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improving the mail compctl

Up until now I have been using the mail compctl found in the
zshcompctl man page:
	compctl -u -x 's[+] c[-1,-f],s[-f+]' -g '~/Mail/*(:t)' \
	   - 's[-f],c[-1,-f]' -f -- mail elm mutt

My current mailer is mutt and I keep a seperate folder for everyone I
mail. This gets messy if I let everything fall in my ~/Mail directory,
so I have started creating directories under that like:
So now I would like to modify the above compctl to support tab
completion for the following:
	mutt -f +family/dad
but since the above compctl uses (:t) I'm out of luck. Is there any
nice way to do this; or do I have to create a function that does an
ls? I realize I will also have to seperate the "mutt dad" case from
the "mutt -f +family/dad" case, but that isn't my worry right now...


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