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Re: Most minimal configuration challenge

Felipe Contreras <felipe.contreras@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Hi,
> Now and again I cleanup my entire configuration for various reasons.
> By doing that multiple times I've figured out which options I really
> need, which are nice to have, and which I don't want.
> Sometimes I wonder if there's anybody who doesn't use some of these.
> For example, my guess is 99.99% of all people use compinit.
> If I was a newcomer to zsh I would probably need some of these as
> well, especially compinit.
> Anyway, here is the most minimal configuration I can live with:

Mine is:

setopt emacs nobeep nonomatch shnullcmd extendedglob \
       bashautolist noautomenu noalwayslastprompt
autoload -Uz compinit && compinit
PS1='%B%m%(?.. %??)%(1j. %j&.)%b %2~%B%#%b '
setopt histignoredups histignorespace incappendhistory extendedhistory
SAVEHIST=9000 HISTSIZE=9000 HISTFILE=~/.zsh_history

Leah Neukirchen  <leah@xxxxxxxx>  https://leahneukirchen.org/

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