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Messages sorted by: Reverse Date, Date, Thread, Author - test failures running as root

These are probably not new; found while experimenting with reproducing
Axel's test fails.

The first is obviously because of root's expanded privileges.  The
second probably also so, just not immediately clear why.

./D02glob.ztst: starting.
--- /tmp/zsh.ztst.65749/ztst.out    2022-04-11 12:33:35.043329191 -0700
+++ /tmp/zsh.ztst.65749/ztst.tout    2022-04-11 12:33:35.063328833 -0700
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+glob.tmp/secret-d000/dir   glob.tmp/secret-d000/file
+glob.tmp/secret-d111/dir   glob.tmp/secret-d111/file
 glob.tmp/secret-d444/dir   glob.tmp/secret-d444/file
+glob.tmp/secret-s000/dir   glob.tmp/secret-s000/file
+glob.tmp/secret-s111/dir   glob.tmp/secret-s111/file
 glob.tmp/secret-s444/dir   glob.tmp/secret-s444/file
-glob.tmp/secret-d111/file  glob.tmp/secret-s111/file
+glob.tmp/secret-d000/file  glob.tmp/secret-d111/file
+glob.tmp/secret-d444/file  glob.tmp/secret-s000/file
+glob.tmp/secret-s111/file  glob.tmp/secret-s444/file
Test ./D02glob.ztst failed: output differs from expected as shown above for:
 for 1 in 000 111 444 ; do
  chmod 777 glob.tmp/secret-d$1
  touch glob.tmp/secret-d$1/file
  mkdir -m 777 glob.tmp/secret-d$1/dir
  touch glob.tmp/secret-d$1/dir/file
  chmod $1 glob.tmp/secret-d$1
 print -raC 2 -- glob.tmp/secret-*/* glob.tmp/secret-*/file
Was testing: names inside unreadable directories can be globbed if searchable
./D02glob.ztst: test failed.

./E03posix.ztst: starting.
Test ./E03posix.ztst was expected to fail, but passed.
Was testing: EUID is not a special variable
./E03posix.ztst: test XPassed.

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