typeset -g "${1-x}=$match[2]" "${2-y}=$match[1]"
Doesn't work either. I guess there's no way to access variables
by the same name in that parent scope or to unlocal a variable?
I just stumbled on the module
zsh/param/private, which makes it possible (but I won't claim that it's very practical):
assign() {
print -v "$1" "$2"
curpos() {
set -o localoptions -o extendedglob
# Initialize the return variables. Without this, print -v fails if
# the variable is the same as one of the private variables.
eval "${1-x}= ${2-y}="
zmodload zsh/param/private
local -P -a match mbegin mend
local -P answer
IFS= read -rsdR -t0.2 answer$'?\e[6n' &&
[[ $answer = (#b)$'\e['(<->)';'(<->) ]] &&
assign ${1-x} "$match[2]" &&
assign ${2-y} "$match[1]"
curpos answer match
echo x=$answer y=$match
It's a bit strange that the initialization is needed. Private variables don't hide global variables of the same name, nor prevent their assignment, but prevent their initial declaration.