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PATCH: SELinux completions
- X-seq: zsh-workers 52307
- From: Oliver Kiddle <opk@xxxxxxx>
- To: Zsh workers <zsh-workers@xxxxxxx>
- Subject: PATCH: SELinux completions
- Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2023 00:51:35 +0100
- Archived-at: <https://zsh.org/workers/52307>
- List-id: <zsh-workers.zsh.org>
This adds a completion for many of the tools that come as part of
SELinux. These are typically spread over multiple packages on a Linux
system but given that they are maintained as a single project, this
treats it as such with a single big _selinux function. That at least
avoids the need for a dozen shared helper functions. chcon did have it's
own file which this patch absorbs into _selinux.
The existing helper functions for completing SELinux types and contexts
now accept a -a option which is passed through to seinfo to filter the
types. For most commands that deal with types, it is only necessary to
complete domain (processes) or file_type types and without the filtering
completion matches number in the thousands. So the patch also touches on
a good few existing functions.
diff --git a/Completion/Linux/Command/_chcon b/Completion/Linux/Command/_chcon
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d523f287..000000000
--- a/Completion/Linux/Command/_chcon
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#compdef chcon
-local ign
-(( $#words > 2 )) && ign='!'
-_arguments -C -s -S \
- '(-h --no-dereference)--dereference[dereference symlinks]' \
- '(-h --no-dereference --dereference)'{-h,--no-dereference}'[operate on symlinks themselves]' \
- '(1 -u --user -r --role -l --range -t --type)--reference=[copy security context of specified file]:file:_files' \
- '(1 --reference -u --user)'{-u+,--user=}'[set user in the target security context]: :_selinux_users' \
- '(1 --reference -r --role)'{-r+,--role=}'[set role in the target security context]: :_selinux_roles' \
- '(1 --reference -t --type)'{-t+,--type=}'[set type in the target security context]: :_selinux_types' \
- '(1 --reference -l --range)'{-l+,--range=}'[set range in the target security context]:selinux range' \
- '(--recursive -R)'{--recursive,-R}'[recurse subdirectories]' \
- '(-v --verbose)'{-v,--verbose}'[output a diagnostic for every file processed]' \
- '(-H -L -P)-H[follow symlinks on the command line]' \
- '(-H -L -P)-L[follow all symlinks]' \
- "(-H -L -P)-P[don't follow symlinks (default)]" \
- '!(--preserve-root)--no-preserve-root' \
- "--preserve-root[fail to operate recursively on '/']" \
- '(--reference -u --user -r --role -l --range -t --type)1:security context:_selinux_contexts' \
- "${ign}--help[display help information]" \
- "${ign}--version[display version information]" \
- '*:file:_files'
diff --git a/Completion/Linux/Command/_selinux b/Completion/Linux/Command/_selinux
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b2d5e7a30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Linux/Command/_selinux
@@ -0,0 +1,781 @@
+#compdef audit2allow audit2why avcstat checkmodule checkpolicy chcon fixfiles getpidprevcon getsebool matchpathcon restorecon runcon sealert secon sedta selinuxconlist selinuxdefcon selinuxexeccon semanage semodule semodule_unpackage sepolgen sepolicy sesearch sestatus setenforce setsebool validatetrans
+# encompasses checkpolicy libselinux-utils policycoreutils
+# policycoreutils-devel policycoreutils-python-utils setools-console
+# setools-console-analyses setroubleshoot-server and a few utilities from
+# coreutils
+_selinux_attributes() {
+ local -a seattrs expl
+ seattrs=( ${(f)"$(_call_program selinux-attributes seinfo --flat -a)"} )
+ _description selinux-attrs expl "selinux attribute"
+ compadd "$@" "$expl[@]" -a seattrs
+_selinux_bools() {
+ local -a sebools expl
+ sebools=( ${(f)"$(_call_program selinux-bools seinfo --flat -b)"} )
+ _description selinux-bools expl "selinux boolean"
+ compadd "$@" "$expl[@]" -a sebools
+_selinux_categories() {
+ local -a secats expl
+ secats=( ${(f)"$(_call_program selinux-categories seinfo --flat --category)"} )
+ _description selinux-categories expl "selinux category"
+ compadd "$@" "$expl[@]" -a secats
+_selinux_classes() {
+ local -a seclasses expl
+ seclasses=( ${(f)"$(_call_program selinux-classes seinfo --flat -c)"} )
+ _description selinux-classes expl "selinux object class"
+ compadd "$@" "$expl[@]" -a seclasses
+_selinux_commons() {
+ local -a secommons expl
+ secommons=( ${(f)"$(_call_program selinux-commons seinfo --flat --common)"} )
+ _description selinux-commons expl "selinux common permission set"
+ compadd "$@" "$expl[@]" -a secommons
+_selinux_interfaces() {
+ local -a seints expl
+ seints=( ${(f)"$(_call_program selinux-interfaces sepolicy interface -l)"} )
+ _description selinux-interfaces expl "selinux interface"
+ compadd "$@" "$expl[@]" -a seints
+_selinux_permissions() {
+ local -a seperms expl
+ seperms=( ${${${${(f)"$(_call_program selinux-permissions seinfo -c --flat -x)"}:#[^[:blank:]]*}#[[:blank:]]}:1} )
+ _description selinux-permissions expl "selinux permission"
+ compadd "$@" "$expl[@]" -a seperms
+_selinux_sids() {
+ local -a sesids expl
+ sesids=( ${(f)"$(_call_program selinux-sids seinfo --flat --initialsid)"} )
+ _description selinux-sids expl "selinux SID"
+ compadd "$@" "$expl[@]" -a sesids
+_selinux_sens() {
+ local -a sens expl
+ sesids=( ${(f)"$(_call_program selinux-sens seinfo --flat --initialsid)"} )
+ _description selinux-sensitivities expl "selinux sensitivity"
+ compadd "$@" "$expl[@]" -a sesids
+_selinux_modules() {
+ local -a modules expl
+ modules=( ${(f)"$(_call_program selinux-modules semodule -l)"} )
+ _description selinux-modules expl "selinux module"
+ compadd "$@" "$expl[@]" -a modules
+local curcontext="$curcontext" ret=1
+local -A opt_args
+local -a args sepolgen state state_descr line
+local ign
+(( $#words > 2 )) && ign='!'
