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Re: Posted zsh 5.9

On Sat 14 May 2022, at 16:50, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
> For zsh.org there's little question where to put the keyring file, as
> there's only one relevant directory.  Any reason not to upload
> zsh-keyring.asc to zsh.org/pub?

That makes sense to me. I only didn't put it there because it wasn't there
before (and again creating-a-release isn't quite explicit about it). I've
added it now

On Sat 14 May 2022, at 16:50, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
> For me, «wget --content-disposition
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/zsh/files/zsh/5.9/zsh-5.9.tar.xz/download»;
> DTRTs with both wget 1.20.1-1.1 and wget 1.21.3-1+b1 on Debian (buster
> and sid respectively).

That one works as expected for me as well, but try with
instead. For that one, with wget 1.21.3 from Homebrew, i get:

  Saving to: ‘zsh-5.9.tar.xz.asc?viasf=1’

Even though the headers contain:

  content-disposition: attachment; filename="zsh-5.9.tar.xz.asc"

On Sat 14 May 2022, at 16:50, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
> I think the man pages are there so yodl won't be a build dependency?
> I.e., so people who build from source but don't have yodl will still
> have man pages to install?

Right. Just wondering if they should also be in the doc archive, in case
someone wants to get all of the documentation in one place.

I had actually misread what Homebrew is doing btw. They pull the HTML files
from the doc archive *in addition to* installing the man pages from the
source one when you're using the bottle (not installing with --HEAD). So
there's no change needed for that.

However, when using --HEAD, they disable *all* documentation due to not
having yodl. If their policy allows it, they could pull at least the man
files out of https://sourceforge.net/projects/zsh/files/latest/download.
But if the doc archive additionally had the man and run-help files, they
could use that one archive to install *all* of the documentation (even if
it's a little outdated) even when building from source

On Sat 14 May 2022, at 16:50, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
> I hope workers/43692 didn't break this…

I checked the doc archive for 5.6.1, which was the last release before that
change, and it looks like it contains basically the same files as it does
now. And the man pages are still in the source archive as mentioned


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