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bindkey -s question

I'm trying to bind ^L to a key sequence that will reset my xterm saved
lines.  The escape sequence ^[c does the trick if I do

    echo -n c

at the command line.  However, if I try

    bindkey -s "^L" "echo -n ^[c"

it just prints a new prompt as if I'd typed return.  (Note I've typed all
the control charaters using ^V first; I'm just typing them safely here.)

I managed to get somewhat the behavior I want by

    zle -N clear-screen2
    function clear-screen2 () { echo -n ^[c; zle clear-screen }
    bindkey "^L" clear-screen2

Without the call to clear-screen, the prompt doesn't get printed, but with
it there's a slight flash.

I'm using xterm-70, if that makes any difference.

How should I be going about this?


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