+ "${ign}(-h --help)"{-h,--help}'[display help information]'
+ '(--application --cgi --dbus --inetd --init --admin_user --confined_admin --desktop_user --newtype --sandbox --x_user)'*{-d+,--domain=}'[specify domain to expand]:domain:_selinux_types -a domain'
+ \*{-r+,--role=}'[specify role(s) to which the administrator domain will transition]: :_selinux_roles'
+ \*{-u+,--user=}'[specify SELinux user(s) which will transition to this domain]: :_selinux_users'
+ \*{-a+,--admin=}'[specify domain(s) which this confined admin will administrate]:admin domain:_selinux_types'
+ '(-n --name)'{-n+,--name=}'[specify name of policy to generate]:name'
+ '(--admin_user --confined_admin --desktop_user --newtype --sandbox --x_user)*'{-t+,--type=}'[specify type(s) for which you will generate new definition and rule(s)]:type:_selinux_types'
+ '(-p --path)'{-p+,--path=}'[specify path in which the generated policy files will be stored]:path:_directories'
+ '(--newtype)*'{-w+,--writepath=}'[specify path to which the confined processes will need to write]:path:_directories'
+ '1:command:_files'
+ + '(application)'
+ "(-d)--application[generate 'User Application' policy]"
+ "(-d)--cgi[generate 'Web Application/Script (CGI)' policy]"
+ "(-d)--dbus[generate 'DBUS System Daemon' policy]"
+ "(-d)--inetd[generate 'Internet Services Daemon' policy]"
+ "(-d)--init[generate 'Standard Init Daemon' policy]"
+ "(-d -t 1)--admin_user[generate 'Administrator Login User Role' policy]"
+ "(-d -t 1)--confined_admin[generate 'Confined Root Administrator Role' policy]"
+ "(1)--customize[generate 'Existing Domain Type' policy]"
+ "(-d -t 1)--desktop_user[generate 'Desktop Login User Role' policy]"
+ "(-d -w 1)--newtype[generate 'Module information for a new type' policy]"
+ "(-d -t 1)--sandbox[generate 'Sandbox' policy]"
+ "(-d -t 1)--term_user[generate 'Minimal Terminal Login User Role' policy]"
+ "(-d -t 1)--x_user[generate 'Minimal X Windows Login User Role' policy]"
+case $service in
+ check(module|policy))
+ args=(
+ '(-b --binary)'{-b,--binary}'[read an existing binary policy file rather than a source policy.conf file]'
+ '(-C --cil)'{-C,--cil}'[write CIL policy file rather than binary policy file]'
+ '(-E --werror)'{-E,--werror}'[treat warnings as errors]'
+ "${ign}(-h --help)"{-h,--help}'[display help information]'
+ '(-U --handle-unknown)'{-U+,--handle-unknown=}'[specify how the kernel should handle unknown classes or permissions]:action:(deny allow reject)'
+ '(-M --mls)'{-M,--mls}'[enable the MLS policy when checking and compiling the policy]'
+ '(-o --output)'{-o+,--output=}'[write a policy file]:file:_files'
+ '-c+[specify the policy version]:policy version [latest]'
+ ':input file:_files'
+ )
+ ;|
+ audit2(allow|why))
+ args=(
+ '(-b --boot -i --input)'{-b,--boot}'[audit messages since last boot]'
+ '(-a --all -i --input -d --dmesg)'{-a,--all}'[read input from audit log]'
+ '(-p --policy)'{-p+,--policy=}'[specify policy file to use for analysis]:file:_files'
+ '(-d --dmesg -a --all -i --input)'{-d,--dmesg}'[read input from dmesg]'
+ '(-i --input -a --all -b --boot)'{-i+,--input=}'[read input from file]:file:_files'
+ '(-l --lastreload)'{-l,--lastreload}'[read input only after the last reload]'
+ '(-r --requires)'{-r,--requires}'[generate require statements for rules]'
+ '(-m --module -M --module-package -r --requires)'{-m+,--module=}'[set the module name]:module name:_selinux_modules'
+ '(-M --module-package -o --output -m --module)'{-M+,--module-package=}'[generate a module package]:module package:_files'
+ '(-o --output -M --module-package)'{-o+,--output=}'[append output to file]:file:_files'
+ '(-D --dontaudit)'{-D,--dontaudit}'[generate policy with dontaudit rules]'
+ '(-R --reference)'{-R,--reference}'[use installed macros in generated policy]'
+ '!(-R --reference -N --noreference)'{-N,--noreference}
+ '(-v --verbose)'{-v,--verbose}'[explain generated output]'
+ '(-e --explain)'{-e,--explain}'[fully explain generated output]'
+ '(-t --type)'{-t+,--type=}'[only process messages with type matching regex]:type'
+ '--perm-map=[specify file name of perm map]:file:_files'
+ '--interface-info=[specify file name of interface information]:file:_files'
+ '(-x --xperms)'{-x,--xperms}'[generate extended permission rules]'
+ '--debug[leave generated modules for -M]'
+ '(-w --why)'{-w,--why}'[translate SELinux audit messages into a description of why the access was denied]'
+ "${ign}(-h --help)"{-h,--help}'[display help information]'
+ "${ign}--version[display version information]"
+ )
+ ;;
+ avcstat)
+ args=(
+ '-c[cumulative]'
+ '-f+[specify AVC statistics file]:file [/sys/fs/selinux/avc/cache_stats]:_files'
+ ': :_guard "^-*" "interval (seconds)"'
+ )
+ ;;
+ chcon)
+ args=( -S
+ '(-h --no-dereference)--dereference[dereference symlinks]' \
+ '(-h --no-dereference --dereference)'{-h,--no-dereference}'[operate on symlinks themselves]' \
+ '(1 -u --user -r --role -l --range -t --type)--reference=[copy security context of specified file]:file:_files' \
+ '(1 --reference -u --user)'{-u+,--user=}'[set user in the target security context]: :_selinux_users' \
+ '(1 --reference -r --role)'{-r+,--role=}'[set role in the target security context]: :_selinux_roles' \
