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RE: Feedback on prototype reorganized Zsh website


[Sorry for the late response. Been going through some hardship (to put
 it mildly...).]
On Wed, 23 Oct 2024 23:28:09 -0500, Clinton Bunch <cdb_zsh@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> https://zsh.clintonbunch.name/

Seems to largely render fine w/ lynx(1); me did however spot one layout

 * 2022-05-14Release 5.9

None of the news items have a space between the date and the subject
line. It seems like you're relying on CSS for simple spacing; don't do
that :)

Me's been having trouble finding a simple (as in, without loads of
obtuse dependencies), reliable program to render SVG images, so me'd
personally prefer if you'd just use pre-rendered copies, or leave them
out altogether (it's a textual project, after all). Just sayin'... 

Overall: not a bad job.


Friggin' Machines!

Please help! https://givesendgo.com/GD4jV

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