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Re: [PATCH] use clear-to-end to reduce trailing whitespace

On Thu, Jan 16, 2025 at 10:30 AM Daniel Colascione <dancol@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The cause seems to be excessively conservative conditions applied to use
> of the clear-to-end terminal control code.  The patch below seems to
> address the problem.  It also gets rid of the "is the control sequence
> longer than the spaces" cost check, because zsh should be using
> clear-to-end even when it could send fewer characters by padding with
> spaces because padding with spaces produces display and copy-and-paste
> artifacts in terminals.

Thanks for the suggested patch.  Remarks:

1) Does anyone have any thoughts on how often zsh is still used on
low-bandwidth connections/displays?  I wonder if the old code should
be kept but made conditional on the value of $BAUD or the like.

2) I'd also like to hear more feedback about discarding the "hasam"
conditional test.  Are there really no longer any automargin terminals
suffering from the wrap bug?

3) Has this been tested with RPS1 / RPS2 settings?  With and without

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