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Re: [PATCH] Re: Bug: Callback to widget set with `zle -Fw <widget>` shouldn't change $LASTWIDGET

On Mon 17 Jul 2023, at 10:17, Bart Schaefer wrote:
> The patch from the start of this thread has never been committed, so
> is not directly related.  That is, if the Thingy is invalid, it's not
> $LASTWIDGET that's making the bad reference here, so fixing
> save/restore there probably will not resolve the problem.

Sorry, i'm not very familiar with the LASTWIDGET mechanism, but by the patch
at the start of this thread you mean workers/51310, right? It was committed
as f93ad02b94bd

I should have mentioned that i did a (manual) bisect to confirm that that is
when the problem started for me; the poster in workers/51673 found the same,
with what sounds like a very similar configuration (though they didn't
provide any other details). I can't get the problem to occur on a build off
the preceding commit or on the 5.9 release

I did examine the functions the trace references before; the
_zsh_highlight_widget_orig... one simply calls _zsh_highlight_call_widget,
and that one calls zle before calling another highlight function (but the
crash happens in zle so it's not getting to that). The autosuggest ones are a
little more elaborate. I can get back to it later


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