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PATCH: setxkbmap completion

This updates the setxkbmap completion with newer options.

On systemd systems, localectl seems to be a more reliable way to get
lists of keymaps, layouts etc so it now uses that with probing files
remaining as a fallback. The use of sed could probably be converted to
native zsh but sed was easier. I'm unsure what exactly would be the
valid arguments to some of the options but all the more common things
are covered.


diff --git a/Completion/X/Command/_setxkbmap b/Completion/X/Command/_setxkbmap
index 882a6f939..0850d5419 100644
--- a/Completion/X/Command/_setxkbmap
+++ b/Completion/X/Command/_setxkbmap
@@ -1,101 +1,119 @@
 #compdef setxkbmap
-# TODO:
-# model, option, symbols and types suggestions
-# take -layout and -variant into account
+local curcontext="$curcontext" sourcedir layout ret=1
+local -a state state_descr line expl matches suf
+local -A opt_args
-_setxkbmap() {
-    emulate -L zsh
-    setopt extendedglob
+_arguments -C \
+  '(-)'{-\?,-help}'[display help message]' \
+  '-compat[compatibility map]:compatibility:->compatmaps' \
+  '-config[configuration file]:configuration:_files' \
+  '-device[specify numeric id of the input device]:device:->devices' \
+  '-display[display]:display:_x_display' \
+  '-geometry[geometry component]:geometry:->geometries' \
+  '*-I+[add a directory to be searched for layout or rules files]: :_directories' \
+  '-keycodes[specify keycodes component name]:name' \
+  '-keymap[specify keymap to load]:keymap' \
+  '-layout[specify layout used to choose component names]:layout:->layouts' \
+  '-model[specify model used to choose component names]:model:->models' \
+  '*-option[add an xkb option]:option:->options' \
+  '(-)'-print'[print a complete xkb_keymap description]' \
+  '-query[print the current layout settings]' \
+  '-rules[specify rules file to use]:rules:->rules' \
+  '-symbols[specify symbols component name]:symbol' \
+  '-synch[force synchronization]' \
+  '-types[types components]:type:->types' \
+  '(-verbose -v)'{-verbose,-v}'[set verbosity level]:verbosity:(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)' \
+  '(-)-version[display version information]' \
+  '-variant[specify layout variant used to choose component name]:variant:->variants' \
+  '1:layout:->layouts' \
+  '2:variant:->variants' \
+  '*:option:->options' && ret=0
-    # xkb files may be in different places depending on system
-    local dir sourcedir fullname
-    local -a searchdirs=(${XDG_DATA_HOME:-~/.local/share} ${(s.:.)XDG_DATA_DIRS:-/usr/lib:/usr/share:/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/share})
-    for dir in $searchdirs; do
-        fullname="$dir/X11/xkb"
-        if [ -d $fullname ] ; then
-           sourcedir=$fullname
-           break
-        fi
-    done
-    [ -d $sourcedir ] || return 1
+if [[ -n $state ]]; then
+  local open='(' close=')'
+  compquote open close
-    local -a arguments
-    arguments=(
-        '-compat[compatibility map]:compatibility:_setxkbmap_compat'
-        '-config[configuration file]:configuration:_files'
-        '-display[display]:display:_x_display'
-        '-geometry[geometry component]:geometry:_setxkbmap_geometry'
-        '-model[model name]:model:'
-        '-option[xkb option]:option:'
-        '(-)'-print'[print component names]'
-        '-rules[rules file]:rules:_files'
-        '-symbols[symbols components]:symbols:'
-        '(-)'{-help,-h}'[display help message]'
-        '-synch[force synchronization]'
-        '-types[types components]:types:'
-        '(-verbose -v)'{-verbose,-v}'[set verbosity level]:verbosity:(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)'
-        '*::keyboard:_setxkbmap_dispatcher'
-    )
-    _arguments $arguments
-_setxkbmap_dispatcher () {
-    case $CURRENT in
-        1)
-            _setxkbmap_layout
-        ;;
-        2)
-            _setxkbmap_variant "$words[1]"
-        ;;
-    esac
-_setxkbmap_files () {
-    local dir="$1"
-    local label="$2"
-    local -a fullpath shortpath expl
-    fullpath=($sourcedir/$dir/**/*~*README(.))
-    shortpath=(${fullpath#$sourcedir\/$dir\/})
-    _wanted layout expl $label compadd -a - shortpath
-(( $+functions[_setxkbmap_compat] )) ||
-_setxkbmap_compat() {
-    _setxkbmap_files "compat" "compatibility"
-(( $+functions[_setxkbmap_layout] )) ||
