $implementation = openzfs ]] && [[ $OSTYPE != solaris* ]]; then
-		subcmds+=( labelclear initialize )
-	fi
-	versions=(
-		${${${(M)"${(f)$(_call_program versions zpool upgrade -v)}":#[[:space:]]#<->*}##[[:space:]]}%%[[:space:]]*}
-	)
-	ro_props=(
-		"all[All properties]"
-		"allocated[Space allocated]"
-		"capacity[Space used (percentage)]"
-		"dedupratio[Deduplication ratio]"
-		"free[Space unallocated]"
-		"guid[Unique identifier]"
-		"health[Health status]"
-		"size[Total size]"
-	)
-	rw_props=(
-		"altroot[Alternate root directory]:value:"
-		"autoexpand[Automatic pool expansion]:value:(on off)"
-		"autoreplace[Automatic device replacement]:value:(on off)"
-		"bootfs[Default bootable dataset]:value:"
-		"cachefile[Pool configuration cache file location]:value:"
-		"dedupditto[Threshold for number of copies]:value:"
-		"delegation[Delegated administration]:value:(on off)"
-		"failmode[Failure-mode behavior]:value:(wait continue panic)"
-		"listshares[Show shares in 'zfs list']:value:(on off)"
-		"listsnaps[Show snapshots in 'zfs list']:value:(on off)"
-		"readonly[Controls whether the pool can be modified]:value:(on off)"
-		"version[Pool version]:version:($versions)"
-	)
-	fields=( ${ro_props%%:*} ${rw_props%%:*} )
-	create_properties_dataset=(
-		"aclinherit:value:(discard noallow restricted passthrough passthrough-x)"
-		"aclmode:value:(discard mask passthrough)"
-		"atime:value:(on off)"
-		"canmount:value:(on off noauto)"
-		"checksum:value:(on off fletcher2 fletcher4 sha256 sha256+mac)"
-		"compression:value:(on off lzjb gzip gzip-{1..9} zle)"
-		"copies:value:(1 2 3)"
-		"dedup:value:(on off verify sha256 sha256,verify)"
-		"devices:value:(on off)"
-		"encryption:value:(off on aes128-ccm aes-192-ccm aes-256-ccm aes-128-gcm aes-192-gcm aes-256-gcm)"
-		"exec:value:(on off)"
-		"groupquota@:value:" # TODO: complete group=size|none
-		"keysource:value:_zfs_keysource_props"
-		"logbias:value:(latency throughput)"
-		"mlslabel:value:(none)" # TODO: list sensitivity labels
-		"mountpoint:path, 'legacy', or 'none':{if [[ -prefix /* ]]; then _path_files -/; else _wanted mountpoints expl 'mountpoint (type \"/\" to start completing paths)' compadd legacy none; fi}"
-		"nbmand:value:(on off)"
-		"primarycache:value:(all none metadata)"
-		"quota:number or 'none':{if [[ -prefix [0-9]## ]]; then _message -e 'number'; elif [[ $PREFIX == quota= ]]; then _wanted none expl 'number or none' compadd none; else _wanted none expl 'quota' compadd none; fi}"
-		"readonly:value:(on off)"
-		"recordsize:value:(512 1K 2K 4K 8K 16K 32K 64K 128K 256K 512K 1M)"
-		"refquota:number or 'none':{if [[ -prefix [0-9]## ]]; then _message -e 'number'; elif [[ $PREFIX == refquota= ]]; then _wanted none expl 'number or none' compadd none; else _wanted none expl 'refquota' compadd none; fi}"
-		"refreservation:number or 'none':{if [[ -prefix [0-9]## ]]; then _message -e 'number'; elif [[ $PREFIX == refreservation= ]]; then _wanted none expl 'number or none' compadd none; else _wanted none expl 'refreservation' compadd none; fi}"
-		"reservation:value:{if [[ -prefix [0-9]## ]]; then _message -e 'number'; elif [[ $PREFIX == reservation= ]]; then _wanted none expl 'number or none' compadd none; else _wanted none expl 'reservation' compadd none; fi}"
-		"rstchown:value:(on off)"
-		"secondarycache:value:(all none metadata)"
-		"setuid:value:(on off)"
-		"shadow:value:" # TODO: complete URI|none
-		"share:share properties:"
-		"sharenfs:value:(on off)"
-		"sharesmb:value:(on off)"
-		"snapdir:value:(hidden visible)"
-		"sync:value:(standard always disabled)"
