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[PATCH v6] regexp-replace and ^, word boundary or look-behind operators (and more).
- X-seq: zsh-workers 52727
- From: Stephane Chazelas <stephane@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- To: Zsh hackers list <zsh-workers@xxxxxxx>
- Subject: [PATCH v6] regexp-replace and ^, word boundary or look-behind operators (and more).
- Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2024 19:52:01 +0000
- Archived-at: <https://zsh.org/workers/52727>
- In-reply-to: <20240309130310.5zovit5jk6l4rnak@chazelas.org>
- List-id: <zsh-workers.zsh.org>
- Mail-followup-to: Zsh hackers list <zsh-workers@xxxxxxx>
- References: <20191216212706.i3xvf6hn5h3jwkjh@chaz.gmail.com> <20191217073846.4usg2hnsk66bhqvl@chaz.gmail.com> <20191217111113.z242f4g6sx7xdwru@chaz.gmail.com> <2ea6feb3-a686-4d83-ab27-6a582424487c@www.fastmail.com> <20200101140343.qwfx2xaojumuds3d@chaz.gmail.com> <20210430061117.buyhdhky5crqjrf2@chazelas.org> <CAH+w=7bHxSbFr60ZU0+oZ6+qEejhfBYTzvL7=aXadY5XzWtSzw@mail.gmail.com> <20210505114521.bemoiekpophssbug@chazelas.org> <20240308153050.u63fqtcjyr2yewye@chazelas.org> <20240309130310.5zovit5jk6l4rnak@chazelas.org>
2024-03-09 13:03:10 +0000, Stephane Chazelas:
> I'll send a v6 likely using namespaced variables rather than
> going back to using positional parameters, once I understand the
> point of using .regexp_replace.myvar over _regexp_replace_myvar
So here it is. I ended up using none of the new features
(nameref and namespace) as they were not overly useful in this
instance and that means the code can be used as-is in older
versions. I'm using $_regexp_replace_localvarname for
namespacing. I compared performance with
${.regexp_replace.localvarname} and they were similar (the
latter about 2-3% slower in my limited tests).
diff --git a/Functions/Misc/regexp-replace b/Functions/Misc/regexp-replace
index d4408f0f7..630a5ceab 100644
--- a/Functions/Misc/regexp-replace
+++ b/Functions/Misc/regexp-replace
@@ -1,91 +1,99 @@
-# Replace all occurrences of a regular expression in a variable. The
-# variable is modified directly. Respects the setting of the
-# option RE_MATCH_PCRE.
+# Replace all occurrences of a regular expression in a scalar variable.
+# The variable is modified directly. Respects the setting of the option
+# RE_MATCH_PCRE, but otherwise sets the zsh emulation mode.
-# First argument: *name* (not contents) of variable.
-# Second argument: regular expression
-# Third argument: replacement string. This can contain all forms of
-# $ and backtick substitutions; in particular, $MATCH will be replaced
-# by the portion of the string matched by the regular expression.
-# we use positional parameters instead of variables to avoid
-# clashing with the user's variable. Make sure we start with 3 and only
-# 3 elements:
-argv=("$1" "$2" "$3")
-# $4 records whether pcre is enabled as that information would otherwise
-# be lost after emulate -L zsh
-[[ -o re_match_pcre ]] && 4=1
+# Arguments:
+# 1. *name* (not contents) of variable or more generally any lvalue;
+# expected to be scalar.
+# 2. regular expression
+# 3. replacement string. This can contain all forms of
+# $ and backtick substitutions; in particular, $MATCH will be
+# replaced by the portion of the string matched by the regular
+# expression. Parsing errors are fatal to the shell process.
+if (( $# < 2 || $# > 3 )); then
+ setopt localoptions functionargzero
+ print -ru2 "Usage: $0 <varname> <regexp> [<replacement>]"
