Zsh Mailing List Archive
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Re: broken patch in Zsh Mailing List Archive

On Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 8:11 AM Jun. T <takimoto-j@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> So what is the recommended way to send a patch?
> Include in the mail text (and do not attach a file), or,
> if it is not possible, attach a file?

The ideal would be to include it in the mail text, but that requires
that the mail be (plain) text without line folding, and that's
increasingly difficult to enforce, particularly with web-based
interfaces (scowling at you, gmail).

So the practice I've been following (when I don't forget / am not
answering in a hurry) is to create a text/plain (.txt) file and attach
it, because the zsh.org archive will inline that as if it were in the
mail text.

Sending the patch in both places is just confusing.

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