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[BUG] zsh fails to resume function

Hi list, I'm Paolo the zsh maintainer for openSUSE and SUSE Linux
Enterprise distributions.

We were reported by a customer, that zsh fails to re-enter a command on
the right side of a pipe when command is suspended and the program combo
is defined in a function.

To make sure no changes from downstream introduced this bug, I
replicated using a vanilla zsh version 5.9 downloaded from zsh.org
Since the problem is still present, I wrote to you to fix it upstream.

% zsh -f
% fc -l 1 -1 2>&1|less +G             #enter less without using a function
^Z                                    #suspend less
zsh: done       fc -l 1 -1 2>&1 |
zsh: suspended  less +G
% fg                                  #zsh re-enters less properly
: q
[1]  - done       fc -l 1 -1 2>&1 |
       continued  less +G
% h(){ fc -l 1 -1 2>&1|less +G;}
% h                                   #enter less in a function
^Z                                    #suspend less
zsh: done       fc -l 1 -1 2>&1 |
zsh: suspended
% fg                                  #zsh fails to re-enter less
[1]  + done       fc -l 1 -1 2>&1 |
zsh: done                    fc -l 1 -1 2>&1 |
zsh: suspended (tty output)
zsh: done                    fc -l 1 -1 2>&1 |
zsh: suspended (tty output)

Can you please acknowledge the issue and give me a link to backtrack and
follow fix progress in our systems?

Thank you so much

[1] https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1217304
(*_  Paolo Perego                           @thesp0nge
//\  Software security engineer               suse.com
V_/_ 0A1A 2003 9AE0 B09C 51A4 7ACD FC0D CEA6 0806 294B

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