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Re: Zsh 5.9 Tab Completion Bug

On 11/6/22, Eric Cook <llua@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 11/5/22 03:55, 丁骆昌祺 wrote:
>> Steps to reproduce:
>> Type these commands in the terminal:
>> ```
>> $ touch o-st o-te
>> $ ls o-
>> ```
>> Now hit <TAB>, the terminal becomes:
>> ```
>> $ ls o-T
>> ```
>> Hit <TAB> again, the terminal becomes:
>> ```
>> $ ls o-te
>> ```
> there is a few steps missing to reproduce this. At a guess most likely your
> matcher-list style has values that you dislike.

I have a vague memory that this was a bug that has been fixed a while
ago, possibly related to nocaseglob?

Mikael Magnusson

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