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Re: HIST_IGNORE_DUPS also ignores command lines that differ by a space between quotes

On 2024-03-16 09:00:28 -0700, Bart Schaefer wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 15, 2024 at 5:53 AM Vincent Lefevre <vincent@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Note that spelling correction, which occurs *before* the line is put
> > in the history, detects quoted text and won't try to correct it.
> Spelling correction is actually performed by the lexer, at the same
> time as alias expansion.
> > it seems that "quoted status" can be taken into account at that point.
> Not without separately storing both the original and lexed state of
> the text.

I don't understand what you mean. The original text does *not*
seem to be used, as what is put in the history is the contents
*after* spelling correction. Moreover, the difference concerning
spaces between word splitting and quoted text is already taking
into account for HIST_REDUCE_BLANKS (which I'm using). I don't
see why it cannot be used for HIST_IGNORE_DUPS too.

qaa:~> echo fil   "foo   bar"
zsh: correct 'fil' to 'file' [nyae]? y
file foo   bar

Recalling the command from the history:

qaa:~> echo file "foo   bar"

As you can see, in the history, "fil" has changed to "file" as
corrected, and the 3 spaces after "fil"/"file" have been squashed
to a single one due to HIST_REDUCE_BLANKS.

> Which is in fact done internally, but for hopefully obvious
> reasons is not done in the history file, which (during
> reading/writing) is where most duplicate elimination has to occur.

The history file is not concerned here. This happens with "zsh -f",
where there is no history file:

qaa:~> zsh -f
qaa% setopt HIST_IGNORE_DUPS
qaa% echo "a b"
a b
qaa% echo "a  b"
a  b
qaa% history 
    1  setopt HIST_IGNORE_DUPS
    2  echo "a  b"

BTW, the zshoptions(1) man page correctly says "history list",
not "history file":

        Do not enter command lines into the history list if they are
        duplicates of the previous event.

Vincent Lefèvre <vincent@xxxxxxxxxx> - Web: <https://www.vinc17.net/>
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