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Permissions regarding the Zsh logo

Hello team,

I wanted to ask about a variant of the Zsh logo and know if that's valid for usage as an icon.

I see the Zsh logo as being composed of two parts, the "%_" prompt and the window shape with text "ZSH".

I was looking at the Zsh logo included in Simple Icons (attached), and it is the full one, with both elements. Simple Icons logos are generally simplified to allow them to be visually identified even when scaling them down.

Which brings me to my question: Would it be acceptable to use only the "prompt" as the logo for Zsh, specifically for this use-case? It would still be easily distinguished as "%_" does not appear in any other logo and would look great even in small sizes. I have noticed that Zsh uses just "%_" in the website favicon (attached) so there is a justification for it being visually distinct on its own.

This is not without precedent, the Ruby on Rails logo in Simple Icons (attached) is just the track part of their logo with the "Rails" text dropped.

Here is the GitHub issue where I proposed the change. Looking forward to your blessing to proceed with this simplified icon!

Thank you,
Best regards,
Dhruv Bhanushali

PS: I am a huge fan of Zsh, thank you for its continuous development!

Attachment: Screenshot 2025-02-01 at 9.33.37 AM.png
Description: =?utf-8?B?U2NyZWVuc2hvdCAyMDI1LTAyLTAxIGF0IDkuMzMuMzfigK9BTS5wbmc=?=

Attachment: Screenshot 2025-02-01 at 9.36.54 AM.png
Description: =?utf-8?B?U2NyZWVuc2hvdCAyMDI1LTAyLTAxIGF0IDkuMzYuNTTigK9BTS5wbmc=?=

Attachment: Screenshot 2025-02-01 at 9.39.38 AM.png
Description: =?utf-8?B?U2NyZWVuc2hvdCAyMDI1LTAyLTAxIGF0IDkuMzkuMzjigK9BTS5wbmc=?=

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