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Re: [PATCH] Make _expand handle aliases (was Re: [PATCH] Make _expand_alias more usable as a completer)

On Sat, May 7, 2022 at 11:39 PM Bart Schaefer <schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I suppose it's better to be offered as part of
>> completing aliases, but listed separately, after the actual alias
>> completions.
> This is tricky, because if you complete (rather than expand) to a value that has multiple shell words, you can't enter normal menu completion -- the next TAB will find that the line has new words on it and start a new completion in that context.

I tested menu completion with multi-word entries and it works fine.

> Which might be the behavior you want here, but would definitely need to be a style setting.

I agree.

I've also been thinking about adding a zstyle extra-verbose for
showing what each alias stands for, but I'll leave that to a separate

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