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Re: Failed pipeline doesn't err_exit/return if complex command last

On Fri, 2023-07-14 at 20:31 +0200, Johan Grande wrote:
> Le 06/07/2023 à 11:44, Peter Stephenson a écrit :
> > > On 06/07/2023 00:18 Johan Grande <nahoj@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > I noticed a strange behavior when using a complex command in a pipeline.
> > So in a nutshell
> I'm curious about the process: whether the bug is likely going to be 
> fixed, and whether it's tracked somewhere public.
> No urgency or pressure in my request, I'm just happy to follow up.

There's nowhere to look, other than this list --- if someone here doesn't
pick it up, no one is going to.

This area of the code has given a number of us sleepless nights over the
years, with many hours spent trying to resolve subtle job control issues,
so unless someone happens to spot some key clue, I doubt it's going anywhere
very fast.  Every now and then there are bursts of activity, however.


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