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Re: $watch, log and Cyrillic usernames

Максим wrote:
> Hello again. I found another bug with cyrillic usernames in zsh (again on
> Cygwin, but can be reproduced on Linux)

Reproducing does involve bypassing utilities like useradd which complain
about invalid usernames. But I can imagine such rules will increasingly
be relaxed and there's no reason for zsh to make assumptions.

> % watch=(Студент); log # ("Студент" record is missing)

The value from $watch is metafied and that's what patcompile() and
pattry() need so the fix below uses metafy() on the username from

However, in looking closer at the code I observed the existing use of
sizeof(u->ut_name) which is 32 on my system. So I tried creating 32 and
33 character usernames (which, incidentally, useradd was happy with) and
as I suspected u->ut_name is not null-terminated for these. So the patch
uses strnlen() with the sizeof() for n to get the length to pass
to metafy(). We have no existing uses of strnlen() but I don't foresee
portability issues given that it is attributed to the 2008 POSIX
standard and is supported in Solaris 10 which is from a few years prior
to that. If needed, it'd be easy to provide an alternative

To match the 33 character username, it does need to be truncated in
$watch. last -w does manage to print the full username, would be good
to know how. For the hostname, our code was using strlen() rather than
sizeof(). I can't see why this would be needed. I would have tried
putting UTF-8 in my hosts file to test that that but I'm only getting IP
addresses in utmp. I guess we could do reverse lookups but it hardly
seems worth it for the amount of use watch/log likely get these days.

The example also uses an uppercase letter. Usernames on Unix are
case-sensitive but it wouldn't surprise me if they aren't on Cygwin.
If so, should we add #ifdefs for that?


diff --git a/Src/Modules/watch.c b/Src/Modules/watch.c
index 0de8cbf9a..2ad962fb6 100644
--- a/Src/Modules/watch.c
+++ b/Src/Modules/watch.c
@@ -423,20 +423,22 @@ watchlog2(int inout, WATCH_STRUCT_UTMP *u, char *fmt, int prnt, int fini)
 /* See if the watch entry matches */
 static int
-watchlog_match(char *teststr, char *actual, int len)
+watchlog_match(char *teststr, char *actual, size_t buflen)
     int ret = 0;
     Patprog pprog;
     char *str = dupstring(teststr);
+    int len = strnlen(actual, buflen);
+    char *user = metafy(actual, len, META_USEHEAP);
     if ((pprog = patcompile(str, PAT_STATIC, 0))) {
-	if (pattry(pprog, actual))
+	if (pattry(pprog, user))
 	    ret = 1;
-    } else if (!strncmp(actual, teststr, len))
+    } else if (!strcmp(user, teststr))
 	ret = 1;
     return ret;
@@ -488,7 +490,7 @@ watchlog(int inout, WATCH_STRUCT_UTMP *u, char **w, char *fmt)
 		for (vv = ++v; *vv && *vv != '%'; vv++);
 		sav = *vv;
 		*vv = '\0';
-		if (!watchlog_match(v, u->ut_host, strlen(v)))
+		if (!watchlog_match(v, u->ut_host, sizeof(u->ut_host)))
 		    bad = 1;
 		*vv = sav;
 		v = vv;

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