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Re: Bug: reading from tty inside process substitution

On Sun, Nov 12, 2023 at 10:09 AM Bart Schaefer
<schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I doubt there's any easy way to change this without breaking something else.

This is even worse:

read foo < <(read bar; echo $bar) </dev/tty

With MULTIOS, that command becomes un-killable, because "read foo"
sees a pipeline consisting of a catenation of both the process
substitution and the tty, but the process substitution is perpetually
TTIN'd and the interactive shell is ignoring interrupts.  Without
MULTIOS, the command substitution simply becomes a stopped zombie and
"read foo" sees only /dev/tty.  Without the </dev/tty, it gets stuck
but interrupt is possible, leaving behind a zombie.

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