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Re: Deprecation of egrep

> 2022/09/13 13:33, Jun T <takimoto-j@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> In the path below, I moved the repeated code for finding UTF-8 locale
> to a single function in ztst.zsh. The only other use of egrep is
> in E01options.zsh.

Sorry, with this patch D07 fails if users explicitly export LC_CTYPE=C
when running the test. Unsetting LC_\* in ZTST_find_UTF8() is not

I think we can simply unset LC_\* in ztst.zsh for ALL the tests
and rely only on LANG.

diff --git a/Test/ztst.zsh b/Test/ztst.zsh
index d95b726e7..ea1b016d5 100755
--- a/Test/ztst.zsh
+++ b/Test/ztst.zsh
@@ -25,23 +25,13 @@
 # still not be good enough.  Maybe we should trick it somehow.
 emulate -R zsh
-# Ensure the locale does not screw up sorting.  Don't supply a locale
-# unless there's one set, to minimise problems.
-[[ -n $LC_ALL ]] && LC_ALL=C
-[[ -n $LC_CTYPE ]] && LC_CTYPE=C
-[[ -n $LANG ]] && LANG=C
-# Test file may (or may not) set LANG to other locales. In either case,
-# LANG must be passed to child zsh.
-export LANG
+# By default tests are run in C locale. LANG must be passed to child zsh.
+unset -m LC_\*
+export LANG=C
 # find UTF-8 locale
 ZTST_find_UTF8 () {
   setopt multibyte
-  # Don't let LC_* override our choice of locale.
-  unset -m LC_\*
   local langs=(en_{US,GB}.{UTF-,utf}8 en.UTF-8
                ${(M)$(locale -a 2>/dev/null):#*.(utf8|UTF-8)})
   for LANG in $langs; do

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