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Re: PATCH: query terminal properties on ZLE startup

Bart Schaefer wrote:
> I was initially thinking from setup of the zleparameter module rather
> than the zle module, but I suppose these aren't strictly zle
> parameters?

Yes, if moved out to a different module it should probably be it's own module
rather than zleparameter.

> The other choice would be to wait until at least one of them was
> referenced, that is, make them autoloaded parameters instead of
> prepopulating them ... but I didn't parse the rest of the patch source
> closely so maybe that's not relevant.

That could be an option but after weighing pros/cons, I'd be inclined to
leave it as it is unless we find the query escape sequences cause major
problems or unless someone has some thoughts I haven't considered(?).

It's likely that we'll add C code which uses the results meaning there
wouldn't be a variable reference. The nearcolor autoload patch already
does this and I have a couple of further features in mind that would
also do this.

If done as part of a parameter autoload, we have little control over
when it happens. If it's inside a subshell, we might end up duplicating
the queries. Where I've seen issues in testing, these were display
artifacts and for those it is best to get them over with early at a
point where they're rapidly hidden.


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