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When $PWD contains colon, completions for Makefile become broken.

I found zsh suddenly cannot complete targets of Makefile at current $PWD, so I digged into the source code


And found this line:
  # I added the following two lines for debugging 
  echo "[DEBUG] PWD == $PWD"
  echo "[DEBUG] basedir == $basedir"

 I added the two `echo` for debugging, and it outputs:

[DEBUG] PWD == /home/user/workspace/_obs/home:username/packagename
[DEBUG] basedir == /home/user/workspace/_obs/home/username/packagename/

The reason seems to be that the $PWD contains a colon (`:`). However, in Open Build Service (a service provided by openSUSE), its CLI command `osc` always creates lots of folders whose name containing colons in localhost (it's the naming rule of Open Build Service).

I also tried to look into this line for a fix, but I found I don't sure why it processed PWD in such way on purpose, so I think I should report a bug to the original developers first instead of making a patch for it.

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