+ '(1 --reference -t --type)'{-t+,--type=}'[set type in the target security context]: :_selinux_types' \
+ '(1 --reference -l --range)'{-l+,--range=}'[set range in the target security context]:selinux range' \
+ '(--recursive -R)'{--recursive,-R}'[recurse subdirectories]' \
+ '(-v --verbose)'{-v,--verbose}'[output a diagnostic for every file processed]' \
+ '(-H -L -P)-H[follow symlinks on the command line]' \
+ '(-H -L -P)-L[follow all symlinks]' \
+ "(-H -L -P)-P[don't follow symlinks (default)]" \
+ '!(--preserve-root)--no-preserve-root' \
+ "--preserve-root[fail to operate recursively on '/']" \
+ '(--reference -u --user -r --role -l --range -t --type)1:security context:_selinux_contexts' \
+ "${ign}--help[display help information]" \
+ "${ign}--version[display version information]" \
+ '*:file:_files'
+ )
+ ;;
+ checkmodule)
+ args=(
+ "${ign}(-)"{-V,--version}'[show policy versions created by this program]'
+ '-m[build a policy module instead of a base module]'
+ '-c+[build a policy module targeting a modular policy version]:version (4-21)'
+ )
+ ;;
+ checkpolicy)
+ args=(
+ '(-F --conf)'{-F,--conf}'[write policy.conf file rather than binary policy file]'
+ '(-d --debug)'{-d,--debug}'[enter debug mode after loading the policy]'
+ '(-S --sort)'{-S,--sort}'[sort ocontexts before writing out the binary policy]'
+ '(-t --target)'{-t+,--target=}'[specify the target platform]:platform:(selinux xen)'
+ '(-O --optimize)'{-O,--optimize}'[optimize the final kernel policy (remove redundant rules)]'
+ "${ign}(-)"{-V,--version}'[display version information]'
+ )
+ ;;
+ fixfiles)
+ args=(
+ '-B[record current date in /.autorelabel to speed later labeling]'
+ '-F[force reset of context to match file_context for customizable files]'
+ '-f[clear /tmp directory without prompt for removal]'
+ '-R+[discover files from specified rpm packages]:package'
+ '-C+[run a diff on the specified file]:file:_files'
+ '-N+[only act on files created after the specified date]:date (YYYY-MM-DD HH\:MM):_dates'
+ '-v[show changes in file labels]'
+ '-T+[specify number of threads to use]:threads'
+ '1::action:(check verify restore relabel onboot)'
+ '*:file:_files'
+ )
+ ;;
+ getpidprevcon)
+ _pids
+ return
+ ;;
+ getsebool)
+ args=(
+ '(:)-a[show all booleans]'
+ '(-a):boolean:_selinux_bools'
+ )
+ ;;
+ matchpathcon)
+ args=(
+ '-m+[force file type for the lookup]:type:(file dir pipe chr_file blk_file lnk_file sock_file)'
+ "-n[don't display path]"
+ "-N[don't use translations]"
+ '-f+[use alternate file_context file]:file:_files'
+ '-p+[use prefix to speed translations]:prefix'
+ '-P+[use alternate policy root path]:path:_directories'
+ '-V[verify file context on disk matches defaults]'
+ '*:file path:_files'
+ )
+ ;;
+ restorecon)
+ args=(
+ '*-e+[exclude a directory]:directory:_directories'
+ '-f+[provide list of files to be processed]:file:_files'
+ '-F[force reset of context to match file_context for customizable files]'
+ "-i[ignore files that don't exist]"
+ '-I[ignore digest to force checking of labels even if SHA256 digest matches]'
+ '-D[set or update any directory SHA256 digests]'
+ '-m[include non-seclabel mounts in relabeling checks]'
+ "-n[don't change any file labels (passive check)]"
+ '(-v)-p[show progress]'
+ '(-R -r)'{-R,-r}'[change file labels recursively]'
+ '(-p)-v[show changes in file labels]'
+ '-W[display warnings about entries that had no matching files]'
+ '-0[expect NUL characters as input filename separators]'
+ "-x[don't cross file system boundaries]"
+ '-T+[specify number of threads to use]:threads'
+ "${ign}(-)"{-h,-\?}'[display help information]'
+ '*:file path:_files'
+ )
+ ;;
+ runcon)
+ args=(
+ '(1 -c --compute)'{-c,--compute}'[compute process transition context before modifying]'
+ '(1 -t --type=TYPE)'{-t+,--type=}'[specify type]: :_selinux_types'
+ '(1 -u --user=USER)'{-u+,--user=}'[specify user identity]: :_selinux_users'
+ '(1 -r --role=ROLE)'{-r+,--role=}'[specify role]: :_selinux_roles'
+ '(1 -l --range=RANGE)'{-l+,--range=}'[specify level range]:range'
+ '(-)1:security context:_selinux_contexts'
+ '*:::args:_normal'
+ )
+ ;;
+ sealert)
+ args=(
+ '(-b --browser)'{-b,--browser}'[launch the browser]'
+ '(-s --service -S --noservice)'{-s,--service}'[start sealert as a dbus service]'
+ '(-S --noservice -s --service)'{-S,--noservice}'[start sealert without dbus service as standalone app]'
+ '(-l --lookupid)'{-l+,--lookupid=}'[lookup alert by id, id may be wildcard * to lookup all alerts]:id'
+ '(-a --analyze)'{-a+,--analyze=}'[scan a log file, analyze its AVCs]:log file:_files'
+ '(-u --user)'{-u+,--user=}'[logon user name]:username'
+ '(-p --password)'{-p+,--password=}'[logon user password]:password'
+ '(-P --plugin)'{-P+,--plugin=}'[specify plugin name, required for -f]:plugin name'
+ '(-f --fix)'{-f+,--fix=}'[fix avc with the given uuid, requires plugin]:uuid'
+ "${ign}(-)"{-h,--help}'[display help information]'
+ )
+ ;;
+ secon)
+ args=(
+ "${ign}(-)"{-h,--help}'[display help information]'
+ "${ign}(-)--version[display version information]"
+ '(-P --prompt)'{-P,--prompt}'[output in a format good for a prompt]'
+ '(-u --user)'{-u,--user}'[show user of the context]'
+ '(-r --role)'{-r,--role}'[show role of the context]'
