Hi everyone,
Maybe this has been discussed before and I haven't found it. If so, sorry for the noise.
The man page talks about using :h and I assume by extension :t, in parameter
substitution. If so I was wondering why "digits" doesn't support a parameter for the
number(s) following :h or :t? This would be useful in scripting.
print ${DirPath:h$N}
^ does not work
Error message: "zsh: unrecognized modifier"
I'm not sure if the following is an inconsistency or not. Man page for :t states that
0(zero) is treated the same as 1. Should this also apply to :h? This isn't what
currently happens. Did I miss something in the man page or basics of zsh I don't
Thanks for listening. Again, sorry if this is just noise.
Example of current output for :h and :t
:h /dirlev2/dirlev3
:h0 /dirlev2/dirlev3 0 and 1, not the same
:h1 /
:h2 /dirlev2
:h3 /dirlev2/dirlev3
:h4 /dirlev2/dirlev3/dirlev4
:t dirlev4
:t0 dirlev4 0 and 1, the same
:t1 dirlev4
:t2 dirlev3/dirlev4
:t3 dirlev2/dirlev3/dirlev4
:t4 /dirlev2/dirlev3/dirlev4
Jim Murphy