+ return 2
+local _regexp_replace_use_pcre=0
+[[ -o re_match_pcre ]] && _regexp_replace_use_pcre=1
emulate -L zsh
+local _regexp_replace_subject=${(P)1} \
+ _regexp_replace_regexp=$2 \
+ _regexp_replace_replacement=$3 \
+ _regexp_replace_result \
local -a match mbegin mend
-if (( $4 )); then
+if (( _regexp_replace_use_pcre )); then
# if using pcre, we're using pcre_match and a running offset
# That's needed for ^, \A, \b, and look-behind operators to work
# properly.
zmodload zsh/pcre || return 2
- pcre_compile -- "$2" && pcre_study || return 2
+ pcre_compile -- "$_regexp_replace_regexp" && pcre_study || return 2
+ local _regexp_replace_offset=0 _regexp_replace_start _regexp_replace_stop _regexp_replace_new ZPCRE_OP
+ local -a _regexp_replace_finds
- # $4 is the current *byte* offset, $5, $6 reserved for later use
- 4=0 6=
+ while pcre_match -b -n $_regexp_replace_offset -- "$_regexp_replace_subject"; do
+ # we need to perform the evaluation in a scalar assignment so that
+ # if it generates an array, the elements are converted to string (by
+ # joining with the first chararacter of $IFS as usual)
+ _regexp_replace_new=${(Xe)_regexp_replace_replacement}
- local ZPCRE_OP
- while pcre_match -b -n $4 -- "${(P)1}"; do
- # append offsets and computed replacement to the array
- # we need to perform the evaluation in a scalar assignment so that if
- # it generates an array, the elements are converted to string (by
- # joining with the first character of $IFS as usual)
- 5=${(e)3}
- argv+=(${(s: :)ZPCRE_OP} "$5")
+ _regexp_replace_finds+=( ${(s[ ])ZPCRE_OP} "$_regexp_replace_new" )
# for 0-width matches, increase offset by 1 to avoid
# infinite loop
- 4=$((argv[-2] + (argv[-3] == argv[-2])))
+ (( _regexp_replace_offset = _regexp_replace_finds[-2] + (_regexp_replace_finds[-3] == _regexp_replace_finds[-2]) ))
- (($# > 6)) || return # no match
+ (( $#_regexp_replace_finds )) || return # no match
- set +o multibyte
+ unsetopt multibyte
- # $5 contains the result, $6 the current offset
- 5= 6=1
- for 2 3 4 in "$@[7,-1]"; do
- 5+=${(P)1[$6,$2]}$4
- 6=$(($3 + 1))
+ _regexp_replace_offset=1
+ for _regexp_replace_start _regexp_replace_stop _regexp_replace_new in "$_regexp_replace_finds[@]"; do
+ _regexp_replace_result+=${_regexp_replace_subject[_regexp_replace_offset,_regexp_replace_start]}$_regexp_replace_new
+ (( _regexp_replace_offset = _regexp_replace_stop + 1 ))
- 5+=${(P)1[$6,-1]}
+ _regexp_replace_result+=${_regexp_replace_subject[_regexp_replace_offset,-1]}
+else # no PCRE
# in ERE, we can't use an offset so ^, (and \<, \b, \B, [[:<:]] where
# available) won't work properly.
- # $4 is the string to be matched
- 4=${(P)1}
- while [[ -n $4 ]]; do
- if [[ $4 =~ $2 ]]; then
- # append initial part and substituted match
- 5+=${4[1,MBEGIN-1]}${(e)3}
- # truncate remaining string
- if ((MEND < MBEGIN)); then
- # zero-width match, skip one character for the next match
- ((MEND++))
- 5+=${4[1]}
- fi
- 4=${4[MEND+1,-1]}
- # indicate we did something
- 6=1
- else
- break
+ local _regexp_replace_ok=0
+ while [[ $_regexp_replace_subject =~ $_regexp_replace_regexp ]]; do
+ # append initial part and substituted match
+ _regexp_replace_result+=$_regexp_replace_subject[1,MBEGIN-1]${(Xe)_regexp_replace_replacement}
+ # truncate remaining string
+ if (( MEND < MBEGIN )); then
+ # zero-width match, skip one character for the next match
+ (( MEND++ ))
+ _regexp_replace_result+=$_regexp_replace_subject[MBEGIN]
+ _regexp_replace_subject=$_regexp_replace_subject[MEND+1,-1]
+ _regexp_replace_ok=1
+ [[ -z $_regexp_replace_subject ]] && break
- [[ -n $6 ]] || return # no match
- 5+=$4
+ (( _regexp_replace_ok )) || return
+ _regexp_replace_result+=$_regexp_replace_subject
-eval $1=\$5
+# assign result to target variable if at least one substitution was
+# made. At this point, if the variable was originally array or assoc, it
+# is converted to scalar. If $1 doesn't contain a valid lvalue
+# specification, an exception is raised (exits the shell process if
+# non-interactive).
+: ${(P)1::="$_regexp_replace_result"}
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