+ '(-t --type)'{-t,--type}'[show type of the context]'
+ '(-s --sensitivity)'{-s,--sensitivity}'[show sensitivity level of the context]'
+ '(-c --clearance)'{-c,--clearance}'[show clearance level of the context]'
+ '(-m --mls-range)'{-m,--mls-range}'[show sensitivity to clearance range of]'
+ '(-R --raw)'{-R,--raw}'[output context in "raw" format]'
+ '(-C --color)'{-C,--color}'[output using ANSI color codes (requires -P)]'
+ + '(context)'
+ {--self,--current}'[get context for the current process]'
+ {--self-exec,--current-exec}'[get exec context for the current process]'
+ {--self-fs,--current-fs}'[get fs context for the current process]'
+ {--self-key,--current-key}'[get key context for the current process]'
+ '--parent[get context for the parent process]'
+ '--parent-exec[get exec context for the parent process]'
+ '--parent-fs[get fs context for the parent process]'
+ '--parent-key[get key context for the parent process]'
+ {-p+,--pid=}'[context from the specified pid]:pid:_pids'
+ '--pid-exec[use exec context from the specified pid]:pid:_pids'
+ '--pid-fs[use fs context from the specified pid]:pid:_pids'
+ '--pid-key[use key context from the specified pid]:pid:_pids'
+ {-f+,--file=}'[use context from the specified file]:file:_files'
+ {-L+,--link=}"[use context from the specified file, doesn't follow symlinks]:file:_files"
+ ':context:_selinux_contexts'
+ )
+ ;;
+ sedta)
+ args=(
+ '(-p --policy)'{-p+,--policy=}'[specify path to SELinux policy to analyze]:policy:_files'
+ '(-s --source)'{-s+,--source=}'[specify source type of the analysis]:source:_selinux_types -a domain'
+ '(-t --target)'{-t+,--target=}'[specify target type of the analysis]:target:_selinux_types -a domain'
+ '--full[print rule lists for transitions]'
+ '--stats[display statistics at the end of the analysis]'
+ '(-v --verbose)'{-v,--verbose}'[extra informational messages]'
+ '--debug[enable debugging]'
+ '(-S --shortest_path)'{-S,--shortest_path}'[calculate all shortest paths]'
+ '(-A --all_paths)'{-A+,--all_paths=}'[calculate all paths]:max steps'
+ '(-r --reverse)'{-r,--reverse}'[perform a reverse DTA]'
+ '(-l --limit_trans)'{-l+,--limit_trans=}'[limit to the specified number of transitions]:limit'
+ '*:excluded domain:_selinux_types -a domain'
+ "${ign}(- *)"{-h,--help}'[display help information]'
+ "${ign}(-)--version[display version information]"
+ )
+ ;;
+ seinfo)
+ args=(
+ '(-a --attribute)'{-a,--attribute}'[list attributes or print named attribute]:: :_selinux_attributes'
+ '(-b --bool)'{-b,--bool}'[list booleans or print named boolean]:: :_selinux_bools'
+ '(-c --class)'{-c,--class}'[list object classes or print named object class]:: :_selinux_classes'
+ '(-r --role)'{-r,--role}'[list roles or print named role]:: :_selinux_roles'
+ '(-t --type)'{-t,--type}'[list types or print named type]:: :_selinux_types'
+ '(-u --user)'{-u,--user}'[list users or print named user]:: :_selinux_users'
+ '--category[list categories or print named category]:: :_selinux_categories'
+ '--common[list common permission sets or print named common]:: :_selinux_commons'
+ '--constrain[list constraints or print constraints for named object class]:: :_selinux_classes'
+ '--default[list default_* statements or print statements for named object class]:: :_selinux_classes'
+ '--fs_use[list fs_use_* statements or print statements for named filesystem type]:: :_file_systems'
+ '--genfscon[list genfscon statements or print statements for named filesystem type]:: :_file_systems'
+ '--initialsid[list initial SIDs or print named SID]:: : _selinux_sids'
+ '--netifcon[list netif contexts or print for named interface]:: : _net_interfaces'
+ '--nodecon[list node contexts or print statement for node with specified address]::address'
+ '--permissive[list permissive types or print named statement]::type'
+ '--polcap[list policy capabilities or print named statement]::type'
+ '--portcon[list port contexts or print statements for port range]::port range'
+ '--sensitivity[list sensitivities or print named sensitivity]:: :_selinux_sens'
+ '--typebounds[list type bounds or print named bound type]:: :_selinux_typebounds'
+ '--validatetrans[list validatetrans rules or print constraints for named object class]:: :_selinux_classes'
+ '--all[list all components]'
+ '(-x --expand)'{-x,--expand}'[print additional details]'
+ '--flat[exclude headers and indentation in output]'
+ '(-v --verbose)'{-v,--verbose}'[print additional informational messages]'
+ '--debug[enable debugging output]'
+ "${ign}--help[display help information]"
+ "${ign}--version[display version information]"
+ ':policy:_files'
+ )
+ ;;
+ selinuxconlist)
+ args=(
+ '-l+[specify mcs/mls level]:level'
+ ':user:_selinux_users'
+ ':context:_selinux_contexts'
+ )
+ ;;
+ selinuxdefcon)
+ args=(
+ '-l+[specify mcs/mls level]:level'
+ ':user:_users'
+ ':context:_selinux_contexts'
+ )
+ ;;
+ selinuxexeccon)
+ args=(
+ '1:command:_files -g "*(-*)"'
+ '2:from context:_selinux_contexts'
+ )
+ ;;
+ semanage)
+ _arguments -C \
+ {-h,--help}'[display help information]' \
+ ': :->command' \
+ '*::: := ->option-or-argument' && ret=0
+ case $state in
+ command)
+ local -a subcmds
+ subcmds=(
+ import:'import local customizations'
