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Re: [PATCH 0/1] zsh/random module

On Sun, Mar 24, 2024 at 7:11 AM Clinton Bunch <cdb_zsh@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> zrand_int takes 0-3 arguments, an exclusive upper bound, a lower bound,
> a flag to make the upper bound inclusive.

Documentation remarks:

+optional.  If none are specified it is equivilent to

Typo: "equivalent'

+tt(inclusive) is a flag to determine whether the result can ever equal
+tt(upper).  By default it can not. If this argument is set to a non-zero value
+then it can.

Something about the use of "can" in those sentences strikes me as odd.
  a flag that controls whether the result is ever equal to
  by default it is not
  then it may be

+possible return values 0-15, in order to use it as an array index which goes
+from 1-16 you need to add one.  Since it can return zero, you don't want it
+to return 16.

It took me a few re-readings to figure out that "16" is meant as an
example result of $#a from the previous two expressions.  The switch
to addressing the reader as in "you need" / "you don't want" threw me
off.  Perhaps adding:
  For example, if $#a is 16,
and then end sentence and start again:
  values 0-15.  Thus in order
I might also change "Since" to "Because".

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