-		"userquota@:value:" # TODO: complete user=size|none
-		"version:value:(1 2 3 4 current)"
-		"volsize:value:" # <size>
-		"vscan:value:(on off)"
-		"xattr:value:(on off)"
-		"zoned:value:(on off)"
-	)
-	if [[ $service == "zpool" ]]; then
-		_arguments -C \
-			'-\?[show help information]' \
-			'1:subcommand:compadd -a subcmds' \
-			'*:: :->subcmd' && return
-		service="$words[1]"
-		curcontext="${curcontext%:*}-$service:"
-	fi
-	case $service in
-	(help)
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			- set1 \
-			':command/property:($subcmds ${fields%%\[*} properties)' \
-			- set2 \
-			'-l[Display property information]' \
-			': :(properties)'
-		;;
-	(clear)
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'-F[Discard transactions to allow pool opening]' \
-			'-f[Ignore fmadm acquit and fmadm repair failures]' \
-			'-n[With -F, check if discarding transactions would work]' \
-			':pool name:_zfs_pool' \
-			'*:virtual device:_files'
-		;;
-	(create)
-		# TODO: investigate better vdev handling
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'-B[Create EFI boot partition on whole disks]' \
-			'-o[Set pool property at creation time]:property:_values -s , "property" $rw_props' \
-			'-O[Set dataset property at creation time]:property:_values -s , "property" $create_properties_dataset' \
-			'-f[Force use of in-use devices]' \
-			'-l[Display configuration in /dev/chassis location form]' \
-			'-n[Display configuration without creating pool]' \
-			'-R[Use alternate root]:alternate root:_files -/' \
-			'-m[Set mountpoint for root dataset]:mountpoint:' \
-			':pool name:' \
-			'*:virtual device:_files'
-		;;
-	(destroy)
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'-f[Force active datasets to be unmounted]' \
-			':pool name:_zfs_pool'
-		;;
-	(add)
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'-f[Force use of in-use devices]' \
-			'-l[Display configuration in /dev/chassis location form]' \
-			'-n[Display configuration without modifying pool]' \
-			':pool name:_zfs_pool' \
-			'*:virtual device:_files'
-		;;
-	(list)
-		_arguments \
-			'-H[Scripted mode]' \
-			'-T[timestamp]:value:(u d)' \
-			'-o[Fields to list]:field:_values -s , "field" $fields' \
-			'::pool name:_zfs_pool'
-		;;
-	(initialize)
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'(-c --cancel)'{-c,--cancel}'[cancel initializing on specified devices]' \
-			'(-s --suspend)'{-s,--suspend}'[suspend initializing on specified devices]' \
-			':pool name:_zfs_pool' \
-			'*:device:_files'
-		;;
-	(iostat)
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'-l[Display configuration in /dev/chassis location form]' \
-			'-T[timestamp]:value:(u d)' \
-			'-v[Verbose statistics]' \
-			'*::pool name:_zfs_pool' \
-			'::interval:' \
-			'::count:'
-		;;
-	(labelclear)
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'-f[treat exported or foreign devices as inactive]' \
-			'*:virtual device:_files'
-		;;
-	(status)
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'-l[Display configuration in /dev/chassis location form]' \
-			'-v[Verbose information]' \
-			'-x[Show only unhealthy pools]' \
-			'-T[timestamp]:value:(u d)' \
-			'*::pool name:_zfs_pool'
-		;;
-	(offline)
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'-t[Offline until next reboot]' \
-			':pool name:_zfs_pool' \
-			'*:virtual device:_files'
-		;;
-	(online)
-		_arguments \
-			'-e[Expand device to use all available space]' \
-			':pool name:_zfs_pool' \
-			'*:virtual device:_files'
-		;;
-	(attach)
-		# TODO: first device should choose first from existing.
