HiConsider the following:ice="a|b|c|d"x="a b X c' x' d' e' Z"if [[ $x = (#b)(((($~ice)*\ )#)((([^[:space:]]#)~(#B)(($~ice)*))\ ))#((#B)(($~ice)*\ )##)(Z) ]]; thenpl $matchfiOutput:a b X c' x'a b X c'a b X c'ax'x'x'd' e'ZThe goal is to match blocks of lower letters specified by ice var possibly followed by a glued quoted strings and block of a capital letter. The repel negation ~ is successful at preventing matching lower letters at the capital paren however only if not glued by a string. Is there a way to repel also such strings ?The output should be:.........c' x' d' e'Z