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Re: Completion for mutt's -a command line switch

On 6/20/23 08:17, martin f krafft wrote:

mutt allows attaching files from the command-line:

|mutt -a /file/one /file/two /file/three -- … |

Basically, the rules are: |-a| takes a list of files, terminated by |--|.

Zsh's completion of mutt treats the argument to |-a| as optional:

|'*-a[attach file using MIME]::file attachment:_files' \ |

Therefore, after |-a|, mutt's completions include recipients, which is not correct:

|albatross:~% mutt -a toni^D directory toni/ recipient toni@… |

Could you please help me figure out how to fix this? Basically after it sees |-a|, compsys should be offering |_files| until |--| is encountered, and also: at least one file is mandatory.



|.''`. martin f. krafft <madduck@d.o> @martinkrafft : :' : proud Debian developer `. `'` http://people.debian.org/~madduck `- Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems "he gave me his card he said, 'call me if they die' i shook
his hand and said goodbye ran out to the street when a bowling ball came down the road and knocked me off my feet" -- bob dylan |

diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_mutt b/Completion/Unix/Command/_mutt
index 9686ce6f1..903389a75 100644
--- a/Completion/Unix/Command/_mutt
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_mutt
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 _arguments -s -S \
   '::recipient:_email_addresses -n mutt' \
   '(- :)-A[expand given alias]:alias:_email_addresses -n mutt' \
-  '*-a[attach file using MIME]::file attachment:_files' \
+  '*-a[attach file using MIME]:*:file attachment:_files' \
   '*-b[specify a BCC recipient]:BCC recipient:_email_addresses -n mutt' \
   '*-c[specify a CC recipient]:CC recipient:_email_addresses -n mutt' \
   '(- :)-D[print the value of all variables]' \

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