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Re: PATCH: Improve quote handling in _ant completion

On Wed, Nov 29, 2023 at 5:28 PM German Riano <griano@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Sorry, I mean '-r', not '-q'.  In other words, this seems to work: 'print -rn "'$ln' ". But (qq) looks better

Is there a reason $ln could not have any single-quotes in it?

The other thing puzzling me a little, is why this line (original source)

  print -n "'${default_target}:(Default target) ' "

has a space both inside and outside the closing single quote?  Why are
both needed?  Whereas this

  print -n "'$ln' "

has a space only following the single quote.  Does $ln always already
end in a space?

I don't have and have never used ant.

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