+ export:'output local customizations'
+ login:'manage login mappings between linux users and SELinux confined users'
+ user:'manage SELinux confined users (Roles and levels for an SELinux user)'
+ port:'manage network port type definitions'
+ interface:'manage network interface type definitions'
+ module:'manage SELinux policy modules'
+ node:'manage network node type definitions'
+ fcontext:'manage file context mapping definitions'
+ boolean:'manage booleans to selectively enable functionality'
+ permissive:'manage process type enforcement mode'
+ dontaudit:'disable/enable dontaudit rules in policy'
+ ibpkey:'manage infiniband pkey type definitions'
+ ibendport:'manage infiniband end port type definitions'
+ )
+ _describe -t commands command subcmds
+ return
+ ;;
+ option-or-argument)
+ (( $#words > 2 )) && ign='!' || ign=''
+ curcontext=${curcontext%:*}-$line[1]:
+ args=(
+ "${ign}(-)"{-h,--help}'[display help information]'
+ '(-S --store)'{-S+,--store=}'[select an alternate SELinux Policy Store to manage]:store:_files'
+ )
+ case $line[1] in
+ ^export)
+ args+=( '(-N --noreload)'{-N,--noreload}"[don't reload policy after commit]" )
+ ;|
+ boolean|fcontext|ibendport|ibpkey|interface|login|module|node|port|user)
+ args+=( '(-C --locallist)'{-C,--locallist}'[list local customizations]' )
+ ;|
+ boolean|fcontext|ibendport|ibpkey|interface|login|module|node|permissive|port|user)
+ args+=(
+ '(-n --noheading)'{-n,--noheading}"[don't print list heading]"
+ '(-l --list)'{-l,--list}'[list records]'
+ '(-E --extract)'{-E,--extract}'[extract customizable commands, for use within a transaction]'
+ )
+ ;|
+ boolean|dontaudit|export|import)
+ args+=( '(-a --add)'{-a,--add}'[add a record]' )
+ ;|
+ boolean|fcontext|ibendport|ibpkey|interface|login|node|permissive|port|user)
+ args+=(
+ '(-d --delete)'{-d,--delete}'[delete a record]'
+ '(-D --deleteall)'{-D,--deleteall}'[remove all local customizations]'
+ )
+ ;|
+ boolean|fcontext|ibendport|ibpkey|interface|login|node|port|user)
+ args+=( '(-m --modify)'{-m,--modify}'[modify a record]' )
+ ;|
+ fcontext|login)
+ args+=( '(-s --seuser)'{-s+,--seuser=}'[SELinux user name]:seuser:_selinux_users' )
+ ;|
+ fcontext|ibendport|ibpkey|interface|node|port)
+ args+=( '(-t --type)'{-t+,--type=}'[SELinux Type for the object]:type:_selinux_contexts -a file_type' )
+ ;|
+ fcontext|ibendport|ibpkey|interface|login|node|port|user)
+ args+=( '(-r --range)'{-r+,--range=}'[specify MLS/MCS Security Range]:range' )
+ ;|
+ import)
+ args+=( '(-f --input_file)'{-f+,--input_file=}'[specify input file]:input file:_files' )
+ ;;
+ export)
+ args+=( '(-f --output_file)'{-f+,--output_file=}'[specify output file]:output_file' )
+ ;;
+ login)
+ args+=( '(-l --list)1: :{ compset -P % && _groups || _users }' )
+ ;;
+ user)
+ args+=(
+ '(-L --level)'{-L,--level}'[default SELinux Level for SELinux user, s0 Default. (MLS/MCS Systems only)]:level'
+ \*{-R,--roles}'[specify SELinux Roles]:roles:_selinux_roles'
+ ': :_selinux_users'
+ )
+ ;;
+ port)
+ args+=(
+ '(-p --proto)'{-p+,--proto=}'[specify protocol for the specified port]:protocol:(tcp udp dccp sctp)'
+ ': :_ports'
+ )
+ ;|
+ interface)
+ args+=( ': :_selinux_interfaces' )
+ ;;
+ module)
+ args+=(
+ '(-P --priority)'{-P+,--priority=}'[select a priority for module operations]:priority [400]'
+ '(-E --extract)'{-E,--extract}'[extract customizable commands, for use within a transaction]'
+ '(-a --add)'{-a,--add}'[add a module]:module name:_selinux_modules'
+ '(-r --remove)'{-r,--remove}'[remove a module]:module name:_selinux_modules'
+ '(-d --disable)'{-d,--disable}'[disable a module]:module name:_selinux_modules'
+ '(-e --enable)'{-e,--enable}'[enable a module]:module name:_selinux_modules'
+ )
+ ;;
+ node)
+ args+=(
+ '(-p --proto)'{-p+,--proto=}'[specify protocol for the specified node]:protocol:(ipv4 ipv6)'
+ '(-M --netmask)'{-M+,--netmask=}'[specify network mask]:netmask'
+ ':node:'
+ )
+ ;;
+ fcontext)
+ args+=(
+ '(-e --equal)'{-e+,--equal=}'[substitute target path with sourcepath when generating default label]:equal'
+ '(-f --ftype)'{-f+,--ftype=}'[specify file type]:file type:((
+ f\:regular\ file
+ d\:directory
+ c\:character\ device
+ b\:block device
+ s\:socket
+ l\:symbolic\ link
+ p\:named\ pipe))'
+ ':file spec (regex):_files'
+ )
+ ;;
+ boolean)
+ args+=(
+ '(-)'{-1,--on}'[enable]'
+ '(-)'{-0,--off}'[disable]'
+ ':boolean:_selinux_bools'
+ )
+ ;;
+ permissive)
+ args+=( '1:type:_selinux_types' )
+ ;;
+ dontaudit)
+ args+=( '1:value:(on off)' )
+ ;;
+ ibpkey)
+ args+=(
+ '(-x --subnet_prefix)'{-x,--subnet_prefix}'[specify subnet prefix for the specified infiniband ibpkey]:subnet prefix'
+ ':pkey:'
+ )
+ ;;
+ ibendport)
+ args+=(
+ '(-z --ibdev_name)'{-z+,--ibdev_name=}'[specify name for the specified infiniband end port]:ibdev name'
+ )
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ semodule)
+ args=(
+ \*{-R,--reload}'[force a reload of policy]'
+ \*{-B,--build}'[build and reload policy]'
+ \*'--refresh[like --build but reuse existing linked policy if module files unchanged]'
+ \*{-D,--disable_dontaudit}'[remove dontaudits from policy]'
+ \*{-i+,--install=}'[install a new module]:module package:_files -g "*.pp(-.)"'
