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Re: On the "Words Matter" issue (was Re: The request of words matter updated; quotes deleted)

On 10/8/2022 1:09 PM, Eric Cook wrote:
On 10/8/22 1:55 PM, Eric Cook wrote:
On 10/8/22 4:41 AM, Felipe Contreras wrote:
The problem is that **not a single** black person has claimed to have
a problem with the term "master". Have they?
Has anyone proposing the change brought forward a black person who
finds the term personally offensive?
Within the context that master _and_ slave is used, i do.

These two variables could be named anything, you and zeurkous whining about it is getting incredibly annoying; way more so than any argument put forth in how this would negatively
affect zsh thus far.

renaming the master branch is user affecting so i would prefer to keep it, changing listmaster@ faqmaster@ is user affecting and would require more effort on our part so i would keep them.
if i would to push the change i doubt either of you two would notice.

It's not the words themselves, at least for me, but the analogy they evoke.   This is not the only analogy to describe the relationship between the two parts of a psuedo-terminal, nor even the best IMHO.
The word master by itself does not evoke an analogy to slavery. There is 
also the analogy to a master of a craft, at least.

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