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Re: Parse error

On Sun, Jun 25, 2023 at 11:48 AM FREDERICK GEORGIAN <mfgeo@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> /Users/frederick/.zshrc:131: parse error near `\n’

This error means that you have an unterminated syntactic construct. It
could be an open parenthesis without a closing counterpart, `if`
without `fi`, or many other things. If you cannot easily see the error
by staring at the content of .zshrc, you can binary search for it by
inserting `return` in that file and checking whether it solves the
problem. If it does, the syntax error is below the `return`. If it
does not, the error is above.



This question is more suitable for zsh-users. zsh-workers is for bug
reports, patches, etc.

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