+ \!{-b,--base,-u,--upgrade}':module package:_files -g "*.pp(-.)"'
+ \*{-r+,--remove=}'[remove existing module at desired priority]:module name:_selinux_modules'
+ \*{-l+,--list-modules=-}'[display list of installed modules]::kind:((
+ standard\:highest\ priority,\ enabled\ modules
+ full\:list\ all\ modules
+ ))'
+ \*{-X+,--priority=}'[set priority for following operations]:priority (1-999)'
+ \*{-e,--enable=}'[enable module]:module name:_selinux_modules'
+ \*{-d,--disable=}'[disable module]:module name:_selinux_modules'
+ \*{-E,--extract=}'[extract module]:module name:_selinux_modules'
+ '(-s --store)'{-s+,--store=}'[name of the store to operate on]:store'
+ '(-N -n --noreload)'{-N,-n,--noreload}"[don't reload policy after commit]"
+ '(-v --verbose)'{-v,--verbose}'[be verbose]'
+ '(-P --preserve_tunables)'{-P,--preserve_tunables}'[preserve tunables in policy]'
+ '(-C --ignore-module-cache)'{-C,--ignore-module-cache}'[rebuild CIL modules compiled from HLL files]'
+ '(-p --path)'{-p,--path}'[use an alternate path for the policy root]'
+ '(-S --store-path)'{-S+,--store-path=}'[use an alternate path for the policy store root]:path:_directories'
+ '(-c --cil)'{-c,--cil}'[extract module as cil; only affects module extraction]'
+ '(-H --hll)'{-H,--hll}'[extract module as hll; only affects module extraction]'
+ '(-m --checksum)'{-m,--checksum}'[add SHA256 checksum of modules to the list output]'
+ '!(--refresh)--rebuild-if-modules-changed'
+ "${ign}(-)"{-h,--help}'[display help information]'
+ )
+ ;;
+ semodule_unpackage)
+ args=(
+ ':pp file:_files -g "*.pp(-.)"'
+ ':mod file:_files -g "*.mod(-.)"'
+ ':fc file:_files -g "*.fc(-.)"'
+ )
+ ;;
+ sepolgen)
+ args=( $sepolgen )
+ ;;
+ sepolicy)
+ _arguments -C \
+ '-P+[specify policy to examine]' \
+ "${ign}(- 1)-h[display help information]" \
+ '1:command:((
+ booleans\:"get description of booleans"
+ communicate\:"query if domains can communicate with each other"
+ generate\:"generate policy module template"
+ gui\:"graphical user interface for policies"
+ interface\:"list policy interfaces"
+ manpage\:"generate man pages for policies"
+ network\:"query policy network information"
+ transition\:"query policy to see how a source process domain can transition to the target process domain"))' \
+ '*::: := ->option-or-argument' && ret=0
+ case $state in
+ option-or-argument)
+ curcontext=${curcontext%:*}-$line[1]:
+ args=( '(-)'{-h,--help}'[display help information]' )
+ case $line[1] in
+ transition|communicate)
+ args+=(
+ '(-s --source)'{-s+,--source=}'[specify source domain]:source:_selinux_types -a domain'
+ '(-t --target)'{-t+,--target=}'[specify target domain]:target:_selinux_types -a domain'
+ )
+ ;|
+ manpage|network)
+ args+=(
+ {-d,--domain}'[specify domain]:*: :_selinux_types -a domain'
+ '!*'{-d-,--domain=-}': :_selinux_types -a domain'
+ )
+ ;|
+ booleans)
+ args+=(
+ '(-)'{-a,--all}'[get all booleans descriptions]'
+ \*{-b,--boolean}'[specify boolean to show description]:*:boolean:_selinux_bools'
+ '!(-a --all -h --help)*'{-b-,--boolean=}': :_selinux_bools'
+ )
+ ;;
+ communicate)
+ args+=(
+ '(-c --class)'{-c+,--class=}'[specify class to use for communications]:tclass [file]:_selinux_classes'
+ '(-S --sourceaccess)'{-S+,--sourceaccess=}'[specify permissions for the source type to use]:source access [open,write]'
+ '(-T --targetaccess)'{-T+,--targetaccess=}'[specify permissions for the target type to use]:target access [open,read]'
+ )
+ ;;
+ generate)
+ args=( $sepolgen )
+ ;;
+ interface)
+ args+=(
+ '(-c --compile)'{-c,--compile}'[run compile test for selected interface]'
+ '(-v --verbose)'{-v,--verbose}'[show verbose information]'
+ '(-f --file)'{-f+,--file=}'[specify interface file]:interface file:_files'
+ '(-a --list_admin)'{-a,--list_admin}'[list all domains with admin interface - DOMAIN_admin()]'
+ '(-u --list_user)'{-u,--list_user}'[list all domains with SELinux user role interface - DOMAIN_role()]'
+ '(-l --list)'{-l,--list}'[list all interfaces]'
+ {-i,--interfaces}'[specify interface names]:*:interface:_selinux_interfaces'
+ '!*'{-i-,--interfaces=-}':interface:_selinux_interfaces'
+ )
+ ;;
+ manpage)
+ args+=(
+ '(-p --path)'{-p+,--path=}'[specify path in which the generated selinux man pages will be stored]:path:_directories'
+ '(-o --os)'{-o+,--os=}'[specify name of the OS for man pages]:OS'
+ '(-w --web)'(-w,--web)'[generate HTML man pages structure]'
+ '(-r --root)'{-r+,--root=}'[specify alternate root directory]:root [/]:_directories'
+ '--source_files[alternative root path needs to include file context files and policy.xml file]'
+ '(-a --all -d --domain)'{-a,--all}'[all domains]'
+ )
+ ;;
+ network)
+ args+=(
+ '(-l --list)'{-l,--list}'[list all SELinux port types]'
+ {-p,--port}'[specify type related to the port]:*:port number'
+ '!*'{-p-,--port=-}':port number'
+ {-t,--type}'[show ports defined for this SELinux type]:*:port type:_selinux_types -a port_type'
+ '!*'{-t-,--type=-}':port type:_selinux_types -a port_type'
