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Dangerous feature - multios with globbing

Hi, I've been a very happy zsh user for the last 30 years (yes, really :-) before that, I had used ksh).
Today I stumbled across a dangerous feature that I have never noticed before. I *wanted* to type:

     xv *

In a directory with 4000 photos, to view them.
But by mistake, I typed:

    xv > *

Note the extra ">".

This mistake should have been benign - ksh says in this case "ksh: *: Ambiguous", and bash says "bash: *: ambiguous redirect", and creating a file called "*" would also be fine. But I wasn't that lucky :-( What actually happened was that all my files - 4000 of them - were truncated to size 0!

It turns out that this dangerous feature is actually documented in the zsh manual page:

       If  the MULTIOS option is set, the word after a redirection operator is
       also subjected to filename generation (globbing).  Thus
              : > *
       will truncate all files in the current directory, assuming  there's  at
       least  one.  (Without the MULTIOS option, it would create an empty file
       called `*'.)

But the fact that this behavior is documented doesn't make it any less dangerous, and to be honest - it makes absolutely no sense to me.

I quickly added "set +o multios" in my ~/.zshrc so this will never happen to me again - at the cost of losing the multios feature completely.
But maybe just this multios-plus-globbing feature should be disabled (or made a separate option, disabled by default) so that future zsh users don't loose 4000 of their photos, or don't need to disable the multios feature?


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