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Problem with VCS_info in nested nfs mounts

Hi all,
I first posted this problem at https://github.com/grml/grml-etc-core/issues/141 but got no reply.

Upon further investigation, the gmrl vcs prompt relies heavily on the VCS_info module, so the culprit may lie there.

When I cd into a deeply nested NFS mount the current path is somehow broken via the VCS module.
  [root@client] ~ # showmount -e server
  Export list for server:

(The nested exports are because those are BTRFS subvolumes which require manually setting fsids)
  [root@client] ~ # cd /mnt/server/share/Music/X-Mas
  [root@client] /mnt/server/share/Music/X-Mas # /bin/ls
  bin  boot  checkout  dev  esp  etc  home  lib  lib64  media  mnt  opt  proc  root  run  sbin  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var
  [root@client] /mnt/server/share/Music/X-Mas # /bin/ls $PWD
  'Die Stars Der Hitparade Feiern Weihnachten (2009)'  'RTL Weihnachten 2008'  'The Ultimate Christmas Music Collection'
  'Various Artists'                                    'Frank Schöbel'         'Roland Kaiser'
  'Top Christmas Songs of All Time'                    'von Wilfried'

You can clearly see the difference between `ls` and `ls $PWD`, which should not exist.
Removing the VCS module from `:prompt:grml:left:setup` fixes this.

I'm not that familiar with zsh configuration, so if someone could supply a minimal .zshrc employing plain VCS_info I would be prepared to test that.


P.S.: I'm not subscribed to the list, so please CC all inquiries.

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