+ {-d,--domain}'[specify domain]:*:domain:_selinux_types -a domain'
+ '!*'{-d-,--domain=-}':domain:_selinux_types -a domain'
+ {-a,--application}'[show ports to which this application can bind and/or connect]:*:application:_selinux_types -a application_domain_type'
+ '!*'{-a-,--application=-}':domain:_selinux_types -a application_domain_type' # am not sure this is what is meant by applications
+ )
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ sesearch)
+ args=(
+ "${ign}(-h --help)"{-h,--help}'[display help information]'
+ "${ign}--version[display version information]"
+ '(-v --verbose)'{-v,--verbose}'[print extra informational messages]'
+ '--debug[enable debugging]'
+ '-A[search allow and allowxperm rules]'
+ '--allow[search allow rules]'
+ '--allowxperm[search allowxperm rules]'
+ '--auditallow[search auditallow rules]'
+ '--auditallowxperm[search auditallowxperm rules]'
+ '--dontaudit[search dontaudit rules]'
+ '--dontauditxperm[search dontauditxperm rules]'
+ '--neverallow[search neverallow rules]'
+ '--neverallowxperm[search neverallowxperm rules]'
+ '(-T --type_trans)'{-T,--type_trans}'[search type_transition rules]'
+ '--type_change[search type_change rules]'
+ '--type_member[search type_member rules]'
+ '--role_allow[find role allow rules]'
+ '--role_trans[find range_transition rules]'
+ '--range_trans[search range_transition rules]'
+ '(-s --source)'{-s+,--source=}'[source type/role of the TE/RBAC rule]: : _alternative
+ "types\:type\:_selinux_types"
+ "roles\:role\:_selinux_attributes"'
+ '(-t --target)'{-t+,--target=}'[target type/role of the TE/RBAC rule]: : _alternative
+ "types\:type\:_selinux_types"
+ "roles\:role\:_selinux_attributes"'
+ '(-c --class)'{-c+,--class=}'[comma separated list of object classes]:class:_sequence _selinux_classes'
+ '(-p --perms)'{-p+,--perms=}'[comma separated list of permissions]: :_sequence _selinux_permissions'
+ '(-x --xperms)'{-x+,--xperms=}'[comma separated list of extended permissions]:xperms'
+ '(-D --default)'{-D+,--default=}'[default of the rule. (type/role/range transition rules]:default'
+ '(-b --bool)'{-b+,--bool=}'[comma separated list of Booleans in the conditional expression]:bool '
+ '-eb[match Boolean list exactly instead of matching any listed boolean]'
+ '-ep[match permission set exactly instead of matching any listed permission]'
+ '-ex[match extended permission set exactly instead of matching any listed permission]'
+ '-Sp[match rules where the listed permissions are a subset of the rule permissions]'
+ '-ds[match source attributes directly instead of matching member types/roles]'
+ '-dt[match target attributes directly instead of matching member types/roles]'
+ '-rs[use regular expression matching for the source type/role]'
+ '-rt[use regular expression matching for the target type/role]'
+ '-rc[use regular expression matching for the object class]'
+ '-rd[use regular expression matching for the default type/role]'
+ '-rb[use regular expression matching for booleans]'
+ ':policy:_files'
+ )
+ ;;
+ sestatus)
+ args=( '-b[booleans]' '-v[contexts of files and processes listed in the /etc/sestatus.conf]' )
+ ;;
+ setenforce)
+ _alternative \
+ 'enable-args:enable:(Enforcing 1)' \
+ 'disable-args:disable:(Permissive 0)'
+ return
+ ;;
+ setsebool)
+ args=(
+ '-P[make changes persistent by writing pending values to disk]'
+ "-N[don't reload policy from disk]"
+ '-V[print verbose error messages]'
+ ':boolean:_selinux_bools'
+ ': : _values value
+ {1,on}"[enable]"
+ {0,off}"[disable]"'
+ )
+ ;;
+ validatetrans)
+ args=(
+ ':source context:_selinux_contexts'
+ ':target context:_selinux_contexts'
+ ':class:_selinux_classes'
+ ':new context:_selinux_contexts'
+ )
+ ;;
+_arguments -s $args
diff --git a/Completion/Linux/Command/_setpriv b/Completion/Linux/Command/_setpriv
index 9e38152b9..8b8d99785 100644
--- a/Completion/Linux/Command/_setpriv
+++ b/Completion/Linux/Command/_setpriv
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ _arguments -C -S -s \
'--reuid[set real and effective UNIX user id]:UNIX user:_users' \
'--securebits[set "process securebits"]: : _sequence __setpriv_prctl_securebits_set_elements' \
'--pdeathsig[keep, clear, or set parent death signal]: : __setpriv_death_signals' \
- '--selinux-label[request a selinux label]:SELinux labels: ' \
+ '--selinux-label[request a selinux label]:SELinux label:_selinux_contexts' \
'--apparmor-profile[request an apparmor profile]:AppArmor profiles: ' \
'--reset-env[set environment as for a classic login shell]' \
'*:::command: _normal -p $service' \
diff --git a/Completion/Linux/Type/_selinux_contexts b/Completion/Linux/Type/_selinux_contexts
index 4c2cf4288..bdad8e72b 100644
--- a/Completion/Linux/Type/_selinux_contexts
+++ b/Completion/Linux/Type/_selinux_contexts
@@ -1,14 +1,21 @@
-local -a parts suf
+local -a parts users roles types
+zparseopts -E -D a:=types P:=users
+if ! compset -S ':*'; then
+ users+=( -qS : )