-		_arguments \
-			'-f[Force attach, even if in use]' \
-			':pool name:_zfs_pool' \
-			':virtual device:_files' \
-			':virtual device:_files'
-		;;
-	(detach)
-		_arguments \
-			':pool name:_zfs_pool' \
-			':virtual device:_files'
-		;;
-	(replace)
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'-f[Force attach, even if in use]' \
-			':pool name:_zfs_pool' \
-			':virtual device:_files' \
-			'::virtual device:_files'
-		;;
-	(scrub)
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'-s[Stop scrubbing]' \
-			'*:pool name:_zfs_pool'
-		;;
-	(export)
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'-f[Forcefully unmount all datasets]' \
-			'*:pool name:_zfs_pool'
-		;;
-	(import)
-		# TODO: -o should complete mount options, too
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'-D[Destroyed pools]' \
-			'(-d)*-c[Use cache file]:cache file:_files' \
-			'(-c -D)*-d[Search for devices or files in directory]:directory:_files -/' \
-			'-F[Recovery mode: discard transactions if required]' \
-			'-f[Force import]' \
-			'-l[Display configuration in /dev/chassis location form]' \
-			'-m[Ignore missing log devices]' \
-			'-N[Import pool without mounting any filesystems]' \
-			'-n[With -F; do not perform input]' \
-			'-R[Alternate root]:alternate root:_files -/' \
-			'-o[Set pool or dataset property]:property:_values -s , "property" $create_properties_dataset $rw_props' \
-			- set1 \
-			'*:pool name or id:_zfs_pool' \
-			'::new pool name:' \
-			- set2 \
-			'-N[Do not mount any filesystems]' \
-			'-a[All pools]'
-		;;
-	(get)
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			':property:_values -s , "property" $fields' \
-			'*:pool name:_zfs_pool'
-		;;
-	(set)
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			':property:_values -s , "property" $rw_props' \
-			'*:pool name:_zfs_pool'
-		;;
-	(split)
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'-R[Alternate root]:alternate root:_files -/' \
-			'-l[Display configuration in /dev/chassis location form]' \
-			'-n[Display configuration without splitting]' \
-			'-o[Set pool or dataset property]:property:_values -s , "property" $create_properties_dataset $rw_props' \
-			':pool name or id:_zfs_pool' \
-			':new pool name:' \
-			'*::virtual device:_files -/'
-		;;
-	(upgrade)
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			- set1 \
-			'-v[Display ZFS versions and descriptions]' \
-			- set2 \
-			"-V[Upgrade to given version]:version:($versions)" \
-			'-a[Upgrade all pools]' \
-			'*:pool name:_zfs_pool'
-		;;
-	(history)
-		_arguments -A "-*" \
-			'-i[Display internal events]' \
-			'-l[Long format]' \
-			'*:pool name:_zfs_pool'
-		;;
-	(*)
-		_message "unknown zpool subcommand: $service"
-		;;
-	esac
-_zpool "$@"
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Type/_zfs_dataset b/Completion/Unix/Type/_zfs_dataset
index 63384afc6..7edcfd5d7 100644
--- a/Completion/Unix/Type/_zfs_dataset
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Type/_zfs_dataset
@@ -11,10 +11,12 @@ local expl_type
 # -t takes arguments (what kinds of datasets) and can appear multiple times
 zparseopts -D -E e:=expl_type_arr p=paths_allowed r1=rsrc r2=rdst t+:=type
-[[ -n $type[(r)fs] ]]    && typearg=( filesystem )
-[[ -n $type[(r)vol] ]]   && typearg=( $typearg volume )
-[[ -n $type[(r)snap] ]]  && typearg=( $typearg snapshot )
-[[ -n $type[(r)share] ]]  && typearg=( $typearg share )
+[[ -n $type[(r)fs] ]] && typearg=( filesystem )
+[[ -n $type[(r)vol] ]] && typearg+=( volume )
+[[ -n $type[(r)snap] ]] && typearg+=( snapshot )
+[[ -n $type[(r)share] && $implementation = solaris ]] && typearg+=( share )
+[[ -n $type[(r)bookmark] && $implementation = openzfs ]] &&
+    typearg+=( bookmark )
 if [[ -n $typearg ]]; then
 	typearg=( -t ${(j:,:)typearg} )
 # We know we're in zfs list if paths_allowed is non-empty.
@@ -58,7 +60,7 @@ if [[ ${#rdst} -gt 0 ]]; then
 if [[ -n $type[(r)clone] ]]; then
-	datasetlist=( ${(f)"$(zfs list -H -o name,origin -t filesystem 2>/dev/null | awk -F $'\t' "\$2 != \"-\" {print \$1}")":#no cloned filesystems available} )
+  datasetlist=( ${(f)"$(zfs list -H -o name,origin -t filesystem 2>/dev/null | awk -F$'\t' "\$2 != \"-\" {print \$1}")":#no cloned filesystems available} )
 	datasetlist=( ${(f)"$(zfs list -H -o name $typearg 2>/dev/null)":#no datasets available} )
@@ -74,4 +76,5 @@ if [[ -n $expl_type_arr[2] ]]; then
-_wanted dataset expl "$expl_type" _multi_parts "$@" -q / datasetlist
+_description datasets expl "$expl_type"
+_multi_parts "$@" "$expl[@]" -q / datasetlist
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Type/_zfs_keysource_props b/Completion/Unix/Type/_zfs_keysource_props
deleted file mode 100644
index 01f63257a..000000000
--- a/Completion/Unix/Type/_zfs_keysource_props
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-local -a suf
-local expl
-compset -S ",*" || suf=(-S ,)
-if compset -P 1 "*,"; then
-	_alternative "zfs-keylocator-prompt:\"prompt\" locator:(prompt)" \
-		"zfs-keylocator-file:file locator:_path_files" \
-		"zfs-keylocator-pkcs11:PKCS#11 locator: " \
-		"zfs-keylocator-https:HTTPS URL locator: "
-	_description format expl "keysource format"
-	compadd $suf -q "$expl[@]" "$@" raw hex passphrase

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