-_setxkbmap_layout () {
-    _setxkbmap_files "symbols" "layout"
-(( $+functions[_setxkbmap_geometry] )) ||
-_setxkbmap_geometry () {
-    _setxkbmap_files "geometry" "geometry"
-(( $+functions[_setxkbmap_variant] )) ||
-_setxkbmap_variant () {
-    local file=$sourcedir/symbols/${1}
-    local -a variants lines expl
-    if [ ! -f $file ]; then
-        _message "no such layout: ${1}"
-        return 1
+  layout=${opt_args[-layout]:-$line[1]}
+  if [[ $state = layouts ]]; then
+    compset -P '*,'
+    if compset -P 1 '*\('; then
+      layout="${${IPREFIX%$open}##*,}"
+      state=variants state_descr=variant
+      suf=( -S"$close$compstate[quote] " )
+    else
+      suf=( -S$open -r ",('\" \t\n\-" )
+  fi
-    lines=("${(f)$(< ${file})}")
-    variants=(${${${(M)lines:#*xkb_symbols*\"([^\"])##\"*}##*xkb_symbols([^\"])##\"}%%\"*})
-    _wanted variant expl 'variant' compadd -a variants
+  _description $state expl $state_descr
+  if (( $+commands[localectl] )); then
+    case $state in
+      layouts) matches=( $(_call_program layouts localectl list-x11-keymap-layouts) ) ;;
+      models) matches=( $(_call_program layouts localectl list-x11-keymap-models) ) ;;
+      options) matches=( $(_call_program layouts localectl list-x11-keymap-options) ) ;;
+      variants) matches=( $(_call_program layouts localectl list-x11-keymap-variants $layout) ) ;;
+    esac
+  fi
+  if (( ! $#matches )); then
+    sourcedir=$(pkg-config xkeyboard-config --variable=xkb_base 2>/dev/null)
+    [[ -z $sourcedir ]] && sourcedir=(
+      ${XDG_DATA_HOME:-~/.local/share}/X11/xkb(N/)
+      ${(s.:.)XDG_DATA_DIRS:-/usr/lib:/usr/share:/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/share}/X11/xkb(N/)
+    )
+    (( $#sourcedir )) && case $state in
+      layouts) matches=( $sourcedir/symbols/**/^README(.Ne."REPLY=\${REPLY#*/symbols/}".) ) ;;
+      compatmaps) matches=( $sourcedir/compat/^README(.:t) ) ;;
+      models) matches=( $(sed -n '/modelList/,/\/modelList/ s, *<name>\(.*\)</name>,\1,p' $sourcedir/rules/(evdev|base).xml(.N[1])) ) ;;
+      options) matches=( $(sed -n '/optionList/,/\/optionList/ s, *<name>\(.*\)</name>,\1,p' $sourcedir/rules/(evdev|base).xml(.N[1])) ) ;;
+      rules) matches=( $sourcedir/rules/*.lst(-.:t:r) ) ;;
+      types) matches=( $sourcedir/types/^README(.:t) ) ;;
+      variants)
+        [[ -n $layout && -r $sourcedir/symbols/$layout ]] && matches=(
+            ${${${(M)${(f)"$(<$sourcedir/symbols/$layout)"}:#*xkb_symbols*\"([^\"])##\"*}##*xkb_symbols([^\"])##\"}%%\"*}
+        )
+      ;;
+      geometries)
+        if compset -P 1 '*\('; then
+          layout="${${IPREFIX%$open}##*,}"
+          suf=( -S"$close$compstate[quote] " )
+          matches=( $(sed -n -e '/xkb_geometry/ s/[^"]*"\([^"]*\).*/\1/p' $sourcedir/geometry/${IPREFIX%%[\\(]#}(.N)) )
+        else
+          suf=( -S$open -r "('\" \t\n\-" )
+          matches=( $sourcedir/geometry/^README(.:t) )
+        fi
+      ;;
+      devices)
+        # copied from _xinput
+        if (( $+commands[xinput] )); then
+          local -a ids names disp
+          local out
+          ids=( ${${(f)"$(_call_program input-devices xinput list --id-only)"}#? } )
+          names=( ${${(f)"$(_call_program input-devices xinput list --name-only)"}#? } )
+          disp=( ${(f)"$(_call_program input-devices xinput list --short)"} )
+          if [[ $PREFIX$SUFFIX = [^-]*[^0-9]* ]]; then
+            # match based on the names but insert IDs
+            compadd "$expl[@]" -M 'b:=* m:{[:lower:]}={[:upper:]}' -D ids -D disp -a names
+            compadd "$expl[@]" -U -ld disp -a ids && ret=0
-_setxkbmap "$@"
+            zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:input-devices" insert-ids out || out=menu
+            case "$out" in
+              menu)   compstate[insert]=menu ;;
+              single) [[ $#ids -ne 1 && $compstate[insert] != menu ]] &&
+                          compstate[insert]= ;;
+              *)      [[ ${#:-$PREFIX$SUFFIX} -gt ${#compstate[unambiguous]} ]] &&
+                          compstate[insert]=menu ;;
+            esac
+          else
+            compadd "$expl[@]" -M 'B:0=' -o nosort -ld disp -a ids && ret=0
+          fi
+        fi
+        return ret
+      ;;
+    esac
+  fi
+  compadd "$expl[@]" $suf -a matches && ret=0
+return ret

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