+ roles+=( -qS : )
+ [[ $(</sys/fs/selinux/mls) = 0 ]] 2>/dev/null || types+=( -qS : )
parts=( users roles types )
while compset -P 1 '*:' && (( $+parts[1] )) ; do
shift parts
if (( $+parts[1] )); then
- compset -S ':*' || suf=( -S : )
- _selinux_$parts[1] $suf
+ _selinux_$parts[1] ${(P)parts[1]}
_message -e selinux-ranges 'selinux range'
diff --git a/Completion/Linux/Type/_selinux_types b/Completion/Linux/Type/_selinux_types
index ef31f45d2..69047c690 100644
--- a/Completion/Linux/Type/_selinux_types
+++ b/Completion/Linux/Type/_selinux_types
@@ -1,7 +1,19 @@
-local -a setypes expl
+# Pass -a attribute to filter types, e.g.:
+# -a domain - for process types
+# -a file_type - for file types
+# -a port_type - for network ports
+local -a setypes expl extra
+zparseopts -E -D -a extra a:
+if (( $#extra )); then
+ setypes=( ${${${(f)"$(_call_program selinux-types seinfo $extra --flat -x)"}#[[:blank:]]}:1} )
+ setypes=( ${(f)"$(_call_program selinux-types seinfo --flat -t)"} )
-setypes=( ${(f)"$(_call_program selinux-types seinfo --flat -t)"} )
_description selinux-types expl "selinux type"
compadd "$@" "$expl[@]" -a setypes
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_cp b/Completion/Unix/Command/_cp
index da9428ce3..cb899cc28 100644
--- a/Completion/Unix/Command/_cp
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_cp
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ if _pick_variant gnu=GNU unix --version; then
'(-v --verbose)'{-v,--verbose}'[explain what is being done]' \
'(-x --one-file-system)'{-x,--one-file-system}'[stay on this file system]' \
'(--context)-Z[set destination SELinux security context]' \
- '(-Z)--context=-[set destination SELinux security context]:: :_selinux_contexts' \
+ '(-Z)--context=-[set destination SELinux security context]:: :_selinux_contexts -a file_type' \
'(- *)--help' '(- *)--version' \
'*:file or directory:_files'
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_find b/Completion/Unix/Command/_find
index 560b77f7e..4f1c338ee 100644
--- a/Completion/Unix/Command/_find
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_find
@@ -115,14 +115,14 @@ case $variant in
'*-xtype:file type:((b\:block\ special\ file c\:character\ special\ file d\:directory p\:named\ pipe f\:normal\ file l\:symbolic\ link s\:socket))'
- '-files0-from[start recursing from targets in given file]:NUL-separated targets file:_files'
+ '(*)-files0-from[start recursing from targets in given file]:NUL-separated targets file:_files'
'*-fls:output file:_files'
'*-fprint:output file:_files'
'*-fprint0:output file:_files'
'*-fprintf:output file:_files:output format'
'*-printf:output format'
- [[ $OSTYPE = linux-gnu ]] && args+=( '*-context:SELinux context (glob pattern):_selinux_contexts' )
+ [[ $OSTYPE = linux-gnu ]] && args+=( '*-context:SELinux context (glob pattern):_selinux_contexts -a file_type' )
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_install b/Completion/Unix/Command/_install
index 364119961..238b8b5bc 100644
--- a/Completion/Unix/Command/_install
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_install
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ if _pick_variant gnu='Free Soft' unix --version; then
'(-b --backup)--backup=[create backup; optionally specify method]:: :->controls'
- "${lx}--context=-[like -Z, or specify SELinux security context to set]::SELinux security context:_selinux_contexts"
+ "${lx}--context=-[like -Z, or specify SELinux security context to set]::SELinux security context:_selinux_contexts -a file_type"
'-D[create all leading destination path components]'
'(: -)--help[display help information]'
"${lx}--preserve-context[preserve SELinux security context]"
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_mount b/Completion/Unix/Command/_mount
index 5a379b424..3d547fdaa 100644
--- a/Completion/Unix/Command/_mount
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_mount
@@ -334,9 +334,9 @@ if (( ! $+_fs_any )); then
'keybits[set number of bits in encryption key]:key size:(64 128 160 192 256)'
'offset[specify data start for loopback mount]:offset (bytes)'
'(loud)silent' '(silent)loud'
- '(fscontext defcontext)context:context'
- '(context)'{fscontext,defcontext}':context'
- 'rootcontext:context'
+ '(fscontext defcontext)context:context:_selinux_contexts'
+ '(context)'{fscontext,defcontext}':context:_selinux_contexts'
+ 'rootcontext:context:_selinux_contexts'
'uid[set owner of root]:user ID'
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_zfs b/Completion/Unix/Command/_zfs
index 3265e1eb8..c09435a1f 100644
--- a/Completion/Unix/Command/_zfs
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_zfs
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ case $OSTYPE in
rw_ds_props+=( 'relatime:value:(on off)' )
- {,fs,def,root}'context:SELinux context:_selinux_contexts'
+ {,fs,def,root}'context:SELinux context:_selinux_contexts -a file_type'
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